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American gymnast Simone Biles flies through the air as though she was made for it. She has won more World Championship gold medals than any other female gymnast in history. She is also the first women gymnast to win three World all-around titles in a row. A complicated flip (翻转动作) she introduced in the 2013 World Championships is one of four skills that are named after her, and some consider her the greatest of all time.

Athletes are under pressure, and a small mistake can result in serious injury. At the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, Biles experienced something gymnast call “the twisties,” which is when a gymnast has no idea where his or her body is in the air. Instead of putting herself and her team at risk, Biles gave up the competition. However, she worked out in a private gym and was able to compete in the last-scheduled individual event: the balance beam, winning the bronze medal.

When she was young, Biles was raised by her grandfather Ron, and was introduced to gymnastics at the age of 6 on a school field trip to a gym. She saw some gymnasts practicing, began copying their moves and insisted that her parents send her for gymnastics lessons. A coach at the gym also recognized her talent and sent a letter home asking her parents to send her for lessons.

Throughout her career, Biles has kept her passion for the sport, which can be seen clearly in the huge smile she often wears while competing. But she also wants people to know the importance of putting mental health first and not ignoring how stress can influence them.

In Biles’ 2016 memoir (回忆录), titled Courage to Soar, the book tells in her words “how my faith and my family made my wildest dreams come true. And how embracing a dream can give you courage to soar.” Biles’ ability to perform at the highest level has inspired new generations of athletes, but her willingness to be honest about her struggles inspires everyone.

【小题1】What does paragraph 1 mainly tell us about Biles?
A.Her high spirit.B.Her wide fame.
C.Her great achievements.D.Her wonderful skills.
【小题2】What happened to Biles at the Tokyo Summer Olympic Games?
A.She was seriously injured.B.She had a hard time.
C.She got a gold medal.D.She put her team at risk.
【小题3】What do we know about Biles from the text?
A.She has got the most gold medals in history.
B.Four skills were named after her in 2013.
C.She showed her talent for gymnastics at an early age.
D.Her grandfather insisted that she take gymnastics lessons.
【小题4】Which of the following can best describe Biles?
A.Strong-willed and talented.B.Confident and warm-hearted.
C.Determined and generous.D.Hard-working and curious.
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The Song Dynasty (960-1279) is often referred to as the Chinese Renaissance (文艺复兴). For about three and a quarter centuries, under its rule, China enjoyed a period of economic growth with great artistic and intellectual achievements.

One of the most important factors in the Song Renaissance was the printing press which made for a rebirth of classical Confucian learning. By the 10th century,printers were producing a large number of copies of the classical Confucian texts. With this increase in the production of books, education spread and became widely available.

Printing also had its greatest influence on the Chinese political system. In the Song Dynasty, government examinations became the most important way to political power in China. For almost 1,000 years, China was governed by men who had done very well in examinations. Thousands of students studied for the exams, and thousands of inexpensive books were required. Without printing, such a system would not have been possible.

The Song period was also the golden age of Chinese painting. Emperor Huizong (1101-1125) was a talented painter who encouraged the arts. A royal painting academy was created and many fine artists were supported. The period is best known for nature subjects and landscape paintings. Guo Xi used perspective in his paintings and The Quict Valley is one of his best-known works. One of the greatest landscape painters of the period was Fan Kuan. His masterpiece, Travelling among Mountains and Gorges, is one of the most famous Chinese paintings. Completed around the year 1000, it was inspired by the power of nature and the relative insignificance of humans.

【小题1】When was the Chinese Renaissance?
A.Immediately after the Renaissance in Europe.B.During the Song Dynasty.
C.At the time of Confucius.D.in the year 1,000.
【小题2】What contributed to spreading the ideas of Confucius?
A.The spread of education to the middle classes.
B.People’s new interest in classical texts.
C.The development of painting.
D.The printing press and a wide availability of books.
【小题3】How did people become politicians at the time?
A.Only members of the wealthy class could go into politics.
B.A small number of powerful families ran the country.
C.Only members good at painting were supported by the royalty.
D.There was a special exam system to select politicians.
【小题4】From the passage we can know the painter of Travelling among Mountains and Gorges is __________.
A.Guo Xi
B.Emperor Huizong
C.Fan Kuan

Who needs friends? According to most psychologists, we all do, especially nowadays when so many other aspects(方面)of modern life are changing. It seems that having friends keeps us both healthy and happy.

