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My husband and I both grew up playing sports. So we weren’t surprised when our little daughter, Kennedi showed early athletic promise. She could easily outrun other kids, while playing with them on the playground.

By the time Kennedi started primary school, we signed her up for track training. Slowly but surely, track training took over our lives. We gave up taking vacations so our girl wouldn’t miss any practices. I even stopped Kennedi from swimming with her friends, for I thought she would waste the energy needed for competition. We didn’t ask Kennedi if that was what she wanted. Of course she did! she kept winning, and every kid liked to win.

When Kennedi was 13 years old, at a national sports event, she suddenly fell down and ended up lying on the track, screaming in pain. A doctor said, “She worked out too hard that the thick tissue in her knee was torn. she might not run as fast as before.” The doctor kept talking, but I bad a bard time following the words. My feelings were mixed. Was I too strict with my daughter? Was I partly to blame for her injury? Then I realized that my kid needed a mom more than a coach.

To our great relief, after a year-long’s strict medical examination, Kennedi almost recovered. She even joined the volleyball team at her high school. And we were gradually back to a busy family schedule. But not everything is the same. We seldom miss vacations anymore, even if that means missing practice. And I’m learning to believe that if my daughter decides not to run track in college, that only means life has something even more wonderful in store.

【小题1】What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 1?
A.Kennedi made a promise to be an athlete.B.Kennedi had a gift to be a sports player.
C.Kennedi showed great interest in doing sports.D.Kennedi wanted to be an athlete at her early age.
【小题2】What do we know about Kennedi in Primary school?
A.Kennedi studied very bard.B.Kennedi could play with her friends freely.
C.Kennedi was asked to train by a coach.D.Kennedi spent most of her free time in training.
【小题3】What caused Kennedi’s injury, according to the doctor?
A.A serious fallB.Hard exercise.C.Carelessness.D.The running speed.
【小题4】How would Kennedi’s mother feel about her giving up running in the future?
知识点:家人和亲人 体育健身 记叙文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

A home is a place where we feel safe and loved. The warmth of a home doesn’t depend on its size or decoration (装饰). 【小题1】 So, everyone should take out some time from your busy schedule to spend with your family. Here is a list of some fun things that you can try at home.

·Have an indoor picnic

You want to enjoy a small picnic with your family, but neither the weather nor your daily schedule allows you to go to enjoy a nearby park. How about having a picnic indoors? You can have ice cream or sandwiches made in your own kitchen. The best part is that you don't have to wait for a long weekend for this picnic. 【小题2】

·Role play

Give each family member a different role to play. For example, ask your youngest daughter to play the role of Daddy. 【小题3】 This fun activity can go a long way toward building a strong connection between you and your kids.


Family meetings are often held to discuss different matters with your family members, share happy memories and talk about interesting stories. It can be a meeting when the family is sitting together at the dining table talking on a Friday night.

·Watch a movie

【小题5】 It will never be as fun as watching it with the people you love. Pick out everyone’s favorite movie, prepare some popcorn, and enjoy a comfortable family night.

A.Plan a fun family meeting.
B.Video chat with family members.
C.Watching a movie alone can be boring.
D.It is because you can have it at any time you want.
E.See for yourself how your children view their parents.
F.It will be difficult for all family members to gather around.
G.It is the people in the house that make the home a place worth living.

This was the first communication that had come from her aunt in Jessie’s lifetime.

“I think your aunt has forgiven me at last,” her father said as he passed the letter across the table.

Jessie looked first at the autograph(签名). It seemed strange to see her own name there. There was a likeness between her aunt’s autograph and her own, a hint of the same decisiveness and precision. If Jessie had been educated fifty years earlier, she might have written her name in just that manner.

“You’re very like her in some ways,” her father said, as she still stared at the autograph.

“I should think you must almost have forgotten what Aunt Jessie was like, dear,” she said. “How many years is it since you last saw her?”

“More than forty,” her father said. “We disagreed. We invariably disagreed. Jessie always prided herself on being so modern. She read Darwin and things like that. Altogether beyond me, I admit.”

“And so it seems that she wants to see me.” Jessie straightened her shoulders and lifted her head. She was excited at the thought of meeting this mythical aunt whom she had so often heard about. Sometimes she had wondered if the personality of this remarkable relative had not been a figment(虚构) of her father’s imagination.

But this letter of hers that now lay on the breakfast table was admirable in character. There was something of intolerance expressed in its tone. It was just like what her father had told her.

Mr. Deane came out of his past memories with a sigh.

“Yes, yes; she wants to see you, my dear,” he said. “I’ve heard she has set up a school and helped many youngsters. I think you had better accept this invitation to stay with her. If she took a fancy to you, you could get a better education…”

He sighed again, and Jessie knew that for the hundredth time he was regretting his own past weakness...

【小题1】How was the relationship between Jessie’s father and her aunt?
A.It remained very close over the years.
B.It was broken when they were young.
C.It got tenser due to a misunderstanding.
D.It was uneasy for their financial differences.
【小题2】From the passage, we know Jessie was          .
A.eager to meet her aunt.
B.cautious about her aunt’s invitation
C.angry with her aunt for ignoring her family.
D.puzzled by her aunt’s sudden interest in her
【小题3】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Jessie’s aunt promised to offer her better education.
B.Jessie’s aunt’s personality seemed to change a lot.
C.Jessie and her aunt were different in personality.
D.Jessie’s father felt sorry for what he had done.

One of the most inspiring features of our mom is her ability to face adversity and not to get defeated. She always emerges with a renewed spirit and a sense of hope. Her attitude to unfortunate events is typically met with: “Hey, nobody died; nobody has cancer; we’ll get through this, too!” But by far, our mother’s most widely used motto is: ”Count your blessings !

In 2003, our mother fell ill and had to have surgery. When the doctor told the unthinkable diagnosis to my family while Mom was in recovery - a kind of cancer - my sister called me and said, “Should we tell her?“

As it turned out, we didn’t have to say a word. Mom knew it even before she was told, and she soothed us when we should have been making her less worried. “Hey, let’s count our blessings; the doctor got it all and I’m not dead yet. Let’s have some faith.”

As usual, our wise mother was right. She survived not only the cancer, but five years later, she recovered from another round of cancer - colorectal cancer. She never needed chemo or radiation (化疗或放疗) because surprisingly both cancers were not getting worse and surgically (手术) removed. She has been cancer-free for nearly two years and counting.

“Faith - that’s all you need,” my mom said firmly as she tapped the table. “Feeling sorry for yourself doesn’t help anything or solve the problem. Pity just adds to your problems. Spend your time counting your blessings instead. You’ll see just how well off you really are. That’s my motto.”

Counting blessings is not just a motto drilled into our heads by our mom. It has become a way of life for all of us. So much so that when I count my blessings, my wise mother is always near the top of the list.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “soothed“ in paragraph 3 mean?
【小题2】What can we know about the author’s mother?
A.She led her life with gratefulness.
B.She was heavily hit by the bad news.
C.She took her health condition seriously.
D.She recovered without receiving treatment.
【小题3】Which of the following can best describe the author’s mother?
A.Traditional and strict.
B.Gifted and serious.
C.Strong and positive.
D.Considerate and generous.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.My mother’s glory daysB.My mother - living by faith
C.My mother’s struggling daysD.My mother - never complaining
