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It was a beautiful Sunday morning, and Maggie and I were returning from our walk through the woods.We were only a couple of blocks from home when I spotted a cell phone and a credit card sitting on the road.We took them home.We always find amazing things on the street and she looks upon them as a movable feast-a chicken wing here or a barbecue rib (肋骨)there.
I found another cell phone a few years back, too, and called a number in its phone book.I explained the situation to the guy who answered.He said it was his sister's and that he'd come to pick it up, which he did.
And that was that.No verbal thank-you, no written thank-you, no “here's a box of chocolates” thank-you.
I didn't have time to call anyone on my latest found cell phone.I was pouring myself coffee when it started to shake and dance across the kitchen counter.
“Who's this?” someone asked when I picked up.
“Who's this?” I countered(反问).“Sarah?”
She was surprised at my knowing her name until she realized her name was on the credit card.“Could you send them to me?” she asked.
She lives in Arlington, which is 2 miles from my house.
“Hmm, no, ”I replied, adding that I thought she could come to get them, and that if I wasn't at home, they would be in my mailbox.
A day later, when I was out for a run, someone got them back.There wasn't even a piece of paper put in the mailbox with “Thanks” on it.In this age of e-mail and cell phone, there's really no excuse.Years ago, I found something more precious than a $100 bill on the street:a driver's license.I saw   that its owner lived a couple of blocks from me, so I called him up.He asked whether I could slip the license through his front door.
“I guess I could, ”I replied.
And that was that.
【小题1】What is the relationship between Maggie and the writer?
A.Wife and husbandB.Daughter and father
C.Teacher and studentD.Master and pet dog
【小题2】How many experiences are mentioned by the writer to return things to the losers?
【小题3】How did the writer know Sarah's name?
A.From her telephone's phone bookB.From her credit card
C.From her e-mailD.From her driver's license
【小题4】The writer wants to tell us through the unusual stories,
A.we should return the things we picked to the losers
B.people don't know how to appreciate others in the age of e-mail and cell phone
C.people should learn to appreciate persons who provide help for you
D.the advance of society makes people lose some virtues
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If I Had Magical Powers

Ever since I was a child, I have dreamed about having magical powers. If I had magical powers, I’d first hope I didn’t have any restrictions on them. I would prefer to use my fingers for magic as opposed to having wands. Just more convenient, I think. 【小题1】


Traffic in Sydney is a nightmare which is why I take public transport to my job at the moment. 【小题2】 I like that I can read or write but I hate that I have to leave so early and get home so late. So yes, if I had magical powers, I’d just snap my fingers and wish hard for where I need to be! No time at all!


【小题3】 Although I must admit my new pressure cooker is awesome for that, yet I still have to chop and prepare things. So my magical powers would certainly come in handy to make a good healthy meal quickly.

Teach Some People a Lesson

【小题4】 Not necessarily directed at me but to a lot of the kids I see in therapy. I really would love to teach bullies, abusers and other unkind souls a lesson. I don’t know how I’d do that really but maybe use my powers to have them experience what they put others through to get an actual idea of what it’s like.

Play with Time

I wouldn’t go backwards or forwards in time. 【小题5】 Rather, I would make time at work go by quickly and slow time down when I’m enjoying life. I guess though, given I would be using my powers to get rid of a lot of chores, I’m sure I’d have more time anyway for the things I love such as reading, writing and exercising.

A.I don’t think it’s allowed.
B.Another thing that takes time is cooking.
C.I am tired of the unkindness I see around me.
D.I’d make use of my magical powers in the following ways.
E.I don’t think I’d use my magical powers to get free money.
F.However, it still takes me a good hour and a half door to door each way.
G.All these ideas are making me wish I really did have magical powers.

Since I let go of my ayi before the Spring Festival, I’ve been on the look-out for a new one. My WeChat groups have recommended a Home King app, which has a more poetic Chinese name that means good health at home.

This app allows you to hire an ayi to either just clean, or cook + clean + watch kids, on a one-time basis. The sessions are four hours each and start from RMB 229. If you pay for a package of 25 sessions, it’ll cost you RMB 4,999 upfront, but ultimately comes out to less than RMB 200 per session. You can choose from a morning session from 8 a.m. to noon, or an afternoon session from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

One benefit of using the app is that they have a small army of ayis on standby and are ready to assign one to you at any time, though they do have a tendency to book out a few days in advance. Plus, once you find one that you really like, you can take note of her name and ask for her to return next time. This service also enjoys a reputation with many locals as being professional as well as friendly.

