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第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;
The engineer Camillo Olivetti was 40 years old when he started the company in 1908. At his factory in lvera, he designed and produced the first Italian typewriter. Today the company’s head office is still in Ivrea, near Turin, but the company is much lareer than it was in those days and there are offices all around the world.
By 1930 there was a staff of 700 and the company turned out 13,000 machines a year. Some went to customers in Italy, but Olivetti exported more typewriters to other countries.
Camilllo’s son, Adriano, started working for the company in 1924 and later he became the boss. He introduecd a standard speed for the production line and he employed technology and desion specialists. The company developed new and better typewriters and the calculators(计算器).In 1959 it prodyced the ELLA computer system. This was the first mainframe(主机)computer designed and brade in Italy.
After Adriano died in 1960, the company had a period of financial problems. Other companies, especially the Janpanese, made faster progress in electronic technology than the Italian company.
In 1978, Carlo de Benedetti became the new boss. Olivetti increased its marking and service networks and made agreements with other companies to design and produce more advanced office equipment. Soon it became one, of the world’s leading companies in informationg technology and communications. There are now five independent companies in the Olivetti group --- one for personal computers,one for other office equipment, one for systerms and servicse, and two for telecommunications.
【小题1】From the text we learn that__________.
A.by 1930 Olivetti produced 13,000 typewriters a year
B.Olivetti earned more in the 1960s than in the 1950s
C.some of Olivetti,s 700 staff regularly visited customers in Italy
D.Olivetti set up offices in other countries from the very beginning
【小题2】What was probably the direct result of Olivetti,s falling behind in electronic technology?
A.A dtiano’s death.B.A period of financial problem
C.its faster progressD.Its agreements with other companies
【小题3】What do we know about Olivetti ?
A.It produced the best typewriter in the word.
B.It designed the word’s first mainframe computer.
C.It exported more typewriter than other computer.
D.It has five independent companies with its head office in lvrea.
【小题4】The best title for the text would be___________.
A.The Origin of OlivettiB.The Success of Olivetti
C.The History of OlivettiD.The Producich of Olivetti
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My name is Jaimic Eckert and I’ve been into volunteer work since childhood. As a girl, I volunteered at animal shelters, played music at nursing homes, and helped with community cleanup after disasters. In college, I volunteered heavily at a large yearly conference for young adults, which is where I fell in love with my husband-to-be, who was on my team of co-volunteers. Since getting married in 2013, we’ve been living in Beirut, Lebanon. I actually have an online coaching business but I’ve had many opportunities to volunteer with projects for Syrian refugees(难民) and youth education.

Volunteering has been a way of life for me for a very long time, and I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t enjoy it. Most of the time, you do feel that you’re making a difference. Once I was leading out a project that provided food boxes to Syrian refugee families. When it was nearing Ramadan, the biggest holiday season in Islam, I literally stuffed the food package with extra treats... dates, nuts, olive oil and sweets. We took the package unannounced and ended up arriving just as the Syrian family was sitting down on their floor for breakfast.They had nothing more than a few pieces of bread and a pot of tea. The mother was in tears as she received us. I’ll never forget their gratitude.

Another time, back when I was in college in the US, a group of friends and I volunteered to drive to a distant church that was way out in the suburb and had only a few elderly members. The building was in disrepair and the church yard needed attention. We stayed the weekend in the home of one of these old ladies so we could clean and repair the church. I’ll never forget how new life sparkled in her eyes. She couldn’t repair broken doors or pull weeds. but her love for us was unmatched. It breaks my heart to remember this old lady beaming with joy for such small efforts that we made. Sometimes, volunteer work is fulfilling not because of the actual job you get done, but because of how your presence impacts the people around you.

Volunteering makes me a better person because it gets me outside of myself. It puts my focus on others. It makes me grateful for what I have.

【小题1】In writing Paragraph 1, the author aims to____.
A.provide an explanationB.introduce a topic
C.reach a conclusionD.propose a definition
【小题2】What does Paragraph 2 focus on?
A.We brought food to Syrian families.
B.Ramadan is the most important holiday season in Islam.
C.Volunteering affects people in some way.
D.Volunteering is a way of Eckert’s life.
【小题3】Why was the old lady happy?
A.Because finally someone came to comfort them in the church.
B.Because she could clean and repair the church with us.
C.Because of our presence and help.
D.Because we made efforts to entertain her.
【小题4】What message does the story convey?
A.Eckert’s volunteer dream.
B.What volunteering means to Eckert.
C.How volunteering has changed Eckert’s life.
D.Eckert volunteers for Syrian refugees.

Though it’s common that new scientists get international experience as part of their postdoctoral work, acquiring international exposure during one’s PhD study is less common. But it can be rewarding.