The number of TV series about groups of friends shows just how important friendship is to us. Psychologist Dorothy Rowe says that many of us now turn to our friends, instead of our families, for advice, comfort and security. One woman named Rebecca she interviewed even told her that if she had got to choose between her husband and her friend, she would choose her friend.

Since our friends mean so much to us, it is not surprising that the happiest marriages are also friendships. “Once the romantic stage of a relationship has passed, it is friendship that holds people together,” says Rowe. If the couple do not make some change, they will either get tired of each other and break up or stay together and seek friendship with others.

But is friendship equally important to women and men? According to author Rhonda Pritchard, women are more likely than men to have close friends. “You tell a friend things that you'd never tell a partner”, says one woman she interviewed. For men, friendship is usually based on doing things together rather than the private conversations that are typical of women friend. Men share time and activities like building a fence or a business, running, riding a bike, fishing or watching football, but they don’t often share their feelings.

Although many women find their relationships with a husband or boyfriend is not enough, many men say that their partner is their best friend. Even women who are very happily married are likely to become very unhappy without a close friend and can even find the breakup of a close friend as painful as the end of a marriage.

Lasting friendships can provide a lot of the same support that families provided in the past, but the perfect situation is to have your family there for as well. Friendships and family relationships can both change, but a friend will not consider you when making really important decisions in the same way that a family member will.

【小题1】What does Rebecca think about friendship?
A.Families are reliable forever.
B.Her friend means more to her than her husband.
C.One needn't have too many friends.
D.Friends are as important as families.
【小题2】Why do married men or women look for friendship?
A.They are encouraged by their partners.
B.They are not fairly treated by their partners
C.They don't get what they need from their partners.
D.They think their friends are more romantic.
【小题3】What is the main difference between men's and women's friendship?
A.Women often do things together with friends.
B.Women often talk about business with friends.
C.Men seldom talk to their friends about their feelings.
D.Men often talk to their friends about work and family.
【小题4】When a friendship ends, what might women do?
A.They turn to their husband for comfort.
B.They share feelings with their partners.
C.They treat their partners as friends
D.They feel as upset as when a marriage ends.

Canadian-Iranian designer Roya Aghighi wants you to imagine that your shirt is alive. Aghighi hopes we can develop a more close relationship with fashion-by treating clothes as living beings that need our help to survive.

Aghighi's thought experiment isn't as far-fetched as it might seem. Working with a group of scientists at the University of British Columbia(UBC), she has invented a living, biofabricated photosynthesizing(生物制造光合作用的)fabric, which purifies the air around it. She named it LivingC.

UBC claims it's the first living and photosynthesizing fabric, and has fashioned the material into transparent clothing. While clothing like these are still in the early stages of research and design, and far from mass production, they challenge the fashion industry to reimagine ways it can reduce its huge carbon footprint through alternative fabrics.

Fashion is one of the world's most polluting industries. It's responsible for more carbon emissions than international flights and shipping combined, amounting to 10% of all greenhouse gases emitted globally.

US consumers are buying more clothing than ever, wearing each item fewer times and sending almost 70% of the clothes and footwear produced each year to landfill, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency.

While Aghighi's new and advanced clothing is now only at the proof-of-concept stage, buyers may one day be instructed to stretch the fabric out in front of a window before putting it on. Biotechnology is a big business. Beyond the world of fashion, it's seen as an alternative for polyurethane plastics—the world's most common plastic, which is used in everything from bags to outdoor furniture as well as in fabrics.

Aghighi predicts consumption habits will take a long time to change. "It is going to be a slow shift," she said. "But I hope that it's going to be a long lasting one."

【小题1】How can we understand "shirt is alive" in Paragraph 1?
A.We imagine that it is alive.
B.It is made of a living creature.
C.It is made of living biofabricated materials.
D.It wears well and lasts permanently.
【小题2】What can we learn from LivingC?
A.It has been put into production already.
B.It has affected people's consumption habits.
C.It can meet the demands of the US consumers soon.
D.It can make the air around fresher and clearer.
【小题3】What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?
A.To inform the public of the latest fashion style.
B.To draw public attention to the influence of fashion industry.
C.To introduce an invention that will benefit our environment.
D.To stress the importance of scientific advance in fashion industry.
【小题4】In which column of the newspaper can we likely find this article?
A.Science and LifeB.Entertainment
C.Economics and BusinessD.Domestic News
