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By Tan Bowen/ People's Daily app

11:37, December 09,2019

Adorable baby giant pandas are always curious about the world and love to play around. Recently, in southwest China’s Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, a baby panda was caught on camera getting his head stuck behind a log.

The panda tried to pull his head through the gap at first but couldn't manage to pass through it. Later, the breeder came to rescue him by pushing his bottom instead and nagged this little cutie constantly like a mother, but the baby panda continued to act cute, melting all panda lovers’ heart!

Click on this video to see the warm and sweet interaction between the breeder and the naughty baby panda!

Video source: panda

【小题1】What was wrong with the baby giant panda?
A.The panda was sleeping in a tree.B.The panda was hit by another.
C.The panda got itself stuck behind a log.D.The panda was dying.
【小题2】Which of the following statements is correct?
A.The passage was written by Tan Boweng.
B.The baby panda mentioned in the passage is a female one.
C.The baby panda mentioned in the passage is a male one.
D.The baby panda pulled his head through the gap successfully.
【小题3】What would you do if you want to make comments on this passage on internet?
A.Click on the video.B.Click the Button of“Say something”.
C.Find a note book.D.Buy a computer first.
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I noticed two male bluebirds. They appeared to be helping a female with a group of newly-born birds. I wanted to know if one of the males was an invader (入侵者). This is the fun of bird watching — you never know when you’ll find something exciting and unusual.

Like 90% of the bird world, one male bluebird pairs with only one female, and together they raise a family. But sometimes a third adult shows up and helps the pair raise the young. Often it is a relative. The most likely reasons a lone bluebird becomes a “helper bird” are that it either has lost its mate (配偶) or failed to get one during the mating season.

Both the mated pair and the helper get some advantages when helping happens. Every time the helper brings food to the nest (巢), one of the parents is free to take care of its own needs for a few minutes. Helpers also protect the nest by driving away possible enemies. The helper’s gain is less direct but equally valuable. He or she (helpers can be male or female) learns how to be a parent. Though raising babies is natural, skilled parents usually are more successful.

The Florida scrub jay is a kind of bird living in the U.S. state of Florida. Many pairs of Florida scrub jays “have” one to six helpers. Usually the helpers are older children, and they do their job very well. Nests with helpers have 50% more young than nests without helpers (about half the jays don’t use helpers). Helping in scrub jays seems related to a shortage of nesting habitats. Young jays must wait for older birds to die to get a nest. During the time, they help raise their younger brothers and sisters.

【小题1】Why may a bluebird be a helper for other bird pairs?
A.It has no mate of its own.
B.It wants to be a parent itself.
C.It wants to live in others’ nests.
D.It is good at raising baby birds.
【小题2】What advantage does a helper bird get from being a helper?
A.Practicing building nests.
B.Being an experienced parent.
C.Having its own needs satisfied.
D.Finding a mate as soon as possible.
【小题3】What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Florida scrub jays are an endangered species.
B.Some Florida scrub jays will die without a nest.
C.Florida scrub jays need great help from humans.
D.More young Florida scrub jays survive with helpers.
【小题4】What is the main idea of the text?
A.Bluebirds share nests.
B.Animals are human-like.
C.Helper birds feed and raise young of others.
D.Bird watching brings people close to nature.

Scientists have long known that a crow (乌鸦)native to New Caledonia is able to use tools. The birds use them to remove food from deep holes. Now, American researchers have discovered a second species of crow with the same ability. They reported on their experiments with Alala crows, which are from the Hawaiian Islands.

In the experiment, the researchers placed pieces of food in holes inside the wood. The holes were too deep for the crows to reach with their beaks(鸟喙). But, by using small pieces of wood held in their beaks, Alala crows quickly got the food. They used small objects as tools, sometimes changing them by shortening too-long sticks. They also made tools from plant materials.

“The crows use their beaks as people use thumbs on their hands. Tool use is rare in the animal kingdom. ” said Chritian Rutz of University of St. Andrews. “Current evidence strongly suggests that tool use is part of the species’ natural behavioral pattern(行为模式). These birds had no special training in the study, yet most of them were skilled at handling stick tools. ”

Bird experts claim finding out that the crows use tools is important discovery. “It makes us rethink how to look at the whole tool-use idea now and encourages us to go out and look for things that we may have ignored before. ”

All the Alala crows left in the world live in Hawaii. There were less than 20 Alalas left in the late 1990s when scientists decided to bring them into a protected area. Now, it is reported that there are over 100 birds living there. Scientists plan to release a small number of the birds back into the wild later.

【小题1】What are the findings of American researchers?
A.Alala crows can also use tools.
B.It’s difficult for birds to look for food.
C.New Caledonia is home to some crows.
D.The Hawaiian Islands are full of rare birds.
【小题2】What can we learn from the study?
A.The holes were very big and wide.
B.Alala crows could only use short sticks.
C.Alala crows got the food by working together.
D.Alala crows would deal with tools if necessary.
【小题3】What do Chritian Rutz’s words mean?
A.Using tools comes naturally to Alala crows.
B.Using stick tools is not easy for Alala crows.
C.Alala crows’ beaks look like people’s hands.
D.Alala crows won’t use tools without being trained.
【小题4】What do scientists plan to do with Alala crows?
A.Move all of them out of Hawaii.B.Increase the population of them.
C.Set some of them free in nature.D.Build more protected areas for them.
