语法填空-短文语填 适中0.65 引用3 组卷145

Technophobes are people who hate modern technology, 【小题1】(probable)because they don’t understand it, or because they are afraid of doing something wrong and 【小题2】(ruin)the equipment.

However, this is not a new phenomenon(现象). At the turn of the 20th century, when electricity was set up in many homes, signs 【小题3】(place)on the wall next to the light-switches advising people 【小题4】 were used to gas lighting not to light the electricity with a match!

There were many cases where people were unaware of how to use new machines, causing 【小题5】(embarrass)in the would-be user and amusement in the observer.

When 【小题6】(video)first came on the market, a woman, who had never seen a video-tape before, took one tape out of the box 【小题7】 began shaking it violently. Seeing this, her husband asked her what she 【小题8】(do). She replied, “Shaking the tape. 【小题9】 says on the tape ‘Shake before use’”. Her husband told her the name of the film was “Shake Before Use”!

Whatever your phobias(恐惧), new technology is here to stay until someone comes along and invents something newer for us 【小题10】(use).

知识点:科学技术 社会问题与社会现象 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

What would it be like to walk around Olympia when the ancient Olympic Games were being held? An unusual partnership between Microsoft and Greece’s Ministry of Culture and Sport is offering tourists the answer.

The ministry【小题1】(approve) the project 18 months ago, after reaching an【小题2】(agree) with Microsoft to build three data centers in Athens. As agreed, the ministry will map and build virtual representations at Olympia, a site used for nearly a thousand years【小题3】(host) the game in ancient Greece, while Microsoft provides augmented reality (AR) technology to recreate temples and competition areas in the ancient city of Olympia. After【小题4】(it) completion, tourists will be able to virtually visit inside and outside the buildings in【小题5】 ancient Olympians had competed in different sports through Microsoft’s HoloLens eyeglasses. Currently the headset costs around $ 3,500. But as tech companies are racing to deliver AR equipment, the costs are decreasing 【小题6】 (rapid).

“It is 【小题7】 milestone that has helped us bring technology, culture【小题8】 history together so we can preserve them,” Microsoft President Brad Smith said. “I hope that cheaper AR equipment and【小题9】(fast) Internet connections might put it within mainstream applications like tourism and provide us with the most powerful educational tool ever 【小题10】(invent) within a couple of years. ”


Today, the advancement of technology has taken a front-row seat in the creation of smart campuses. In recent years, many schools in China 【小题1】 (accept) technologies such as Al and big data to make school life 【小题2】 (simple) for students and teachers than before.

Using a smart campus system by the Chinese tech company iFlytek, Tianjin Eco-City School attached 【小题3】 Beijing Normal University has introduced 【小题4】 (innovate) applications to transform the educational experience. In aerospace classes, students use simulation (模拟) devices and VR glasses for immersive (沉浸式的) learning, enabling them 【小题5】 (find) out about rocket launches and a rocket’s internal structure through fun learning.

【小题6】 (similar), in swimming classes, “by wearing smart earphones, children can receive real-time instructions from the coach underwater, ensuring maximum safety, said Li Rui, 【小题7】 leader of the school.

For PE classes, Yuwen School in Wuhu, Anhui, has installed (安装) self-testing kits with AI visual analysis technology for 【小题8】 (activity) such as long-distance running, standing long jump, sit-ups and skipping rope. Students’ faces 【小题9】 (register) in a facial recognition system, 【小题10】 (allow) them to receive voice reports and instant performance results after each exercise.

Smart campuses can reshape how and what students learn and how they study and interact with an institution.


China Mobile, the world’s largest telecom carrier by mobile subscribers, has successfully launched the world’s first satellite to test 6G architecture,【小题1】   (mark) a milestone in its efforts to explore integrated space and ground communication technology.

The low-earth orbit test satellite is the world’s first to employ 6G design architecture, and it【小题2】   (launch) on Saturday along with another satellite that comes with China Mobile’s 5G technology.

The 6G test satellite 【小题3】   (host) a distributed autonomous architecture for 6G, which was jointly developed by China Mobile and the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Innovation Academy for Microsatellites. The system, using domestic software and hardware, supports in-orbit software reconstruction, flexible deployment of core network functions【小题4】   automated management, enhancing the efficiency and【小题5】   (reliable) of the in-orbit operation of the satellite core network, China Mobile said.

Set at an orbit height of approximately 500 kilometers, these experimental satellites offer advantages such as low latency and high data transfer rates 【小题6】 (compare) with high-orbit satellites 【小题7】   travel at 36,000 kilometers.

Positioned as 【小题8】 crucial platform for future integrated space and ground networks, low-earth orbit satellites can address telecom signal coverage gaps in terrestrial mobile networks, providing higher bandwidth satellite internet services【小题9】 (systematic), according to China Mobile.

China Mobile said 【小题10】 plans to conduct in-orbit experiments based on these test satellites, accelerating the integration and development of space-to-ground technology industries.
