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COVID — 19 has greatly affected the lives of people across the world. It has challenged and changed people’s lifestyles. It has also helped us think about our relationships with others.

Changing our lives

● COVID - 19 has made people think harder about their relationship with nature. It has also raised questions about urban lifestyles. The sharing economy, working in open offices, living in crowded apartments and the food industry’s use of reusable products have made the perfect storm for a pandemic.

● Although the sharing economy might be good — it’s cheaper to rent than to own — sharing spaces and objects are great ways to spread the virus. How does one do “social distancing” when they are expected to share cars, bikes, apartments and even the same offices?

● The trend of using open offices, which can save space, is working against us. In this type of office, workers don’t have their own desk — everything is shared. Sometimes, computers and chairs are also shared, which is not hygienic (卫生的). Fortunately, more workers are working from home during the pandemic, but that won’t last forever.

● Reusability is a common practice in the restaurant industry. Reusable cups and chopsticks are often used. Unfortunately, reusable products increase the chance of spreading disease. For example, Starbucks recently stopped refilling customers’ reusable cups in order to stop the spread of the virus.

●People like to be social. But the virus has made this more dangerous. We have to be careful about how we interact with others for now. Perhaps we need to rethink about our lifestyles to reduce the spread of future pandemics.

【小题1】According to the author, the strong point of the sharing economy is that ________.
A.it lasts longerB.it costs lessC.it’s popularD.it’s hygienic
【小题2】Paragraph 4 is mainly talking about ________.
A.how working at home won’t last longB.how shared offices can save space
C.the hygienic problems of open officesD.the sharing economy trend
【小题3】According lo the author, restaurants can spread the virus easily because ________.
A.everything is shared in many restaurantsB.they use too much disposable tableware
C.many restaurants have poor hygieneD.cups and chopsticks are often reused
【小题4】The author probably agrees that ________.
A.we need to change some of our lifestylesB.the sharing economy won’t last forever
C.no one can stay out of the sharing economyD.we shouldn’t stay away from shared products
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Is it the future that worries me? Did I hurt someone by mistake? Am I expecting too much from life? We are often stuck in these unnecessary thoughts, causing anxiety and making us weak.

What helps me escape from my sadness and depressed thoughts is cooking. I read through quick recipes, find the ones that I can connect to, and search for materials in the kitchen. Every time I cut a vegetable, it is like I am cutting off my problems. All of this not only brings me great joy, but it leads me to discover something I am good at, which I might have never tried otherwise.

Cooking can work as a treatment, which has received some scientific explanations. Mental health experts have talked about the benefits cooking and baking provide for people struggling with poor mental health. Through cooking, these people can get back control of their lives. They can bring back the feeling of joy and excitement that has been long gone from their daily lives. Julia Ohana, an active expert in culinary therapy (烹饪疗法), talked about the significance cooking holds in terms of time control, communication, and problem-solving ability. She believes all these skills combined help people become less depressed and more satisfied.

The excitement when you work on a recipe is unexplainable. You look forward to what you are going to create from your own hands. You have the power to make something great, only depending on the direction you take and your cooking skills.

【小题1】What might be the result if we are caught in unnecessary worries?
A.Forcing us to work harder.B.Making us hurt others.
C.Pushing us to look into the future.D.Causing anxiety and making us weak.
【小题2】How does the author deal with his sadness and depressed thoughts?
A.By cooking.B.By walking.C.By sleeping.D.By reading.
【小题3】What benefits will cooking bring to people with poor mental health according to the experts?
A.Bringing them a lot of money.
B.Making them become perfect in their work.
C.Making them willing to cooperate with everyone.
D.Bringing the feeling of joy and excitement back to them.
【小题4】What does the author probably suggest people do to get rid of unnecessary worries?
A.Cook.B.Eat out.C.Do sports.D.Go shopping.

Knock knock. Starting from Nov. 1, people will be knocking on doors across the country to collect personal information. But don't panic. This is for the seventh national population(人口普查).

The Chinese population census takes place every 10 years. It gathers data including name, age, ID number, gender, education, job, marital status and housing situation.

