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Working-from-home dream now a reality

Sunjit Patel is a graphic designer with a well known publishing company. He has lived in England since he was five. He lives in South London, and for the last three years he has been working from home. Sunjit isn’t alone. 【小题1】 In addition, about eight million people spend some time working in the home rather in an office. This is almost twice as many as ten years ago.

This rapidly-growing trend towards working from home is the same in many countries. But why? The main reason is technological: easy access to the Internet and the availability of phone and video-conferencing. These enable people to use their home as an office in an efficient and cost-effective way.

【小题2】 Office space is costly, so if an organization can reduce its workstations, it may be able to move to a smaller site. Employees often work better at home: travelling to work can be tiring and costs a lot time. Many homeworkers save a lot of time if they don’t travel to work and they can start the day fresher and there work more efficiently.

Sunjit Patel says, “I have been working from home since my son was born and have been really enjoying it. 【小题3】 I have known my boss and colleagues for a long time now, which really helps because you’ve got to trust each other. You also need to have regular contact, by phone, email or video conferences, and you need to make regular trips to your office. Otherwise you really miss out on the gossip and on the social side of work.”

【小题4】 This response to a survey on homeworking was recently posted on the Internet: ‘The only people who can work from home are those who do an unnecessary job. Can surgeons work from home? Ambulance drivers? If you can work from home full-time, you have a pointless job.’

A.But, I can tell you that homeworking requires special skills like time management.
B.Not everyone agrees with Sunjit though.
C.Actually, I found it hard to work from home at first.
D.In Britain, there are 2.1 million people who work from home at present.
E.Sunjit has a lot of supporters.
F.Other reasons for homeworking are the benefits to both employers and employees.
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How to choose a career—for many, it’s a big and scary question. Deciding on the right career path is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in your life. 【小题1】 Don’t worry. Here is a practical guide on how to choose a career path.

List your skills.

No matter who you are, I know there are plenty of things you’re good at. Make a list of every single one that comes to mind. What subjects did you ace in school? What talents do people compliment you on? 【小题2】 Don’t leave out any skill, even if you don’t think it qualifies as a career skill. You never know how your unique set of strengths could transfer to a job.

Identify your passions.

Passion isn’t just a pipe dream. 【小题3】 No one wants to do work that makes them feel like a zombie! Finding your passion doesn’t mean the work will always be easy, but it does mean you’ll be fulfilled while doing it. Make a list of the activities that bring you to life, energize you, inspire you, and make you lose track of time.


The next factor we need to consider is mission. Who are the people you most want to help? What problems do you want to solve? What causes inspire or concern you? How have you been able to help people in ways that were meaningful to you? These are important questions to ask yourself, because without having a deeper purpose or why behind your work, it will be hard to stay with it in the long term.

Do some research.

【小题5】 Here is where you could find out the minimum requirements for each profession educationally, physically and mentally. As you continue your research, prioritize jobs that are in line with your aspirations and dismiss ones that clash or have little in common with your strong attributes.

A.Address your concerns.
B.Figure out your motivation.
C.However, you need to achieve it by every means.
D.These are all clues that tell you what your strengths are.
E.Thorough survey about the listed careers is of great importance.
F.It’s a very real and necessary part of doing a job that’s meaningful to you.
G.With endless career options available, making the right choice can be overwhelming.

Do you ever stop to question whether or not you’re on the right career path? You might even be thinking, “How do I even know what the right career is?” If you’re feeling stuck, unsure, or confused, don’t worry. 【小题1】

Take career assessments.

Take career personality tests that can help tell you what you should be. A career test should be valid and reliable. The test should actually measure what it claims to measure, and you should get consistent results over multiple tries. 【小题2】 Remember, a career assessment isn’t a shortcut (捷径); it’s a tool. It’s up to you how you use it.

Make a list of your options.

【小题3】 Make a list of all your options, whether those are actual job opportunities, education, or career paths. Once you have everything written down, you can determine what isn’t exactly right, and narrow your goals. Then rank your options from best to worst.

Look for overlap (重叠).

What you’re good at, what companies need, and what you like to do might all be different, but it’s important to try to find the overlap between the three. 【小题4】 Rather than looking at job titles, consider your interests, hobbies, and skills, and then work out how those translate.

Ask a mentor (导师).

Never underestimate the value and power of a good mentor! There are many different types of mentors, from the kind you pay to the kind that has been there, done that, as well as the kind that can support you at work. 【小题5】

Finding your dream career isn’t easy, and the path can be scary. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it!

A.That’s how you find your ideal career path.
B.Think about how much time you’ll spend at work.
C.You should know how to use the results to your advantage.
D.The more people you meet, the more insight you can get into how they enjoy the work.
E.Here are four steps you can take toward discovering the career that will truly satisfy you.
F.The right mentor, no matter what type, will give you guidance and help boost your career.
G.To find your dream career, you need to carefully sort through your options for the best route.

How to Do Man-on-the-Street Interviews

The man-on-the-street interview is an interview in which a reporter hits the streets with a cameraman to interview people on the spot. 【小题1】 But with these tips, your first man-on-the-street interview experience can be easy.

When your boss or professor sends you out to do man-on-the-street interviews for a story, think about the topic and develop a list of about ten general questions relating to it. For example, if your topic is about environmental problems in America, you might ask, “Why do you think environmental protection is important in America?” 【小题2】

Hit the streets with confidence. 【小题3】 Say, “Excuse me, I work for XYZ News, and I was wondering if you could share your opinion about this topic.” This is a quick way to get people to warm up to you.

Move on to the next person if someone tells you she is not interested. Don’t get discouraged.

【小题4】 Each interview that you get on the street shouldn’t be longer than ten minutes. As soon as you get the answer you need, move on to the next person. Make sure that as you go from interview to interview, you are getting a variety of answers. If everyone is giving you the same answer, you won’t be able to use it. A safe number of interviews to conduct is about six to ten. 【小题5】

If your news station or school requires interviewees to sign release forms to appear on the air, don’t leave work without them.

A.Limit your time.
B.As you approach people, be polite.
C.If you don’t own a camera, you can buy one.
D.For new reporters, this can seem like a challenging task.
E.To get good and useful results, ask them the same question.
F.That number of interviews should give you all the answers you need.
G.With a question like this, you will get more than a “Yes” or “No” reply.
