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The Global Heritage Fund,a nonprofit organization, aims to protect places of cultural importance in developing countries for the reason that these countries often have few resources to protect such places and that other major cultural organizations often pay more attention to protecting places in the developed world. For example, the UNESCO has 45 World Heritage places in Italy, 42 in Spain, but Peru, famous for its ancient Incan buildings, has only 9 World Heritage places. Guatemala has only 3.

The fund recently released a list of cultural treasures in the developing world that are in danger of disappearing. These places are important because they are records of our human civilization. Globalization has created an international culture that is about sameness. But the endangered places it is trying to protect represent the rich differences of human culture throughout history.

One of the fund's current projects is in Guatemala's (危地马拉) Mirador Basin, which contains several important examples of ancient Mayan settlements. The buildings are surrounded by forest.

Centuries of tree growth have covered the pyramids and religious buildings, which provide some of the finest examples of the early part of the Mayan civilization (玛雅文明). But this area is in danger from robbers and people cutting trees illegally. Also, over the past ten years, over 70% of the natural environment in the area has been destroyed by fires.

The fund has 3 goals for its Mirador project. One is helping the government obtain UNESCO recognition. Another is establishing permanent protection for the area. And the third is working to make the area a sustainable protected area within 10 years.

To meet these goals, money from the fund will go toward restoring the buildings of El Mirador and mapping and exploring newly discovered buildings. The fund is also paying to train local guides on how to stop theft and illegal tree-cutting. Educational programs are helping to give people in the area the skills they need to have jobs that do not endanger this protected area.

The Global Heritage Fund says we have a duty to the people of the past, present and future to make sure we do not lose these examples of human history. Every country, organization and individual can play a role in helping to protect this rich history.

【小题1】Why does the Global Heritage fund focus on protecting cultural places in developing countries?
A.They are poor and often ignored.B.They are more important to mankind.
C.They are attractive to tourists.D.They are fascinating and dangerous.
【小题2】Why is protecting the endangered places important in time of globalization?
A.Because we should create an international culture about sameness.
B.Because the developing world needs them to make money.
C.Because they can help speed up the process of globalization.
D.Because the rich differences of human culture should be preserved.
【小题3】What does the Mirador project mainly want to achieve?
A.Sustainable protection.B.National recognition.
C.Financial cooperation.D.Employment promotion.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.World Heritage in Danger.B.The Global Heritage Fund.
C.Every Project Matters.D.Every Individual Maers.
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Volunteering offers great help to people in need, but the benefits (好处) can be even greater for you, the volunteer.

【小题1】. Being a volunteer helps you make new friends and improve your social skills. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, especially if you are new to an area. It develops your ties to the community, broadens your support network and offers you chances to know people with common interests and fun activities.

【小题2】, others are shy and have a hard time meeting new people. Volunteering gives you the opportunity to practice and develop your social skills, since you are meeting regularly with a group of people with common interests.

Volunteering is good for your mind and body. 【小题3】. Nothing reduces (减少) stress better than a meaningful connection to another person. Working with pets and other animals has also been shown to improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety. Studies have found that older volunteers are likely to walk more and find it easier to sleep regularly. 【小题4】.

If you’re considering a new job, volunteering can help you get experience in your area of interest and meet people in the field. 【小题5】 , volunteering gives you the opportunity to practice important skills used in the workplace, such as teamwork communication, problem solving and organization. You might feel more comfortable stretching (伸展) your wings at work once you have improved these skills in a volunteer position first.

A.Volunteering increases self-confidence
B.Volunteering connects you to others
C.Even if you're not planning on changing your job
D.While some people are naturally outgoing
E.It provides many benefits to both mental and physical health
F.Many people volunteer in order to make time for hobbies outside of work
G.Volunteering can also reduce the risk of heart disease

Suppose you become a leader in an organization. You are likely to have volunteers to help with the organization’s activities. To do so, it should help to understand why people undertake volunteer work and what keeps their interest in the work.

