阅读理解-七选五 较易0.85 引用5 组卷492

When you learn a new subject, you may always consider how much time you need to truly understand it all. Here we give you some advice about how to study, so you'll be able to take on more information with shorter study sessions (时段).

·Study in small sessions. Our ability to store the information we take reduces (降低) after around 30 minutes, so you'd better cut your studying sessions into smaller parts. 【小题1】

·Find a study area. Don't study in a place where you sleep!Don't study in your bed, where you play games, or in front of the TV. Why? 【小题2】 You need to program your mind to study in a place where you always study and nowhere else.

·Take good notes. 【小题3】 And review them after class to increase your understanding.

·【小题4】 To be a good student, you should be a good teacher. You cannot teach something you do not know.

·Read your textbook effectively (有效地). Always use the SQ3R method. You need to survey, question, read, recite (背诵), review to actively remember the information. 【小题5】

A.Train your mind.
B.Just reading it is not enough.
C.Be ready to teach what you've learned.
D.It's a good idea to study in a familiar place.
E.You can do some fun activities during your breaks.
F.Find a note­taking method that works best for you.
G.Doing so will only mix up your mind as to what to do.
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Reading and writing are essential to learning. In fact, a new study now shows that writing by hand may help kids learn and understand letters faster. It also may help kids learn to read more quickly. Published in Psychological Science, the study found that handwriting allowed participants to take in several components of new letters they learned, helping them to potentially process the information more effectively.

During the research, the participants, who were all adults, were divided into three different learning groups: a handwriting group, a group that watched videos, and a group that typed responses. Each group was then introduced to Arabic letters and then had to reproduce them in different ways. Those in the handwriting group wrote the letters with a pen and paper. The video group saw the letters on the screen and had to identify them. And the group with typed responses had to locate the letters on a keyboard. The individuals in the handwriting group learned the information more quickly.

While the test was performed on adults, researchers believe the results can apply to children’s ability to learn letters, identify them, and perhaps read earlier. Children learn by using different learning styles: seeing, hearing, moving or touching. The benefit of using handwriting with these learning methods is that it brings the methods of learning information to get her in a way that strengthens understanding. Dr Wiley notes that writing is not necessary to learn to read. But the ability to connect everything being learned about the letters can be beneficial as children become readers. And handwriting can play a part.

In fact, many experts agree that computers and digital learning can be used to improve the educational experience and not to replace handwriting and that writing should be a part of the curriculum. “We should stick with some form of written practice. That’s what the evidence really shows,” Dr Rapp concludes.

【小题1】What can we know from the findings of the new study?
A.Reading and writing are of great importance.
B.Writing faster may cause children to read faster.
C.Handwriting benefits children in more than one way.
D.Writing by hand is in fact harmful to children’s ability to read.
【小题2】What did the best performers use during the research?
A.Computers.B.Pens and paper.C.Videos.D.Recorders.
【小题3】How many learning methods used by children are mentioned in paragraph 3?
【小题4】Which of the following may Dr Rapp agree with?
A.Handwriting shouldn’t be ignored.
B.Computers aren’t good for students at all.
C.Handwriting is a form of digital learning.
D.Handwriting should replace digital learning.


With a focus on collaboration, connection, discovery, and fun, students in British Columbia will have an opportunity to participate in a 3-week science journey in July 2023! At Science Games, students from Grades 1–6 across BC explore science first-hand in an online group led by engineers and geoscientists.

This interactive event hosted online gives students the chance to investigate the ways science affects their everyday lives. Diving deep into the world of innovation, participants will connect with other like-minded students and work together online to create their own solutions during each Saturday activity session.

DateDivision 1
(Grades 1–3)
Division 2
(Grades 4–6)
July 15, 20239:00 AM–11:00 AM2:00 PM–5:00 PM
July 22, 20239:00 AM–11:00 AM2:00 PM–5:00 PM
July 29, 20239:00 AM–11:00 AM2:00 PM–5:00 PM

To participate in these sessions, your child must be signed up as a 2023 Science Games participant and pay a $25 + GST registration fee. If there is a financial barrier to your participation in the 2023 Science Games, you can apply for a bursary for a reduced rate. The online Science Games Bursary application form will be available when registration launches.

Parents/Guardians can register their child/children as:

Individual Participants

Group Participants

Please note:

You can group registrations with a group code. The group size maximum is 3 participants so you can only share your code with 2 other Science Games participants.

Science Games participants will also receive a package from Engineers and Geoscientists BC at the end of June. This package includes items that are necessary for participation in a particular Science Games activity.

Have any other questions about Science Games 2023? Email us at sciencegames@egbc.ca.

【小题1】According to the information above, Science Games is most probably ________.
A.a science websiteB.a package of games
C.an online programD.a group competition
【小题2】What does the underlined word “bursary” probably mean?
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE about Science Games?
A.Each session of the virtual program will last two hours.
B.Students will conduct hands-on experiments with scientists.
C.Parents need to prepare activity materials for their children.
D.Each registration group can have no more than 3 participants.

With the current world conditions forcing us to stay longer indoors, you’ve likely tried to pick up a new skill. If you aren’t an active learner, you may think it’s taking you too long to pick up that new skill.【小题1】 But slow learning often has more to do with our ability to focus and our attitude towards learning than our innate ability to learn. Let’s take a look at three reasons why you may be learning slowly.

Lack of focus makes learning slow. But once you improve your focus, you’ll be surprised by how much faster you can gain new knowledge and skills. So try every means to improve your focus.【小题2】Choose a quiet environment to do your learning and ensure you won’t be interrupted.

Unrealistic expectations make us believe we’re slow learners. Whenever we want to pick up a new skill, we assume that the learning process will go smoothly.【小题3】When we don’t meet our unrealistic expectations of how fast we should be learning, we think we don’t have any talent or that we aren’t smart. So we must keep our expectations realistic.

【小题4】The person who’s already a good surfer and skater has a foundation of board sports to transfer into snowboard, which will make him learn the new skill faster. We may think we’re slow learners when we compare ourselves to others, but they may already have knowledge and skills that allow them to pick up the new learning much quicker.【小题5】The more we learn, the faster we can learn new things.

A.Beliefs have a strong influence on learning.
B.You might even think that you’re slow learner.
C.We don’t know what they’ve learned in the past.
D.For instance, remove as many distractions as possible.
E.Previous learning affects how quickly we learn something new.
F.The strategy here to become a faster learner is to never stop learning.
G.But the reality is that learning is sometimes frustrating, stressful, and slow.
