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There was a time when we thought humans were special in so many ways. Now we know better. We are not the only species that feels emotions, or follows a moral code. Neither are we the only ones with personalities, cultures and the ability to design and use tools. Yet we have all agree that one thing, at least, makes us unique: we alone have the ability of language.

It turns out that we are not so special in this aspect either. Key to the revolutionary reassessment of our talent for communication is the way we think about language itself. Where once it was seen as an unusual object, today scientists find it is more productive to think of language as a group of abilities. Viewed this way, it becomes apparent that the component parts of language are not as unique as the whole.

Take gesture, arguably the starting point for language. Until recently, it was considered uniquely human - but not any more. Mike Tomasello of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and others have collected a list of gestures observed in monkeys and some other animals, which reveals that gestures plays a large role in their communication. Ape(猿) gestures can involve touch, vocalising or eye movement, and individuals wait until they have another ape’s attention before making visual or auditory gestures. If their gestures go unacknowledged, they will often repeat them.

In an experiment carried out in 2006 by Erica Cartmill and Richard Byrne from the University of St Andrews in the UK, they got a person to sit on a chair with some highly desirable food such as banana to one side of apes and some undesirable food such as vegetables to the other. The apes, who could see the person and the food from their enclosures, gestured at their human partners to encourage them to push the desirable food their way. If the person showed incomprehension and offered the vegetables, the animals would change their gestures - just as a human would in a similar situation. If the human seemed to understand while being somewhat confused, giving only half the preferred food, the apes would repeat and exaggerate their gestures - again in exactly the same way a human would. Such findings highlight the fact that the gestures of the animals are not merely inborn but are learned, flexible and under voluntary control - all characteristics that are considered preconditions for human-like communication.

【小题1】It is agreed that compared with all the other animals, only human beings ________.
A.own the ability to show their personalities
B.are capable of using language to communicate
C.have moral standards and follow them in society
D.are intelligent enough to release and control emotions
【小题2】According to the passage, humans are not so special in language ability because language ________.
A.involve some abilities that can be mastered by animals
B.is a talent impossibly owned by other animals
C.can be divided into different components
D.are productive for some talented animals
【小题3】What can we learn from that experiment by Cartmill and Byrne?
A.Apes can use language to communicate with the help of humans.
B.Repeating and exaggerating gestures is vital in language communication.
C.Some animals can learn to express and communicate through some trials.
D.The preferred food stimulates some animals to use language to communicate.
【小题4】What is probably the best title of the language?
A.Language involves gestures!B.Animals language - gestures!
C.So you think humans are unique?D.The similarity between humans and apes.
知识点:动物科普知识 说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Chimps design and use tools. That is well-known. But is it possible that they also use medicines to treat their own and others’ injuries? A new report suggests they do.

Since 2005, researchers have been studying a community of 45 chimps in the Loango National Parkin Gabon, on the west coast of Africa. Over a period of 15 months, from November 2019 to February2021, the researchers saw 76 open wounds on 22 different chimps. In 19 instances they watched a chimp performing what looked like self-treatment of the wound using an insect as a salve.

The procedure was similar each time. First, the chimps caught a flying insect; then they immobilized it by squeezing it between their lips. They placed the insect on the wound, moving it around with their fingertips. Finally, they took the insect out, using either their mouths or their fingers. Often, they put the insect in the wound and took it out several times.

Aaron Sandel, an anthropologist at the University of Texas, Austin, found the work valuable, but at the same time expressed some doubts. “They don’t offer an alternative explanation for the behavior, and they make no connection to what insect it might be,” he said. “The jump to a potential medical function? That’s a stretch at this point.”

In some forms of ape social behavior, it is clear that there is an exchange of value. For example, grooming another chimp provides relief from parasites for the groomed animal, but also an insect snack for the groomer. But in the instances she observed, Dr. Pika said, the chimp gets nothing practical in return. To her, this shows the apes are engaging in an act that increases "the welfare of another being,” and teaches us more about the primates’ social relationships.

【小题1】How did the researchers draw their conclusions?
A.They interviewed some chimp experts.B.They carried out continuous observations.
C.They compared chimps with other animals.D.They came up with doubts and solved them.
【小题2】What is the fourth step of chimps’ treatment for injures?
A.Removing medicine.B.Obtaining a salve.
C.Squeezing their lips.D.Catching an insect.
【小题3】What does Dr. Pika highlight about apes?
A.An exchange of interest.B.Their behavior of less value.
C.A need of insect snack.D.Their concern for social relationships.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.Chimps’ Life Habits Remain a PuzzleB.Researchers Got New Evidence about Apes
C.Chimps Put Insects on Wounds as CuresD.Apes Are Expert at Exploring the Unknown

The Island Rule is one of the best explanations scientists could give to the observable phenomenon that animals and humans have evolved (演变) depending on the resources available in their habitat (栖息地). Through time, scientists have noticed through fossil (化石) records that some large animals from mainland habitats have dwarf (矮小的) versions in bland habitats.

