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Cultural heritage is a symbol of the history, traditions and culture of a country, but through various causes like wars and natural disasters, there are many properties of precious tangible and intangible cultural heritage which are currently placed at risk. International cooperation to protect cultural heritage not only shows respect for the cultures of others, but also creates a stable foundation for the international community. Accordingly, Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been concentrating on that as one of the pillars its diplomatic (外交的) policy.

For tangible cultural heritage, Japan is taking part in the international system of protection established through the World Heritage Convention. It has also been donating money for the protection of the historic ruins and buildings in various countries through the Japanese Funds-in-Trust for the Preservation of the World Cultural Heritage set up through UNESCO, and by employing the excellent repair skills developed in Japan.

For intangible cultural heritage, Japan began well-developed domestic efforts for their protection with the establishment of the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties in 1950, far ahead of other countries. Since then, it has been using the knowledge that it gained through that experience to take a leading role in the creation and enforcement of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the. Intangible Cultural Heritage. In addition, Japan has also been financially supporting the conservation of traditional dances, music, and craftsmanship in various countries through the Japanese Funds-in-Trust.

Cultural diplomacy may take a long time to yield results. Nevertheless, Japan believes the support for the cultural heritage is the pride of people in a nation which touches the hearts of people directly. This kind of aid does not stop with just material but also conveys Japan’s knowledge, skills and heart, which can bring about a great long-term benefit.

【小题1】What does-the underlined word “that” in paragraph 1 refer to?
A.Building an international community
B.Creating a stable foundation for the world.
C.Showing respect for the cultures of other countries.
D.Cooperating with other countries for cultural heritage.
【小题2】How does Japan help protect both tangible and intangible cultural heritage?
A.Donating money.B.Using repair skills.
C.Making relevant laws.D.Setting a good example.
【小题3】Why is Japan positive about protecting cultural heritage in other countries?
A.It helps to sell of Japan’s skills.
B.It brings about immediate benefits.
C.It advances international relationship.
D.It strengthens the national pride of Japanese.
【小题4】Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Japan’s Cultural Heritage at Risk
B.Japan’s Cultural Diplomatic Policy
C.The Benefits of Cherishing Culture
D.The Classification of Cultural Heritage
知识点:文化保护说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

In the long river of inheriting and preserving intangible cultural heritages, people have encountered numerous challenges, especially in this rapidly developing era. Fortunately, there are still many individuals who persistently make efforts to safeguard it.

Chang Yangyang is such a person. As an inheritor of intangible cultural heritage, he once worked at a factory. Although he had learned the craft paper-cutting from his grandmother since childhood, in the eyes of Chang’s parents, a hobby was far less precious than a stable job. They didn’t change their minds until he won third prize in a national paper-cutting competition in 2010. This opened a new door for him in paper-cutting, which strengthened his determination to continue his career in the craft.

In addition to practicing skills diligently, Chang thought more about how to promote the Mengjin paper-cutting culture and let more people know about this intangible cultural heritage.

In his early years, Chang conducted local training and salons. Later, He tried Douyin live-streaming. At first, Chang was shy. But gradually, he became more familiar with it and learned to interact with viewers. In this way, he expanded his audience and followers from dozens of people to hundreds of thousands.

The young paper-cutting artist and instructor hopes there are more young people learning the art. It is for this reason that he currently teaches the art of paper-cutting at several local primary schools, Chang says his life dream is to establish a paper-cutting museum one day so people can learn more about the art form and grow to love it as much as he does.

With more young craftsmen like Chang injecting fresh energy, the intangible cultural heritage will be able to continue sharing the same clear wind with mountains and forests, and the same bright moon with rivers in the future years, moving towards eternity.

【小题1】How did Chang’s parents find his paper-cutting career before 2010?
【小题2】What did Chang do to promote paper-cutting?
A.He spread paper-cutting online.B.He opened a paper-cutting school.
C.He took part in many competitions.D.He practiced the skills occasionally.
【小题3】What’s Chang’s dream for the future?
A.Make profit from paper-cutting.B.Learn more about other art forms.
C.Establish a paper-cutting museum.D.Expand his audience and followers.
【小题4】Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Young man with happy stories.B.Traditions in Chang’s family.
C.Intangible cultural heritages in history.D.New craftsman with old craft.

Is there a need to rebuild the Old Summer Palace? In reply to such a proposal from a national lawmaker, the National Cultural Heritage Administration said there was no such need.

