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“I just want a normal birthday party,” April told Bailey as they walked home from school.

Bailey knew what April meant. April’s parents loved the environment. And because April happened to be born on Earth Day, all her parties had an Earth Day theme. “Remember when you turned seven?” Bailey said.

“How could I forget the Throw-Out Blowout?” said April.

“We helped out at your garage sale and donated the money to charity. And when you turned eight—”

“It was a Tree Spree,” finished April. “We planted maples.”

“Last year, we all collected newspapers to recycle,” said Bailey.

“The Print Sprint?” April groaned.

Bailey giggled. “I thought it was fun.”

Later that night, as April loaded the dishwasher, she said, “I’d like to plan my own party this year.”

“Sure,” said Mom, “We could have a Compost(堆肥) Carnival.”

“Great idea!” said Dad.

April cleared her throat “Pd like to go to Maze Craze(疯狂迷宫) instead.”

“Really?” said Dad, surprised.

“I guess we could do that,” said Mom.

April couldn’t wait for her birthday! She and her friends would have so much fun. And they wouldn’t have to think one bit about the earth.

The following weekend, everyone gathered in the parking lot outside of Maze Craze. “Thanks for coming,” said April “I’ve been so excited about my party. No shovels. No collecting recyclables. Nothing earthy about it.” She shifted her feet. “Then I got here this morning and saw this parking lot.”

April’s friends glanced around. Plastic bottles bounced across the cement. Newspapers and fast-food sacks blocked the storm drain. Shopping bags rustled in the trees.

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Looking at the mess, April frowned(皱起眉头).


April looked at the bags with bottles, cans and paper to recycle and smiled.

知识点:环境保护善行义举(个人) 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

BPWD is a startup company, where my workmates and I work our heads off, seeking solutions to various environmental problems. We are what people consider a group of promising young talents working in a promising industry. We are from different backgrounds but we all fit in well with the high— paced life and enjoy all the convenience that Salt Lake City can offer. We pride ourselves on all the differences we are making to this planet but our best subject for lunch break chat is what we do as volunteers to protect a lake called Lake Purilence.

We first heard about the lake from my workmate, Bluto, who referred to it as his childhood paradise, where he used to fish, swim and cast pebbles (鹅卵石) with his friends. He described the lake area as one of the few places of wildness that had not been ruined by modern tourism. He had left the place for years since his parents sold their farm near the lake and moved to the city, but he still kept dreaming of going back. In his own words, he was “nature starved”. Attracted by Bluto's description, the five of us working in the same office got on our way to it in October, 2019, taking advantage of a federal holiday.

It was a place not only lesser known but also out of the way. We took a flight first and then rented two cars at the airport. We had to travel along backroads in rental cars to finally get there but the scenery was absolutely stunning. No wonder it was loved so dearly by Bluto. All the beautiful trees and the grass were covered with red and orange leaves and the quiet lake is like a mirror reflecting the golden rays of the sun. A short distance away, we could see a few other tourists taking pictures by the lake and some white birds flying up from the water and the patches of reed marshes (芦苇荡). Amazed by the scene, our hearts longed for a closer encounter with the lake.


As we got closer to the lake, however, we saw something strikingly inharmonious to the beautiful view.


Looking at my workmates, I put forward a plan, which met their immediate approval.

