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BEIJING --Terry Crossman has spent 20 years in the city of Beijing he now calls home.

Wearing his bright red armband and speaking fluent Chinese, from a distance 62-year-old Gao Tianrui could be taken for any regular Chinese man. But on closer inspection, things are not quite what they seem: Gao’s real name is Terry and he is from the United States. Having lived in Beijing for more than 20 years, Terry Crossman has finally realized his Chinese dream: becoming a public security volunteer. Life as a “Xicheng Dama”has even made hi m an online celebrity.

Xicheng Dama are volunteers, usually women in late middle-age, who wander around the streets of downtown Beijing’s Xicheng district. And now Crossman has joined their club.In the video footage(片段)that recently went viral(疯传),Crossman said that at first he saw the group as busybodies, but his opinion changed once he was on the inside. “Gradually I saw that it is a good thing for retired seniors to come out and help others,” he said. In the footage, he is seen giving tourists directions, getting water for a baby and even helping a neighbor sell yogurt. “I like helping others,” he said.”I live in the hutong and my neighborsand I usually help each other...This is where I live, where my friends are and where I call home.”

Crossman became interested in Chinese culture as a teenager when he read the Tao Te Ching by Laozi. At 18, he took a ship to Taiwan to learn Chinese. On the ship the captain suggested that he should have a Chinese name. “He named me Gao Tianrui, based on the pronunciation of my English name,” he said. After Taiwan he worked in several places including New York, Singapore and a 12-year period in Hong Kong.

Crossman first came to the Chinese mainland in 1981, when he went to Shanghai and Suzhou in Jiangsu province. “ Wherever I went, I had at least 30 people following me, asking about Hong Kong,how much I earned, what my hobbies were and how I felt about the victory of the Chinese women’’s volleyball team.” he said. His first visit to Beijing was six years later on business.”There were few cars and lots of bicycles on the roads.”

Crossman and his family moved to Beijing in 1997, when the traffic was heavier and the city busier. “There were only two subway lines, with no air conditioning,” he said. Since then he has lived and worked in Beijing.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “busybody” in the third paragraph mean?
A.A person who is too interested in what other people are doing.
B.A person who works in a government office
C.A person who does a job with a high pay.
D.A person who takes part in a sport or other activities for enjoyment.
【小题2】What is the right order of what Crossman did?
a. He read the Tuo Te Ching by Laozib. He worked in New York and Singapore.
c. He moved to Beijing in 1997 with his family.
d. He became a member of the club of Xicheng Dama.
e. He went to Shanghai and Suzhou in Jiangsu province.
A.e, d.b,c,aB.a.b.e.c.d
【小题3】How were the people who followed Crossman wherever he went in Para. 5?
A.They were satisfied with him.B.They were worried about him
C.They were patient with him.D.They were curious about him.
【小题4】What can be the best title for the news report?
A.American in Being lives his Chinese dream
B.American in Beijing speaks fluent Chinese
C.Terry, an American who works in Beijing
D.Terry, an American who likes Chinese culture
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A young man whose good looks and innocent smile have turned him into an internet celebrity has brought a surge in interest in his hometown among tourists.

Ctrip, an online travel agency, said that after a video of Tamdrin, a 20-year-old ethnic Tibetan man from Litang county in Sichuan province's Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, became popular online recently, the number of searches for Litang increased quickly.

Hua Chunying, a spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry, featured Tamdrin in three tweets in a row on her Twitter account on Monday. “The channel of Sicfiuan TV has a new ‘anchor’, Tamdrin, who broadcasts news in his native Tibetan language as a guest,” she wrote. “Tamdrin recently became a social media star after a photo of his bright, sunny and innocent smile had become popular.” She also posted a short clip of Tamdrin riding a horse and introducing himself in subtitling: “They call me ‘prince on a horse’. The happiest thing for me is to race horses with my brothers. Tm really good at horse racing and often rank first in our village. ”

Tamdrin has now been hired by Litang Culture Tourism and Sport Investment Development Co. to promote tourism for the county. Du Dongdong, the company’s general manager, told China Central Television he hoped the young man could grow and develop alongside local tourism, which has just started to take off.