Let’s begin with why people volunteer Researchers have identified several factors that motivate people to get involved. For example, people volunteer to express personal values related to unselfishness, to expand their range of experiences, and to strengthen social relationships. If volunteer positions do not meet these needs, people may not wish to participate.

People also volunteer because they are required to do so. To increase levels of community service, some schools have launched compulsory volunteer programs. Unfortunately, these programs can shift people’s wish of participation from an internal factor (e.g. “I volunteer because it’s important to me”) to an external factor (e.g. “I volunteer because I’m required to do so”). When that happens, people become less likely to volunteer in the future. People must be sensitive to this possibility when they make volunteer activities a must.

Once people begin to volunteer, what leads them to remain in their positions over time? To answer this question, researchers have conducted follow-up studies where they track volunteers over time. For instance, one study followed 238 volunteers in Florida over a year. One of the most important factors that influenced their satisfaction as volunteers was the suffering they experienced in their volunteer positions. Although this result may not surprise you, it leads to important practical advice. The researchers note that attention should be given to “the training methods that would prepare volunteers for troublesome situations or provide them with strategies for coping with the problem they experience.”

Another study of 302 volunteers at hospitals in Chicago focused on individual differences in the degree to which people view “volunteer” as an important social role. Those people for whom the role of volunteer was most part of their personal identity would also be most likely to continue volunteer work. Participants indicated the degree to which the social role mattered by responding to statements such as “Volunteering in Hospital is an important part of who I am.” Consistent with the researchers’ expectations, they found a positive correlation (正相关) between the strength of role identity and the length of time people continued to volunteer. These results lead to concrete advice: “Once an individual begins volunteering, continued efforts might focus on developing a volunteer role identity. Items like T-shirts that allow volunteers to be recognized publicly for their contributions can help strengthen role identity”.

【小题1】People tend to volunteer mainly because of_________.
A.academic requirements
B.spiritual rewards
C.social expectations
D.inner motivations
【小题2】What can we learn from the Florida study?
A.Strategy training is a must in research.
B.Volunteers should get mentally prepared.
C.Follow-up studies should last for one year.
D.Volunteers are provided with concrete advice.
【小题3】What is most likely to motivate volunteers to continue their work?
A.Role identity as a volunteer.
B.Individual differences in role identity.
C.Practical suggestions from researchers.
D.Publicly recognizable volunteer T-shirts.
【小题4】What is the best title of the passage?
A.How to Get People to Volunteer
B.How to Maintain Volunteers’ Interest
C.How to Organize Volunteer Activities
D.How to Conduct Volunteer Behaviors

The wrong donations end up costing charities precious dollars just to store leftovers (积压物资 ), which is why clothing may not be the best use of your donation efforts.【小题1】

Think of the children. Children’s needs are important during disasters. As families influenced by a disaster try to protect their children from the effects, they try to provide children with toys, snacks, juices, candies, and other comfort items, particularly in post-disaster environments.【小题2】 Shelters will accept these donations and give them out properly.

Donate your skills to your community. If you are trained in disaster response, you can contact your local emergency services and the Red Cross to see if they need volunteers. Let them know your abilities. 【小题3】 Do not go as an individual volunteer to a disaster area expecting to find ways to help.

【小题4】 Time and comfort are the two most important things you can give for free. Spend time listening to the victims (受灾群众) with an understanding ear. You can bring books and read to the children.

Become a volunteer now for the future. Besides donating money, volunteering is the best way to give. 【小题5】 The Red Cross and charity organizations prefer a trained group of volunteers who can jump into action. They don’t have the resources to train during the disasters.

A.Donate to an organization you can trust.
B.These items are expensive to transport to shelters.
C.Spend time caring for families and individuals at shelters.
D.Then, they will follow up if they are in need of volunteers.
E.However, you have to begin this process long before any disaster hits.
F.Turn your dollars into toys and entertainment choices for kids of all ages.
G.Here are some tips you can follow to help people in need in the most wise ways.
