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Jack London, one of America's famous writers, was born in California in 1876. During his life, London worked at many jobs. His broad life experiences would become the background for his writing.

London loved to read. As a teenager, he spent many hours educating himself at the Oakland, California, public library. He studied in the University of California at Berkeley, but he stayed for only six months. He thought Berkeley was "not lively enough" and wanted to do something more exciting.

London wrote stories about working people and the hard times they had making a living. He worked as a sailor, farmer, factory employee, railroad worker, and gold prospector, to name just a few of his many jobs.

London grew up near the waterfront in Oakland. He loved the water. When he was fifteen years old, he bought a small sailboat. Later he sailed to Japan. Like many people of the time, London caught the Klondike Gold Rush. In 1897, he headed for Alaska. He didn't find gold, but he discovered something even more valuable. He discovered that people enjoyed listening to the stories he made up with his imagination. London made the miners laugh with story after story. Later, using his experiences during the Gold Rush, he created many more colorful stories.

London decided to live a full, exciting life. He once said, "I would rather be a superb meteor(流星) than a sleepy and permanent(永恒的) planet.”Each day, he pushed himself. Once London decided that he was going to be a writer, nothing could stop him. His goal was to write at least one thousand words every day. He refused to stop even when he was sick. In eighteen years, the writer published fifty-one books and hundreds of articles. He was the best-selling and highest-paid author of his day. Many people also considered him to be the best writer. White Fang and The Call of the Wild are his most famous stories and are about surviving in the Alaskan wilderness. Readers can enjoy Jack London's energy and his talent for telling wonderful stories each time they open one of his novels.

【小题1】Why was Jack London able to write on many topics?
A.He pushed himself to reach goals.
B.He had a great number of experiences and jobs.
C.He was drawn to the Klondike Gold Rush.
D.He was the best-selling and highest-paid author.
【小题2】What prevented Jack London from finishing college?
A.That he sailed to Japan.
B.That he traveled to Alaska in 1897.
C.That he spent much of his time writing.
D.That he was not interested in college life enough.
【小题3】The underlined sentence in the last paragraph shows that Jack London ________.
A.was expert at the starsB.aimed high and wanted to succeed
C.was interested in lifeD.faced a choice between life and death
【小题4】What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?
A.To tell London was the "best writer".
B.To describe life during the Klondike Gold Rush.
C.To provide information on Jack's life.
D.To introduce books written by Jack London.
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It was New Year time, but I wasn’t looking forward to it. That winter, my mother and my stepfather moved our family to Southern California. My brother and I were leaving our rural Alabama behind. This would be our first New Year away from Alabama. My mother took to California like a swan to a royal lake. My athletic little brother, Paul, was thrilled at a climate that allowed him to go to the beach whenever he wanted.

I, however, was a fat child with heavy southern pronunciation. My first day in the new class, I introduced myself in a low voice. The instant I opened my mouth to speak, the whole class burst into laughter, “He talks funny.” It was so frustrating that I went to place a call to Granny Smith after school, who was my biggest support. But I didn’t get through.

On Sunday evening, the phone rang. It was Granny. She often took advantage of the discounted long-distance rates (长途电话费) on Sundays. She said she’d shipped a New Year package. Sure enough, it arrived. Surprised at the box, large enough to hold a small refrigerator, we eagerly tore it open. The smell of Granny’s house filled the room: a combination of fried meat, sausages, furniture polish and decorations. Her house was tiny and always filled with cheap holiday decorations and homemade food before New Year. But in my childhood eyes, it was precious and fantastic.

There were countless tins and containers. We open them to discover piles of holiday treats. She even included our traditional candy bats. The box was as bottomless as a magical box. There, beneath all these, was familiar holiday.

Every New Year that we spent in California, the postal service would call and say our package arrived. Over the years, many treasures arrived in the box. For me, it’s always been the best part of the holiday.

【小题1】How did the author’s brother feel when they were moving to California?
【小题2】Why did the author’s classmates laugh at him?
A.He had a strong accent.B.He had a humorous tone.
C.He looked overweight.D.He lowered his voice.
【小题3】Which of the following best describe Granny
A.conventional and determinedB.lonely and grateful.
C.committed and confident.D.economical and caring
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title of the text?
A.Granny’s Care PackageB.An Unforgettable Holiday
C.Our Move to CaliforniaD.A Telephone Call from Granny

Picking up free newspaper at the Tube station, I see the title “Hot! Hot! Hot!”. Today, the temperature in London is expected to reach 30 plus degrees. The average high temperature in July is only 22 degrees, so over 30 is not usual for London. It's going to be awful on the central line with no air conditioning. Why did they have to invent the Tube before air conditioning? It's just typical that my journey is on one of the oldest lines, as well as one of the deepest. It's the hottest on the whole tube system.