I’m in the final year of my PhD course in experimental physics. The PhD program is based at Loughborough University, the UK, but a big part of my experimental work is at the Max Planck Institute in Germany. Coming from England just after my bachelor’s degree in physics was a big step and somewhat risky. I wasn’t sure if it would help my career or suit my personal style. I was faced with a number of questions.

My supervisors (导师), one in England and one in Germany, gave me great freedom to pick research topics and carry out my research at another institute.

I was excited about going to the Max Planck Institute. Once the long road of the PhD is complete, I hope to have the confidence to compete in an increasingly multinational field in order to secure postdoctoral positions. Although moving abroad means reduced contact with my home university and research community, attending conferences in Britain has helped me network and develop a sense of community.

It took some time to settle down, find an apartment, and get used to the local life, surroundings and a different language. In the lab, a simple task was complicated by the language barrier. Still, with persistence, it was an enriching experience both personally and professionally. The Max Planck Institute provided not only an exciting environment, but enough funding that helped expand the output of my research considerably. I had access to equipment and resources hard to find at many institutions.

Thus far, I have no regrets. Doing a PhD abroad has improved my knowledge of physics and clarified my career aspirations (抱负).

【小题1】How does the author find doing PhD study abroad?
A.Very useful.
B.Pretty common.
C.Extremely difficult.
D.Absolutely necessary.
【小题2】What happened to the author when he first studied in Germany?
A.He chose a difficult research topic.
B.He had a hard time finding friends.
C.He made some mistakes in his study.
D.He became confused about his study and life.
【小题3】How did the author’s experience in Britain help him adapt to the new life?
A.By making him confident.
B.By teaching him to socialize.
C.By pulling him out of his comfort zone.
D.By helping him find his passion for life.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Seeking a PhD Abroad
B.Following the Desired Career Path
C.Finding a Place to Further PhD Study
D.Breaking through the Language Barriers

Francis Kéré appears on the screen in a loose white Oxford shirt and an enormous, slightly amazed smile. “Can you imagine?” the newest Pritzker Architecture Prize winner says. “I was born in a little village in Burkina Faso where there was no school then. And my father wanted me to learn how to read and write very simply because then I could then translate or read him his letters.”

The first African winner of the Pritzker Architecture Prize had already received numerous awards in his field, but Kéré was as surprised as anyone else to be selected for the field’s most famous prize. “Francis Kéré is pioneering architecture — sustainable to the earth and its inhabitants — in lands of extreme scarcity,” said committee chair, Tom Pritzker, in a statement. “He is equally architect and servant, improving upon the lives and experiences of countless citizens in a region of the world that is at times forgotten. Through buildings that demonstrate beauty, modesty, boldness and invention, Kéré gracefully deserves this Prize.”

Kéré says his architectural practice was inspired by his own experience attending school with around 100 other children in a region where temperatures are regularly higher than 100 degrees Fahrenheit. “You will sit and it’s very hot inside,” he said. “And there was no light, while outside, the sunlight was strong and in my head the idea one day grew that as an adult, I should make it better. I was thinking about space, about room, about how I can feel better.”

In his designs for Gando Primary School and Naaba Belem Goumma Secondary School in Burkina Faso, Kéré drew on traditional building materials and emphasized shade and shadows with well-ventilated (通风良好的) spaces that reduce the need for air conditioning.

When he was twenty, in 1985, Kéré earned a vocational scholarship to study carpentry in Berlin. But while absorbed in the practicality of roofing and furniture making, he also attended night school and was admitted to Technische Universität Berlin, from which he graduated in 2004 with an advanced degree in architecture. He was still a student when he designed and built Gando Primary School. It turned out to be a springboard for his career and still guides his ethos (理念) today.

【小题1】Which of the following is a reason for Kéré’s winning the Pritzker Architecture Prize?
A.His designs are innovative and eco-friendly.
B.He’s received plenty of awards in architecture.
C.His designs mainly consist of school buildings.
D.He’s good at using new materials in his architecture.
【小题2】________ acts as a stimulus to Kéré’s becoming an architect.
A.His study of carpentry in BerlinB.His hometown’s extremely hot whether
C.His parents’ expectations of himD.His uncomfortable experience at school
【小题3】________ helps Kéré establish his status in architecture.
A.His design of Gando Primary SchoolB.His research in Technische Universität Berlin
C.His love for nature and his hometownD.His commitment to the development of Africa
【小题4】Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Francis Kéré: a True Pioneer in African Architecture
B.Francis Kéré: a Great African Contributor to Architecture
C.Francis Kéré: the First African to Win Architecture’s Top Award
D.Francis Kéré: the First African Winner of Awards in Architecture
