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Everybody needs casual relationships or "weak ties" while growing up. 【小题1】

Fewer friends as we age

Young adults gather lots of friends but by the mid-20s when responsibilities increase and free time reduces, so does the number of friendships. 【小题2】 But that doesn't mean we don't still benefit from relationships-even super-casual ones

Gillian Sandstrom, a senior lecturer of psychology at the University of Essex, studies social interactions(互动). She found that sustaining these minor connections keeps us involved in the community, particularly after a move away from close friends and family or after the loss of a loved one.

【小题3】 They believe that these interactions can't possibly provide any meaning. So they are focused on whatever is next and don't stop and take that second to enjoy the moment.

How to make more friends

【小题4】 Experts suggest taking time to talk to people you might normally overlook. Instead of just thanking a waiter or clerk, begin a conversation. Make a point to talk to a familiar, friendly face you see often at the gym or when you walk in the park.

Don't just ask about the weather or something like "How's your day going?" Take time to get to know that person so the exchange and the relationship become more meaningful for both of you. 【小题5】

A.Start with something you are really interested in.
B.Many think those interactions are not worth the time.
C.As we get older, we no longer have the need to be out with friends.
D.When you talk to someone, you’re actually brightening their day.
E.If you don't normally chat with people, you may wonder how to start.
F.They seem unimportant, but they actually benefit your emotional well-being.
G.The more involved the chat becomes, the more likely a friendship will develop
知识点:方法/策略社会关系 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Education is a good opportunity for those of us who expect to better ourselves. But for people in full-time employment, getting the balancing act between work and studying can prove challenging. But look on the bright side. 【小题1】

University is often considered a logical step for people who wish to continue their education after school. While options of Master's degrees, PhDs and other postgraduate qualifications exist, many students leave after obtaining their Bachelor’s and head into the world of work. 【小题2】 They hope it may open up new opportunities or help them to get a promotion.

In terms of the benefits, learning new techniques that you can bring into the workplace can make you more of an authority in your area and a go-to person for advice. 【小题3】 In short, studying more could make you more promotable down the line and more helpful to the business.

If you study in a classroom, your experience of the workplace could bring a wealth of knowledge to other students and provide real-life examples for you to draw on. You may also meet like-minded people. 【小题4】 In addition, while adult learners have to consider things like children, home lives and work,many adult and part-time courses are more flexible. Some courses can even be done partly or entirely online, which means you can manage your time more easily and don't need to factor in travel time.

【小题5】 Increasing your skills may open up new careers in your professional life.

A.Studying part-time in the evenings can be a great choice.
B.So, what are the benefits of hitting the books once in work?
C.Then you can expand your professional network in the future.
D.They may choose adult courses spreading over a number of years.
E.If the business has a skills shortage, you may be able to fill that gap.
F.Having done the same job for years, some feel like acquiring new skills.
G.So, there are a variety of options for those who wish to return to studying.

Soreness (疼痛) Is Good and Scales Are Pointless: The Ten Biggest Myths in Fitness

It’s easy to think that fitness is confusing-but it isn’t. The basics stay the same, and we know the science. These are the ten biggest myths in fitness-memorize them, and exercise with confidence.

1. Soreness is a sign of a good workout

Sore muscles don’t mean progress. They are probably caused by small tears in muscles and happen when you do movements you’re not used to or when you do too many repetitions. So reduce the number of repetitions. You can make progress without pain.

2. Lifting heavy weights will make you strong

There are two ways to get stronger: increasing the size of each muscle and getting more muscles to work together when you need to use them. Getting big requires specific, targeted training and extra calories and protein-and it almost never happens by accident.

3. ?

Actually, it’s the opposite: exercises done correctly will strengthen the muscles around your knee joints, protecting you from injury. As for running, a 20-year study by Stanford University found that regular runners suffered less from arthritis (关节炎) than non-runners as they got older.

4. You can target fat and reduce it

Before the days of the internet, there was a myth that you could reduce the fat around your stomach by doing hundreds of sit-ups. “The truth is, we all have areas of fat that seem to take the longest to get lean,” says Storey-Gordon. “But don’t give up. Those areas will get leaner, too. Patience is the key.”

5. Less rest means you’re working harder

“For most people — especially beginners — periods of recovery between sets mean a lower risk of injury and better results,” says coach George Anderson. Or, in other words: if you train too hard for a whole hour, you’ll have to lift smaller weights, go slower and generally do less work than you would with some recovery.

【小题1】According to the passage, “myth” refers to ________.
A.a false belief or ideaB.a set of rules
C.a traditional way of doing thingsD.an amount of money
【小题2】Which of the following best fits in the blank with a “?” in the passage?
A.Shorter is better.B.Scales are pointless.
C.Exercise is bad for your knees.D.There is one “best” way to train.
【小题3】It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
A.sore muscles mean you have made progress in working out
B.the harder you work and the less you rest, the more weight you can get rid of
C.detailed, targeted exercise alone can make you bigger
D.reducing fat takes time and patience

The world is full of distractions. Unfortunately, the world also requires us to work. Coping with the first while still doing enough of the second is … sorry, where am I?

Ah, yes, the world is full of distractions. If you work in an office, it might be emails, phone calls or colleagues with questions to ask. If you are at home, it might be the contents of the fridge or a sudden fixation on dust mites (尘螨) under the sofa. Sometimes it takes even less. If you are sitting and doing work and someone near you says something particularly interesting, that can pull your focus. 【小题1】

So, how can we stay focused in our wandering minds? 【小题2】 And put your smartphone and other irrelevant screens away—they attract our attention even if they are off. If you tend to pop on headphones and use music to shut out distractions, avoid listening to anything familiar. Knowing the words or tune well will distract you even more.

【小题3】 If you are doing something repetitive like stuffing envelopes or laying bricks, being distracted by listening to music or a podcast or engaging in a conversation with a co-worker can ultimately boost productivity. 【小题4】 Jihae Shin, now at the university of Wisconsin-Madison, has found that when people played Minesweeper for five minutes before coming up with new business ideas, they were more creative than those who didn’t play.

【小题5】 In general, this is the enemy of productivity: it encourages mistakes, stops us from completing things, promotes forgetfulness and lowers the quality of writing. But when we are trying to come up with creative solutions, task-switching distractions can help prevent "cognitive fixation" on ineffective approaches. So if you are a creative type, try lining up two or more tasks and spend your day switching between them. Or if that doesn’t work, just go play with your phone.

A.Not all distractions are bad, however.
B.Switching between tasks can also help.
C.Creativity can benefit from distraction too.
D.Switching off email or messaging services helps.
E.But you are not good at dealing with distractions.
F.If you have trouble concentrating, I suggest you try the following ideas.
G.If you are not careful, you will end up your day with nothing accomplished.