Tamdrin said in a CCTV interview that he didn’t know why he had become so well-known, but he was happy that so many people knew of him, and he was excited to help people learn more about his hometown. He added that he planned to learn many things and hoped he would do well in his work for the company. "At the same time, I still want to race horses and continue to be a champion,” he said in Tibetan.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “surge” in Paragraph 1 refer to?
【小题2】What can we learn from Paragraph 3?
A.Sichuan TV is in urgent need of a Tibetan broadcaster now.
B.A social media star should look good with innocent smiles.
C.Hua Chunying supports the positive energy Tamdrin shows.
D.A short clip of Tamdrin riding a horse makes him popular.
【小题3】Tamdrin is employed to           .
A.promote the culture of horse racing.B.set an example for Internet celebrities.
C.speak for the tourism of his hometown.D.act as an image ambassador of the company.
【小题4】How does Tamdrin feel about his popularity?

The International Space Station (ISS) has existed above Earth for more than twenty years. But its role as the only place for a continuous human presence in space, scientific research and a testing ground for future space exploration is coming to a close. China successfully launched the first module (舱) of its planned space station on April 29 from the Wenchang launch site in the southern island of Hainan.

The major module, the largest spacecraft developed by China, was launched by a Long March-5B rocket, marking the first step of China’s efforts to build its own station in two years. The module has a total length of 16.6 meters, a diameter (直径) of 4.2 meters and a living space of 50cubic (立方) meters, according to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

It’s expected to operate for 10 years. Eleven launches are scheduled in the next two years. A mission is expected to be launched in June of this year — sending three astronauts to orbit (巡航) for about three months, during which the life support system will be tested.

China’s space station wont launch all at once; it will be assembled (组装) from several modules which will be launched at different times. Chinese state media reports that the country’s space station will be fully operational by the end of 2022. The space station — known as Tianhe, which means harmony of the heavens — will allocate (分配) space and resources to a number of international experiments. Six projects have been fully accepted so far including one on the impact of spaceflight on cancer tumors (肿瘤) conducted by researchers from Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium and France.

China launched its first manned space flight in 2003 — more than 40 years after NASA. But as the nation has grown richer and more powerful in recent years, its space program has accelerated.

【小题1】What can we know about China’s space station?
A.It is the largest spacecraft in universe.
B.It was launched with astronauts in April.
C.It will be completed in ten years.
D.It consists of several modules.
【小题2】What foreign project will China’s space station do?
A.Closing the International Space Station.
B.Testing the life support system.
C.Studying the effect of spaceflight on cancer.
D.Exploring the origin of the universe.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “accelerated” in the last paragraph mean?
A.Sped up.B.Broken up.C.Paid off.D.Slowed down.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.The International Space Station Will Stop Exploring Space
B.China has Launched Main Part of Planned Space Station
C.China has Made the First Step in Space Exploration
D.Tianhe Will Help Foreign Researchers with Experiments

Researchers believe they have found an unknown kind of whale in waters off Mexico's western coast. If others verify the finding, the new whale will be an important discovery among giant animals.

The team of researchers came upon three unusual whales while following a rare group of beaked whales. The whales were near Mexico's distant San Benito Islands, about 500 km south of the U. S. border. Beaked whales usually avoid meeting humans.

Jay Barlow studies sea animals. He noted that it was a very unusual meeting. "It's very rare to even see a beaked whale, and to find a group of friendly beaked whales, it's even rarer, " he said.

Barlow said he and other researchers did not realize they were seeing a possible new kind of whale until later. The group saw something different about the whales' teeth when they studied the photos they took of the animals. The underwater recordings of the whales' calls also suggested they were different from all others.

The researchers are now waiting for test results on water they collected near the whales. There could be skin cells in the water from the whales. If so, they will examine the DNA to make sure whether the whales are a new species.

Though up to 5 meters long, the whales can be hard for scientists to see. That is because they usually swim and eat at depths of around 914 meters. They only come up at times for air. In the deep water, the animals can stay away from their main enemy—killer whales.

Barlow said that finding a new species is a rare event. His team has evidence about the whales that looks like a new discovery. He said the DNA testing would help determine it and he hoped the whales could be determined as a new species. That would bring the number of known beaked whale species to 24.

【小题1】What does the underlined word "verify” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
【小题2】What made the researchers believe that they might find a new whale species?
A.The whales' huge size.B.The whales' sounds.
C.The shape of the whales' mouth.D.The whales’ friendly behavior.
【小题3】Why do beaked whales prefer to live in the deep water?
A.To find enough food.B.To keep themselves safe.
C.To avoid meeting humans.D.To reduce the need for air.
【小题4】What was Barlow's attitude towards determining the beaked whales as a new species?