The Summer palace on the outskirts of China’s capital is a tranquil park with canals, bridges, pagodas, ginkgo tone ruins, and a few traditional buildings. Despite still covering a large area, the site today represents only a shadow of what stood before.The ruins have long been a potent symbol of China's"humiliation"at the hands of foreign powers.

In 1860, British and French troops looted and burned the Summer Palace in response to the killings of 20 European emissaries during the Second Opium War: Forty years later, it was further damaged by a coalition of foreign nations. Historian Bernard Brizay described these acts of cultural destruction as equivalent to invaders blowing up the Palace of Versaille (凡尔赛宫), looting thousands' of priceless artworks from the Louvre((卢浮宫), and burning France's national library to the ground。

Since rebuilding the Old Summer Palace was first proposed in 1980, there has been an ongoing public debate about whether its ruins should be left to stand as a permanent reminder of China's dark history. The state-run newspaper Guangming Daily called the remains of the Summer Palace "the most realistic teaching materials" for instilling a patriotic education. "Though humiliating, they cause people to think, "an author wrote. “They use a cruei reality to tell all Chinese people: Those who fall behind are struck down, while the strong rise and prosper.”

Those in the rebuild camp want to recapture old glory, but they don't understand the importance of cultural relics. A ruin like Yuan Ming Yuan is a historical record. In this case the history includes its destruction by fire. If you rebuild, you erase the record.

【小题1】What does the underlined word"shadow"mean in paragraph 2?
A.The dark shape that the palace made on the ground
B.The strong and bad influence of the palace
C.The shame that the palace suffered from its history
D.The inseparable follower of the palace
【小题2】Why are the Palace of Versailles and the Louvre mentioned in paragraph 3?
A.To imply that they are also cultural heritage
B.To contrast Chinese palace with French palace
C.To report these palaces were destroyed severely
D.To indicate the damage to the Summer Palace was unbearable
【小题3】Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the passage?
A.The authorities have made specific comments on the lawmaker's proposal.
B.The European troops destroyed the palace in revenge for their loss of emissaries.
C.The palace is a living textbook as a negative example.
D.The disgrace of what the palace experienced shakes people' love for the country.
【小题4】What is the author most likely to agree with?
A.Rebuilding palace won't hide scars.
B.Reproducing the palace history is humiliating.
C.Bringing back the palace's glory can be expected.
D.Whether the palace should be rebuilt remains to be seen.

Noah Higgs hated learning Irish in school. He hated the way it was taught, overly formal and disconnected from ordinary people’s lives. Most of all he hated the effect the lessons had on his fellow students’ willingness to speak the language. But the Dublin native never lost his love for Irish, nor his opinion that more people should be learning the language.

Today, almost 40% of the 7,000 languages spoken worldwide are endangered, according to the United Nations. More are going extinct every year. It was once widely feared that the Internet revolution would accelerate this decline. If developers and smartphone manufacturers aren’t willing to invest in supporting minority languages, that would cut off people who speak them from an important way to communicate and trap those languages in the past.

Higgs, 23, though, is one of a small group of educators and activists reinventing how minority languages are taught and preserved online by using cutting-edge technology.

When he was 17, Higgs had a “crazy teenage idea”. He had begun using Duolingo, a mobile language-learning app, to study French, and wondered if the creators had considered adding support for Irish.

At the time in early 2013, there were five languages on Duolingo, the smallest of which, Italian, has an estimated 67.9 million speakers worldwide. By comparison, at its height in the 18th century, there were an estimated four million Irish speakers. Today the figure is closer to 1.2 million.

“I didn’t get a reply,” Higgs said.

But his email wasn’t ignored. Inside Duolingo’s open-plan, Silicon Valley-style headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, change was going on. Within five years, the language startup would build a library of over 30 languages, including some of the most endangered on the planet.

【小题1】What was the public concern over the Internet revolution?
A.People’s less contact in real life.B.The negative effect on the lessons.
C.Fewer ways of learning languages.D.The decline of endangered languages.
【小题2】What was Higgs’ “crazy teenage idea”?
A.Turning to Duolingo to study French.
B.Teaching minority languages on the Internet.
C.Asking Duolingo developers to support Irish.
D.Using cutting-edge technology to preserve Irish.
【小题3】What can be learned from the last three paragraphs?
A.Higgs’ email went unnoticed.B.Duolingo improved its service.
C.Duolingo’s headquarters changed.D.Irish was on the point of dying out.
