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Have you noticed how some lucky people just aren’t the worrying type? Take my friend Olline, for example. Living on the same block, we’ve known each other since we were babies, and I’ve seen him act worried maybe five times total. I, on the other hand, am pretty much the exact opposite.

I could find something to worry about every day.

At my karate(空手道) school, there’s a group of kids that gives karate lessons to younger kids, and I recently tried out to be one of the teachers.

Surprisingly, I wasn’t that nervous for the tryouts(选拔). But when I didn’t get the call saying if I was in or out, I started feeling more and more nervous. Before long, my nervousness turned into worrying, and when it came to thinking about anything else or getting anything done, I was useless! So after lunch yesterday, when my little brother Tex asked me to play basketball with him, I could only say, “I can’t. I’m busy!” “Busy with what?” my little sister, Indi, asked. “Busy waiting for the phone to ring!” I grumbled.

“You’re reminding me of that old saying,” said our mom. “A watched pot never boils!” “The more you focus on the thing you’re waiting for, the longer it seems to take,” she explained when seeing my brother’s puzzling eyes.

Just then, the phone rang, and I raced to grab it. “Hello?” “Hey,” said Ollie. “Oh, it’s just you,”

I said. “Wow, you sure know how to make a friend feel special!” said Ollie. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I’ve been waiting for a call telling me if I made it into this karate group, and it’s stressing me out.” “I get it,” said Ollie. “I remember being so stressed waiting to find out if I’d made it onto the select soccer team last year. The best cure was distracting(使分心) myself.”

I was surprised. “It thought you never worried.” “I’m pretty sure that’s part of being human,” said Ollie. “And I’m also pretty sure I have just the thing to distract you. Want me to bring it over?” he asked.

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“Hmm,” I said suspiciously. “What exactly is this thing?”


By the end of the day, we were all worn out and Daisy the dog even fell sound asleep, when suddenly my mom called from the kitchen, “Zona! Telephone.”

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Cycling began as a means to get around, but quickly became a passion that I fell in love with.

My first event of 2023 was in April, a self supported one-day ride of the rugged 100-mile White Rim Trail through Canyonlands National Park, near Moab, Utah. It was an amazing day, really tough at times, but my best friend and I had some laughs and enjoyed the beautiful views.

My second event for the year was in May, a 12-hour mountain bike race that I did as a partner with a friend I met last year at Rezduro, the first mountain bike enduro race (耐力赛) held on the Navajo Nation. It was a big day on the bike. I felt nervous going into it, but the training paid off. I was focused on my ride, and felt strong on the bike, even during the heavy rainstorm that happened in the race.

I am currently registered (报名) for Rezduro again, and excited for the event. Rezduro opened up a whole new world of riding to me. And this year, I’ve already taken two trips to clinics (培训班) in Arizona to help coach mountain bike skills on the Navajo Nation. One clinic was held in March, and the other in May. Most of the participants were women and girls.


These trips filled my heart.


Lucy was very nervous. She had a swimming competition in the morning and could not sleep. She tossed and turned all night. She was no stranger to competition. In fact, she loved it. Lucy was very athletic and was not only part of a swim team, but a soccer team as well. But this particular competition was important. She had made it all the way to the finals and didn’t want to let her teammates down.

When her alarm went off at 6: 00 am, she hit the snooze button and rolled onto her side, wishing she could just stay in bed all day. Having slept so poorly, Lucy was not at all ready for the day. After a few minutes, she stretched her arms above her head and yawned before throwing her covers back and climbing out of bed.

She was terribly anxious about the competition, so much that she couldn’t even eat breakfast. It felt as though her stomach was doing somersaults (翻腾). Lucy’s mother looked concerned. “You have to eat something,” she said. “It’s important to keep your strength up.” “I know, I’m just not hungry this morning,” Lucy replied, picking at her eggs with a fork. All she could think about was facing the competition. What if she performed poorly? What if she disappointed her coach and teammates? She wouldn’t be able to forgive herself.

Lucy’s mom sensed her daughter’s worry and gave her a reassuring (令人宽慰的) pat on the back. “You’ll be great, dear. Just do your best. That’s all that matters.”

Lucy felt a bit of relief and appreciated her mother’s kind words. But by the time she got to the athletic club where the swim meet was being held, that feeling of comfort had dissolved (消融). She went to the locker room to prepare for the competition, but when she opened her gym bag, she was quite surprised.

She didn’t expect to find a handwritten note.
Paragraph 2:
She saw her soccer uniform and realized she had grabbed the wrong bag.

As a beginning teacher, I was faced with a lot of challenges,but the one that took up most of my time was Amanda. about forty inches tall with her head down, chin (下巴) against her chest, looking out at the world from the tops of her eyes with anger on her face. She was ready to battle with any comer. To beat all, she was repeating third grade.

I quickly learned one child had the power to interrupt and destroy my classroom. And worse, Amanda had the power to ruin my career even before it got started! I really wanted to know what made her such so I asked around and heard some incredible stories about the “little tornado (龙卷风)” who left destruction. About the only positive information came from the reading teacher, who insisted she could learn.

I contacted Amanda’s father and suggested keeping his daughter after school for teaching. My plan went beyond study because this child had the poorest social skills. On the long list were common politeness, table manners, and learning how to respond respectfully in unfamiliar situations. Obviously, I had to solve her problems in behavior as they were a huge barrier to success in study. There was no end goal. Rather,I hoped that what I could do would lead Amanda to become a cooperative (合作的、配合的) member of my class.

The first day I kept her, we talked about how she felt about school. Amanda had had very negative experiences in school, which influenced her thoughts on almost everything else in her life. However, when I talked with her about things she enjoyed, she wore a shining smile on her face. She liked to shop and she loved Dairy Queen Ice-creams.

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I now had an idea to help her.
At the end of this third grade, Amanda’s progress really surprised me.
