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If you’re one of those people who have trouble falling asleep, listen up. You might fall asleep 15 minutes earlier and wake up far less during the night if you put on a pair of socks at bedtime.

To understand why, you first need to understand the relationship between core body temperature and sleep. During daylight hours, the human body keeps at an average temperature of 37 degrees Celsius. But at night, your core body temperature reduces as much as 1.2 degrees Celsius over the course of six or seven hours of sleep.

It turns out that this gradual decrease in core body temperature is a key part of the complex neurobiological dance (神经生物学行为) of falling asleep and staying asleep. And the faster you can lower the core body temperature, the faster you will fall asleep.

One of the ways your body regulates (调节) its temperature is through blood vessels (血管) in your skin. If the brain decides the body is too hot, it will widen blood vessels, guiding warmer blood from the body’s core to the rest of the body to cool it down. If the body is too cold, the brain signals the opposite reaction, limiting the flow of blood to the surface.

According to researchers, warming the feet before going to sleep promotes vasodilation (血管舒张) by using a warm foot bath or wearing socks, which in turn lowers the body’s core temperature faster than going to sleep with cold, bare feet.

Scientists think socked feet may have a neurological effect as well. Inside the PO/AH of the brain is a type of a warm-sensitive neuron (热敏神经元), helping us fall asleep and stay asleep. And if that’s the case, warming up the feet before bedtime gives warm-sensitive neurons an extra power.

In a study, Korean researchers found that wearing a pair of special “sleeping socks” not only quickened sleep, but lengthened overall sleep time by an average of 30 minutes and cut nighttime waking period in half.

【小题1】What’s the relationship between core body temperature and sleep?
A.Once you control your core body temperature, you’ll fall asleep quickly.
B.The faster your core body temperature drops, the faster you’ll fall asleep.
C.The core body temperature doesn’t have anything to do with sleep.
D.The decrease of the core body temperature stops fast sleep.
【小题2】Which of the following is the benefit of sleeping with a pair of socks?
A.Lowering the body’s temperature greatly.B.Reducing overall sleep time.
C.Increasing nighttime waking period.D.Speeding up your sleep.
【小题3】What can you infer from the passage?
A.People’s body temperature goes up at night.
B.It must be uncomfortable to wear socks in bed.
C.A warm foot bath might be helpful before sleeping.
D.Warm-sensitive neurons have no effect on sleep.
【小题4】How is the passage mainly developed?
A.By listing numbers.B.By providing examples.
C.By making comparison.D.By giving explanations.
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Exercise is important in all phases of life, but for seniors, it’s crucial to maintaining independence. Exercise ensures that seniors can get around and continue to do the things they enjoy and helps to prevent serious health conditions. 【小题1】

Strength exercises are among the best exercises for seniors. 【小题2】 These exercises can also improve a senior citizen’s metabolism(新陈代谢), which can be important for the maintenance of healthy blood sugar levels and normal weight.

Balance exercises are good for senior citizens as well because they build up muscles in the legs and strength in the lower body. They can help a senior citizen have better stability, translating into lowered risk of serious falls. 【小题3】

【小题4】 They help improve flexibility, making it easier for an older person to remain physically active and move around without stiffness(僵硬) and pain. Additionally, stretching exercises help senior citizens avoid muscle­related injuries, which can occur in the course of exercising as well as during daily living.

Though exercise is good for senior citizens, it is smart for seniors to speak with their doctors before starting any new exercise program. 【小题5】 In some cases, they may also recommend avoiding certain exercises altogether.

A.For seniors, this may not be the top concern.
B.Such accidents tend to make them ill and weak.
C.Stretches are also important exercises for seniors.
D.Never exercise too much as it may have harmful effects.
E.They help to build up muscles and make the bones stronger.
F.They may suggest specific exercises and exercise frequency.
G.When it comes to choosing the best exercises for seniors, variety is key.

