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Just over six months ago, I saw an advertisement in the Morning Mail for a set of the complete works of William Shakespeare. Your company, Cosmo books Ltd., offered this set (eight books of plays and two books of poetry) at what was claimed to be a ‘remarkable’ price: fifteen pounds and fifty pence, including postage and packing. I had wanted a set of Shakespeare’s plays and poems for some time, and these books, in red imitation leather, looked particularly attractive; so I sent for them.
Two weeks later, the books arrived, together with a set of the complete works of Charles Dickens which I had not ordered. So I returned the Dickens books to you, with a cheque for fifteen pounds and fifty pence for the works of Shakespeare. Two more weeks passed. Then there arrived on my door step a second set of the works of Shakespeare, the same set of novels by Dickens and a six book set of the plays of Moliere, in French. Since I do not read French, these were of no use to me at all. However, I could not afford to post all these books back to you, so I wrote to you at the end of August of last year, instructing you to come and collect all the books that I did not want, and asking you not to send any other books until further notice.
You did not reply to that letter. Instead you sent me a bill for forty two pounds, and a set of the plays of Schiller, in German. Since then, a new set of books has arrived every two weeks, the works of Goethe, the poems of Milton, the plays of Strindberg; I hardly know what I have. The books are still all in their boxes, in the garage, and my car has to stand in the rain outside.
I have no room for any more books, and even if I read from now until the Last Judgment, I should not finish reading all the books that you have sent me.
Please send no more books, send no more bills, send no more angry letters demanding payment. Just send one large lorry and take all the books away, leaving me only with the one set of the complete works of Shakespeare for which I have paid.
Yours faithfully,
【小题1】Simon Walker wrote the letter to ________
A.show his anger to Cosmo Books Ltd..
B.complain about getting books he didn’t want.
C.advise readers not to order books from Cosmo Books Ltd..
D.urge for the final solution to the problem with the unwanted books.
【小题2】The advertisement that Mr. Walker saw in the Morning Mail was for ________
A.unlimited number of Cosmo Books.
B.a set of 10 books of the works of Shakespeare.
C.fifteen pounds and fifty pence.
D.a book containing all the plays and poems of Shakespeare.
【小题3】Mr. Walker answered the advertisement because ________
A.he wanted a set of Shakespeare’s works which was a good bargain
B.he claimed that the books were being offered at a remarkable price.
C.he had ordered the set and had been waiting for them to come for some time.
D.the set he already had was not particularly attractive.
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How to Deal with Rudeness

When you encounter rude people, do your best to maintain your dignity. That might make them madder, but only you have control over your own behavior and the way you deal with them. And whatever you do, never let the other person’s bad behavior drive you crazy. 【小题1】

Show empathy(同理心) and sympathy

This requires understanding why the person is being rude. For example, if someone yells at someone else in public (even you), you might mention that you totally understand how he’s feeling. If it’s a momentary improper behavior, he’ll probably apologize. Accept it and move on. If he gets angrier, let it go. 【小题2】

Call the person out on his behavior

If someone is always rude to you, ask him if he realizes what he says or does shows a lack of respect for others. He might not realize he’s being rude. 【小题3】If he doesn’t, then you need to avoid this person.


Sometimes it’s best to just walk away. If the person is still saying impolite things or acting out, his lack of an audience will calm him down. If the rudeness is more of a habit, he might realize it’s time to make a change if everyone is walking around him.

Offer extra kindness

【小题5】 However, if you are able to keep your head up and set an example, sometimes the other person will eventually calm down and follow your lead. Don’t count on this happening, but it might be worth a shot if you don’t have a choice but to be around him.

A.Avoid the rude person
B.Change his rude behavior
C.Here are some ways you can try to deal with them
D.If he cares, he’ll apologize and try to be more polite
E.Remember, you are only human and it is OK to get mad
F.There’s nothing you can do to stop him or make him behave
G.This might be difficult if the rudeness is more than you can bear

Active listening

We often focus on saying what we want to say in an effective way and forget that listening carefully to others is just as important. The good news is that we can learn how to improve our listening skills. 【小题1】 Much of the time, we listen passively, so by making an effort to listen actively, we can improve our listening skills and develop necessary relationships more easily. Here are a few tips to help you start listening more actively.

Never underestimate(低估) the importance of nonverbal communication. 【小题2】 One study found that nonverbal factors were responsible for 93 percent of communication effectiveness. While not all experts agree that the percentage is as high as this, they do agree that nonverbal communication is extremely powerful. So, when you listen to another person, pay close attention to his tone of voice, facial expressions and body language.

Have an open mind. Do your best to put your own feelings and opinions aside while you listen, and encourage the speaker to fully express his ideas. Try to imagine that you are in the same situation as the speaker. 【小题3】

Repeat what the speaker has said. By repeating the speaker's words, such as by saying "So, you feel unhappy." or "【小题4】", you are performing two important functions of an active listener. One is showing the other person you have been following what he was saying and the other is giving the speaker the chance to correct you if you have misunderstood. This technique is especially useful in highly emotional situations.

【小题5】 If you do that, you have stopped listening and started talking. Once you put your mind to listening more actively, you will find the practice has many benefits.

A.This caused problems for you?
B."Nonverbal" simply means "without words".
C.Strong listening skills are important to everyone.
D.Avoid starting talking about your own idea or views.
E.In this way, you will better understand his point of view.
F.One key to improvement is developing "active listening" skills.
G.Use nonverbal methods to encourage another person to communicate with you.

Have you ever heard of the phrase “we just can’t communicate”? Most people communicate with the ability to read or write well. This might not be the case as you will soon find out.

How many times have you been to the doctor’s office and listened to an educated professional explain something to you that is just unintelligible. These people keep asking you, “Do you understand?” and sometimes out of embarrassment because you don’t want to look like stupid, you tell them. “Yes, I do understand.” This isn’t a good way to communicate, either.

How do we communicate in a positive way to get our points across? Ask the persons you are communicating with if they understand what you just said. In another case, if someone is talking to you, use the statement, “Just to make sure that I understand what you just said” and then repeat back your understanding of their conversation. Sometimes just asking a few simple questions and clarifying your understanding can bring great benefits to any communication.

In some countries like Japan, you might find them reading your body language more than the words you are communicating with. Sometimes just by the way someone stands or reacts to something you said, you can get a valuable insight to what the other person means in this conversation. Don’t forget, however, this could also lead to a misunderstanding. Again if you think someone is communicating with their body language, try not to assume that you know exactly what message they are trying to get across. Always ask them if they understand what you are talking about.

A person is responsible for what he says and to make sure that the other person completely understands the point he is trying to get across. Why not start using some of the simple skills in this article to help with your communication skill? You will start to see the benefits within a short period of time.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “unintelligible” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Hard to speak.B.Impossible to notice.
C.Improper to repeat.D.Difficult to understand.
【小题2】What does people intend to do when they repeat your conversation?
A.Learn the way that you speak.
B.Check the meaning of the conversation.
C.Express the new message to each other.
D.Try to remember the content of the conversation.
【小题3】What does the author think of communicating with body language?
A.It can help us understand others’ words.
B.It can give us more comments about others.
C.It can express our ideas accurately.
D.It can teach us how to react to others’ words.
【小题4】What may be the best title for the text?
A.Communication and Body Language
B.How to Express Yourself Positively
C.Simple Good Communication Skills
D.Communication and Misunderstanding