Tracking down more than 1 billion Chinese citizens is by no means easy. This year, about 7 million staff will be needed to visit homes for registration work, according to Xinhua. New methods will also be used during this census, including online information registration, application of electronic devices and big data.

Compared with previous surveys, new methods will be convenient for people who are not living where they are officially registered, as well as those who do not want to be bothered by census takers' door-to-door surveys. The new methods also reduce census takers' workload.

The data is expected to give a full picture of the population, including its size, structure and distribution and recent changes. It provides support for making national development policies.

The census has a large impact on our lives. For instance, areas with a high number of children may receive more funding for public schools. Researchers can use the results to investigate population trends in different cities. The census will help to find out the number of foreigners living in China. It can also tell how many Chinese people have moved to other countries.

However, citizens' privacy concerns could be one of the biggest challenges. Some may not be willing to give their personal information to census takers because they are worried about what the data would be used for.

There are also worries about privacy leakage among the public.

In response to such concerns, Jiangsu's pilot work zone allowed residents to upload personal data on their own through WeChat, which avoids information leakage. The data will be delivered directly to the National Bureau of Statistics through a WeChat program, the Global Times reported.

【小题1】Who can benefit from new methods during this census?
A.People whose work as census takers.
B.People who are living where they are officially registered.
C.People who prefer to be bothered by census takers' door-to-door surveys.
D.People who are worried about personal data.
【小题2】What does the underlined word "it” refer to in paragraph 6?
A.The number.B.The census.
C.A large impact.D.China.
【小题3】According to the passage, how did Jiangsu avoid information leakage ?
A.The National Bureau of Statistics requires residents to make their information secure.
B.Residents' personal information will be protected safely by census takers.
C.Residents can use WeChat to deliver their personal data to the National Bureau of Statistics .
D.Residents can refuse to provide their information as they like.
【小题4】What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To tell us people will be knocking on doors across the country.
B.To clarify the importance of privacy.
C.To report the results of the census.
D.To inform us national survey trials new methods.

Unnila Chaudhary was already a slave when she was six. She spent almost 12 years working as a slave maid in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. She was a so - called Kamalari, one of thousands of girls from Tharu tribe (部落)sold by their parents because of financial problem. About 7 percent of the Nepali population is Tharu. They are generally poor and live from agriculture but oftentimes it is not enough. So over the centuries, a tradition has formed where daughters are sent to the city for money. For parents, this brings in additional income and one less mouth to feed. But the girls lose their childhood cruelly.

Urmila Chaudhary gained her freedom 10 years ago and has been campaigning against the tradition ever since . The Kamalari was actually banned by law in 2013 but it continues . She has even founded an organization that helps to free slaves and give them a second chance in life.

After getting her freedom back, she wanted more. She wanted a life, the life that she had always dreamed of even though she was realistic enough to know that her chances were limited. She had never gone to school but wanted to become a lawyer. So she started going to classes with much younger children but was not bothered by the surprised glances and surprising questions. At the same time, she set up her own organization to free girls from slavery ."What she has achieved is remarkable,says Irene Jung. The organizations have freed 13,000 girls in the past few years. uUrmila has huge sympathy. You can see it every time she talks to girls whom she freed," says Jung admiringly. She makes what seems impossible possible. She has learnt how to read and write. She speaks English and has received her high-school diploma.

【小题1】How old was Urmila Chaudhary when she was freed?
【小题2】How did Urmila Chaudhary help other girls from slavery?
A.By working as a lawyer.B.By talking with the girls.
C.By showing her empathy.D.By founding an organization.
【小题3】Urmila Chaudhary realized her chances were limited because .
A.She was a poor girlB.She was born slave
C.She had little educationD.She was ever deserted by her parents
【小题4】Which of the following can best describe Urmila Chaudhary^ character?
A.Cold-hearted , selfish and shy.
B.Brave , helpful and strong-minded.
C.Warm-hearted, quiet and stubborn.
D.Self-confident , generous and well-educated.