Sure enough, going down the stairs and onto the platform is like jumping into a volcano that's erupting. This, however, is nothing compared to the train. Because there's no air conditioning, the temperature inside the train can reach 35 degrees! It's lovely at the beach, but not so when you are wearing a suit and in a crowd of passengers. I'm sure the passenger next to me and I are melting and becoming one. I had bacon and eggs for breakfast and now I'm feeling a bit sick — I hope I can make it to bank station. I will avoid the feeling by thinking about work. I work in a tall, glass building. One very hot summer, the sun reflected off it and melted cars park below. Will this happen again today?

Yes, each summer in London definitely seems hotter than the last. I suddenly feel a bit scared. Perhaps now is the time to start planning for the future. I should probably put my flat on the market and buy a boat. That way, when the Thames rises and there is a flood in London, I'll still be able to get to work. But wait! Would I still have a workplace to go? My office is only on the third floor of the building, so quite low. I'll speak with my manager about moving to the top floor. Most importantly, I will need to learn to swim! I would join a beginner swimming class immediately. Then I'll be able to survive even when the tall buildings are flooded.

Looking through my newspaper, I'm shocked by photos showing that a hurricane in Asia has destroyed a town. What's more, heavy rain in Eastern Europe has caused landslides, and the heat across the Southern Europe has caused forest fires. Experts say this bad weather has occurred due to climate change. News like this makes me feel nervous. Now that it's hard to avoid disaster on Earth, perhaps I should start thinking about moving to space. . .

“The next station is bank!” comes the announcement. That's my destination. stepping out of the station with a heavy heart, I suddenly feel a fresh wind on my face. Well, maybe I have been worrying too much. After all, it's only 30 degrees outside!

【小题1】What is true about the Central Line in Paragraph 1?
A.The Central Line is one of the oldest Tube lines in London
B.The temperature in the Central Line is between 22 to 30 degrees
C.The air conditioning of the Central Line makes passengers feel awful
D.The Central Line is the hottest because it is the deepest line of the tube system
【小题2】What is the meaning of the underlined part in Paragraph 2?
A.The author tried to endure the sick feeling on his / her own
B.The author wanted to taste bacon and eggs at the bank station
C.The author was thinking about saving his / her money in the bank:
D.The author was worried about the hot environment at the station
【小题3】Which of the following is a plan for the “coming” flood in London?
A.The author will buy a flat which is far away from the Thames
B.The author will try to persuade the manager to move to the top floor
C.Tie author will improve his / her swimming skills to join a competition
D.The author will buy a boat from which he / she can jump into the water
【小题4】What do the hurricane, heavy rain and the heat mentioned in Paragraph 4 show?
A.The climate in different regions on Earth varies greatly
B.The natural disasters can be avoided by moving to space
C.Bad weathers happen more frequently due to climate change
D.The author is reading the weather forecast section carefully
【小题5】What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?
A.To complain about the London Tube
B.To warn people about the danger of London being flooded
C.To explain why summers in London are getting hotter and hotter
D.To express his worries about the dangers of extreme weather conditions

When I started my own business, I thought I had it all figured out. When I made the decision to change my lifestyle and get fit, I thought I was on the right track. And when I purchased a second business, I knew I was doing the right thing. Slowing down never occurred to me.

But something was wrong. My Apple watch buzzed repeatedly in the night, warning me that my heart rate was over one hundred. My body ached, my head pounded, and no matter how much I exercised, I was losing strength.

When I visited the doctor, the first thing she asked was “How’s your stress level?” I shrugged. “Nothing new or out of the ordinary.” But something was happening in my body. A multitude of tests and blood work revealed I had Graves’ disease, with symptoms that include accelerated heart rate, high blood pressure, physical anxiety, tiredness, and muscle weakness.

For the next week, I re-read online articles indicating that stress management played a part in controlling Graves’ disease. And I made a list of everything I was juggling(兼顾). My calendar was filled with online marketing, photo shoots, website design, and copywriting. I barely had time to blink, let alone relax.

It was hard to decide which were the most important and do them first. I examined the juggling act and tried to decide what to let go of. I bid farewell to clients, explaining I was cutting back and lightening my workload. When asked to speak at events or take on new projects, I said “No.” And I found someone to help me plan that big event.

Until then, I didn’t realize how much I’d missed the simple joys—little things that helped me relax and recharge, like long hikes, taking my dog to the park, visiting my favorite bookstore, and sitting on the back porch to watch the sunrise. I know my limits and when it’s time to stop juggling. I’ve learned to be kind to myself. I start each day with meditation(冥想) and end with gratitude.

【小题1】What did the author think about his own stress level?
C.The slightest.D.Same as usual.
【小题2】How did the author feel about his health condition after going to see a doctor?
【小题3】What did the author do after he was diagnosed with the Graves’ disease?
A.He quit his job.B.He went abroad to watch the sunrise.
C.He slowed down his life pace.D.He never got involved in any big event.
【小题4】What can be the best title for the text?
A.Live Life to the FullestB.More Haste and Less Speed
C.Watch Your Weight When NecessaryD.Stop Rushing and Put Something Down