A report from BBC described the existence of what scientists call “hobbit island” off a small island somewhere in Indonesia. It was given such a name because fossil records of tiny, humanlike creatures have been found in the region. What they called as “hobbits” or “Homo Floresiensis”, are only as tall as one meter and are small versions of early human species with tinier brains.

Though scientists cannot perfectly trace the origin of the “Homo Floriensis”, they believe that they are human relatives, but it is the “island life” that has caused them to evolve as they have. Scientists have noticed through fossil records and existing organisms (有机体) today that it seems if large animals grow small in islands while small animals grow large in larger islands.

In theory, animal and human bodies have adjusted to the available food and fresh water in their habitats. Since there is no opportunity for them to leave their island, they might as well adapt.

New York Magazine explained that islands usually have fewer predators (捕食者) than mainland ecosystems. However, it is the lack of resources that cause the death of many animals. As a means of natural adaptation, the bodies of these animals have evolved smaller than their ancestors, making their bodies require fewer resources.

A report from Web Ecoist listed down a few examples of animals that have shrunk significantly compared with their ancestors. Some of these include the Bali tiger as small as leopards (豹).

【小题1】How did the name “hobbit island” come from?
A.Scientists discovered dwarf people living on the island.
B.One meter tall human being made a living on these islands.
C.Scientists found human species with tinier brains on an island.
D.Evidences showing tiny, human-like creatures on the island were found.
【小题2】What do you know about “Homo Floricnsis”?
A.They used to only live somewhere in Indonesia.
B.They were the earliest ancestor of human beings.
C.They look small compared with normal humans.
D.They gradually grew larger on the larger islands.
【小题3】According to New York Magazine,.
A.animals on island lack enough food to live on
B.many animals died off for no apparent reason
C.too many predators will do damage to the ecosystem
D.predators make island animals turn smaller
【小题4】What can be inferred from the text?
A.More predators can help animals grow stronger and larger.
B.Bali tiger turns small because of adaptation to the environment.
C.More food resources should be provided lo islands.
D.Animals on mainland are fiercer than those on islands.

Animal conservation

Many animal and plant species have become extinct and many more are in critical danger.Finding ways to protect the earth's wildlife and conserve the natural world they inhabit(居住)is now more important than ever.


The Dodo is a classic example of how human caused damage to the earth's biology.The flightless Dodo was native to the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean.It   lived off fruit fallen from the island's trees and lived unthreatened until humans arrived in 1505.The easily controlled bird became a source of food for sailors and was attacked by animals introduced to the Island by humans such as pigs, monkeys and rats.The population of Dodos rapidly decreased and the last one was killed in 1681.


The Rhino(犀牛)horn is a highly prized item for Asian medicine.This has led to the animal being hunted in its natural habitat.Once widespread in Africa and Eurasia,most Rhinos now live   in protected natural parks and reserves(保护区).Their numbers have rapidly decreased in the last 50 years,and the animals remain under constant threat from poachers(偷袭者).

The Giant Panda

The future of the World Wildlife Fund's symbol is far from certain.As few as 1,600 pandas remain in the wild.The Chinese government has set up 33 panda reserves to protect these beautiful animals and made poaching them punishable with 20 years in prison.However,the panda's distinct black and white patched coat fetches a high price on the black market and determined poachers still pose(造成)one of the most serious threats to the animal's continued existence.


The International Whaling Commission is fighting to ensure the survival of the whale species.Despite the fact that one-third of the world's oceans have been declared the whale sanctuaries(保护区).7 out of 13 whale species remain endangered.Hunted for their rich supply of oil,their numbers have decreased to just 300.Collisions with ships,poisonous pollution and being caught in fishing nets are other major causes of whale deaths.


The last 100 years has seen a 95% reduction in the numbers of remaining tigers to between 5,000 and 7,000 and The Bali,Javan,and Caspian tigers are already extinct.The South China tiger is precariously close to disappearing,with only 20 to 30 still alive.Like the Rhino horn,tigers' bones and organs are sought after for traditional Chinese medicines.These items are traded illegally along with tiger skins.

【小题1】It implies that ________.
A.the Dodo lacked the ability to protect itself from other animals
B.sailors to the Island of Mauritius lived mainly on the Dodo
C.the Dodo used to be a strong animal that liked fighting
D.the Dodo,pigs,monkeys and rats were the natives to the Island of Mauritius
【小题2】Which group of the following animals has already ceased to exist according to the text?
A.The Dodo,Rhinos and Giant Pandas.
B.The Rhino,Whales and South China Tigers.
C.The Rhino,Pandas,Whales and Tigers.
D.The Dodo and the Bali,Javan,and Caspian tigers.
【小题3】Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.The number of South China tigers has reached crisis point.
B.Many animals are threatened with extinction as a result of human activities.
C.People hunt for the endangered animals for high profit.
D.The Whale is the representing mark for the World Wildlife Fund.
【小题4】Which of the following is mentioned in all the descriptions of those wild animals?
A.The way of their life.
B.The reason for their extinction or being in danger.
C.Why they are hunted.
D.Punishment for hunting wild animals.