Someday it may be possible for people to deal with their food allergies(过敏)simply by brushing teeth. A New York City-based company has started a trial to test this concept in a small group of peanut-allergy sufferers. The idea is to expose users to small doses(剂量)of an allergen daily, in order to build tolerance to it

“Tying this treatment to a daily routine should help allergy sufferers keep up with regular treatment,” say researchers at Intrommune Therapeutics, which developed the toothpaste. The product may also do a better job than existing therapies(疗法). Several years ago, William Reisacher, an allergist at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City, was standing in front of a mirror brushing his teeth. “I saw all the foam(泡沫)in my mouth going into all the areas I wanted it to go,” he says. “If food proteins could be delivered as a toothpaste, that would get the treatment to the right cells and make it a routine daily habit.”

“William told me this crazy idea he had, and I thought it was perfect,” says Michael Nelson, cofounder of Intrommune. “The newly started trial of the toothpaste will include 32 peanut-allergic adults to test how well they tolerate increasing doses. Future trials may test toothpastes that contain several different allergens.”

Other allergists support the toothpaste concept, though some worry about dose control and safety. “When there are sores in a patient's mouth or after a patient loses a tooth—allergens may have direct access to the bloodstream, which increases the risk of systemic allergic reactions,” says allergist Sakina Bajowala.“Safety is something I'm going to be watching closely,” she says. “But if they find something that can                    be commercialized and made accessible, and if they can prove it's safe and effective, then fantastic.”

【小题1】How does the new toothpaste help users deal with allergies?
A.By transforming allergens.B.By getting them used to allergens.
C.By preventing allergen exposure.D.By helping users identify allergens.
【小题2】What inspired William Reisacher to develop the new toothpaste?
A.Other similar products.B.His own life experience.
C.Some existing therapies.D.Allergy sufferers' concerns.
【小题3】What's Sakina Bajowala's attitude to the new toothpaste?
【小题4】What can we infer from the text?
A.The new toothpaste proved safe and effective.
B.Food allergy used to be an incurable problem.
C.Adults are the major target of the new toothpaste.
D.The new toothpaste may be able to treat various allergies.

Vitamin D is a key nutrient for health, helping to keep your bones strong while also assisting with muscle and immune function. But people across the globe aren’t getting enough of it, making vitamin D the most popular supplement on the market.

Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium (钙) from food, which keeps your bones strong and helps prevent osteoporosis, a disease that causes bones to become thinner and less dense. Vitamin D also protects you from more severe conditions such as osteomalacia, or “bone softening,” and it protects kids from rickets (佝偻病). Vitamin D also plays important roles in muscle movement, communication between nerves, and immune defenses against bacteria and viruses, according to the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements.

All our bodies really need to make vitamin D is sunlight, but the older you become, the harder it is for your thinning skin to produce it when exposed to sunlight, with production decreasing by about 13 percent each decade. People with darker skin have more of the melanin pigment (黑色素) that absorbs the UV rays essential to vitamin D production, so naturally they make less of it. Some estimates show that darker skin is about 90 percent less efficient at making vitamin D compared to lighter skin.

Advice on how to get vitamin D is conflicting. Sunlight is the best source, but we’re told to cover up to avoid skin cancer. Then we’re advised to eat a diet rich in vitamin D even though most foods don’t contain enough of it.

“There are so many recommendations out there, so how do we prioritize what we should be doing and which are the most important things to do?” says Anne Cappola, an endocrinologist and professor of medicine at Penn Medicine.” In some ways it would be easy if all we had to do was take supplements, but it’s more complicated than that.”

It doesn’t hurt to be more mindful about vitamin D. “You definitely want to have enough,” Cappola says, “but more is not always better.”

【小题1】What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.Vitamin D’s effect on healthy life.
B.Vitamin D’s benefits on the body.
C.Vitamin D’s function of fighting diseases.
D.Vitamin D’s protection against bone problems
【小题2】Who can produce the most vitamin D when exposed to sunlight according to the passage?
A.The 20-year-old Tom with lighter skin.
B.The 20-year-old Pasco with darker skin.
C.The 30-year-old Riggs with lighter skin.
D.The 30-year-old Yohann with darker skin.
【小题3】What can we infer from Anne Cappola’s words?
A.It’s essential to get as much vitamin D as possible.
B.People should take more vitamin D to keep healthy.
C.People can get enough vitamin D by taking enough supplements.
D.It’s more complex than just take supplements to get vitamin D.
【小题4】Where does the passage most probably come from?
A.An advertisementB.A health magazine
C.A biology textbookD.An education website