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to hire an ayi through the app after you’ve downloaded it. After completing the registration, which is easiest by syncing with your WeChat account, you can choose either the blue button on the left for deep cleaning, or the orange button on the right for cooking, watching kids, and cleaning.

For instance, if you choose the deep-cleaning option on the left, on the next page click the second tab from the left. This lets you book an ayi for a single visit. Then click the button with the price on it to book your time slot (时段). Click the Buy Now button in the bottom right of the next page and click through the options until you get to the final page, where you’ll have to choose the date and time. To ensure how reliable the service is, a short message is always sent to you for confirmation.

【小题1】How much can you save at least if you pay for a package of 25 sessions?
【小题2】The service is highly thought of by customers because _______.
A.they can receive free service by putting down the ayi’s name
B.they can easily download the app by one click
C.they can get a 40% discount if booking ahead of time
D.they can hire friendly and professional people to help with housework
【小题3】Which can best explain the underlined phrase syncing with in Paragraph 4?
【小题4】Which of the following is the correct order of using the app to hire an ayi?
①register     ②download     ③choose & click     ④confirm

It seems like people today are more easily offended than ever before.

If smoking in an elevator or talking in a movie theater were normal in the past, they are considered to be rude today. We used to be obliged to answer whatever questions a family elder directed our way, but now when a prying (爱打听的) relative asks about our test grades or dream university --- information that we’d rather keep to ourselves --- we feel offended, even if they mean well.

The boundary between “politeness” and “rudeness” has changed over the years, especially among young people.

But this change doesn’t just go one way --- things that used to be considered rude may also go across to the other side of the boundary. For example, to stand up for themselves, some youths may try to make statements by using phone cases printed with phrases like “Leave me alone” or “None of your business”. In their eyes, this is more like being independent than being rude.

“These phenomena involve rejecting previously moral order to ignore insults, recognize the good intentions of those who accidentally give offense, and be charitable (体谅的) toward those with whom we disagree,” wrote Time. “They suggest a new morality.”

And this fresh morality is introduced by a new group of people. According to The Economist, young people, or millennials (千禧一代), are “the best-educated generation ever”, which is why they tend to be more conscious about their privacy and personal space. They are also freer than previous generations, more eager to explore the world and refuse to be tied down by elders’ rules.

But there are, of course, people who think that millennials have gone too far to defend their own needs. An earlier Time article called millennials the “Me Me Me Generation”, saying that they are self-involved, less grateful and less tolerant of people.

But Lauren Martin, a lifestyle writer in the US, and a millennial herself, has a theory.

“Our generation is an anomaly (与众不同的事物),” she wrote on Elite Daily. “We refuse to do things their way, so they call us entitled. We refuse to sit in cubicles (办公室隔间), so they call us spoiled. We refuse to follow their plans, so they call us stubborn. What they are slowly realizing, however, is we’re not lazy, stubborn or entitled. We just refuse to accept things as they’re given to us.”

【小题1】What is the article mainly about?
A.Why people today are more easily offended.
B.The definition of “politeness” and “rudeness”.
C.The morality of millennials and some views on it.
D.Key characteristics of the millennial generation.
【小题2】What can we conclude from the first four paragraphs?
A.A prying relative always makes people feel offended.
B.Many young people can’t tell politeness from rudeness.
C.Young people today are more independent than ever.
D.Traditional morality has been rejected by some.
【小题3】According to The Economist, millennials ______.
a. are more curious about the outside world.
b. are less thankful and understanding.
c. are more concerned about their privacy.
d. are more likely to challenge elders’ rules.
e. enjoy more freedom and are self-involved
A.a, b, cB.a, c, dC.b, d, eD.c, d, e
【小题4】What does Lauren Martin think of millennials?
A.They are too stubborn to listen to others.
B.They cannot get along well with others.
C.They have their own ways of viewing things.
D.They should adjust their way to defend their own needs.
【小题5】What does the underlined word “entitled” mean?
