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The buzzing cellphone threw Mike out of bed. Blue Monday again! He parted the curtain and grey skies greeted him. This worsened his mood. But a sweet smile spread over his face when he saw Helen sleeping soundly like a Snow White.

Opening the door gently, Mike walked outside and into the kitchen. It was a routine for him to cook breakfast early, for both he and his wife, Helen, were high school English teachers. Although they were already 52 years old, they always attended the first period starting at 7:30 on time, rain or shine. We can call them “empty nesters”, with their two kids Catherine and Amanda in key universities in Yorkshire. Two bottles of hot milk, two boiled eggs and pieces of bread were their calories. Then Mike awoke Helen, who was a great beauty even compared with the Helen in the Trojan War.

They finished their breakfast quickly before going downstairs to their car. With a turn of the key, the engine roared to life. It was shaking a little, as if feeling cold. The drive from home to school took roughly 30 minutes and Mike was driving fast, for there was little traffic. “Beautiful stars, huh?” Mike said. “Yeah. When we arc off work, beautiful stars will swim in front of eyes!” Helen replied jokingly. Teaching so many students was indeed a back-breaking job, especially for teachers of advanced years.

They arrived at the already crowded parking lot in the school. Finding a place to squeeze the car in, Mike was going when Helen reminded him that today was her birthday. “Oh, dear, I forgot it! I will make up with a big dinner,” Mike said apologetically and warmly. When she heard this, Helen’s face lit up and blossomed into a big smile.

Paragraph 1:

Time slipped by and it was time to go home.

Paragraph 2:

Just as they were eating, there came some knocks on the door.

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When she looked around her house, Betty Margaret saw lots of electronics. Along with the usual things like her laptop and smart phone, there were all of her kids’ electronic devices: cell phones, video game devices and more! There seemed to be more than enough ways for her and her three children to be online all day, every day.

Ms Margaret worried that her kids were becoming too dependent on the Internet and electronics. Then she began to reread one of her favorite books, Henry Thoreau’s Walden, which gave Ms Margaret an idea. Thoreau spent 2 years in a simple cabin without running such luxuries as computers and electronic devices for a while.

Ms Margaret talked with her kids and explained that she wanted the family to try living for 6 months without Internet, cell phones, TV, and video games. Ms Margaret writes articles for a newspaper in Australia, and had written several books as well. She told her children that if they agreed, she would write a book about their experience and they could go on a trip abroad with the money from sales of the book. Her three children agreed, and “the experiment” as Ms Margaret called, began.

Over the course of the experiment, the Margaret’s children had different reactions to life without electronics. Before the experiment began, Anni, the eldest of the children, read books more than her younger brother and sister. She therefore had a relatively easy adjustment to the family’s new lifestyle. Anni could also use the library’s computer for her homework. Bill, who loved to play video games before the experiment began, had to find a way to spend all of his new free time. He started to spend more time practicing his saxophone (萨克斯管). Susan, the youngest child in the family, had the hardest time adjusting to life without electronics. She felt restless for the first weeks and later, influenced by her elder sister, gradually began to find interest in the novel experiences brought by various books.

注意: 续写词数应为150左右。

Upon having their daily family gathering after dinner, Ms Margaret, wearing a mysterious smiles, announced the big news that they had come to the end of “the experiment”.


The vivid description of their true and funny experience toward the new lifestyle undeniably contributed to the hit of the book.


I’ve been working part-time as a babysitter in the past several weeks because I want to get a new cellphone. So far I’ve saved about 180 dollars. Yesterday afternoon, my eight- year-old sister Lily came to me while I was doing my homework in my room. “Jenny, can I borrow 10 dollars from you?” she asked. “No,” I said, thinking I myself needed more money for a new cell-phone.

Lily looked disappointed and left my room. About half an hour later, my friend Lisa called me and asked if I wanted to go skating with her. Since I had finished my home- work and had no plans for the rest of the day, I said I would go. Before I left, I got changed and put a $20 bill on my desk. Then I walked out of my room. In the sitting room I saw Lily watching TV on the couch.

“Are you going out?” she asked.

“Yes. I’m going skating with my friend Lisa. I’m coming back in about two hours,” I answered and hurriedly went out. I had great fun skating with Lisa and her two friends Mary and Anna. After we finished skating, Lisa suggested that we should have supper at a restaurant together. But I refused because I didn’t take any money with me. Besides, I wanted to save every coin for a new cellphone.

Lisa didn’t insist. She went to eat with Mary and Anna while I returned home. When I entered the house, I saw nobody there. I went to my room to get some clothes for a shower. However, after I entered my room, I noticed that the $20 bill on my desk was gone. I searched everywhere for it but in vain. I suddenly remembered that Lily had asked me for 10 dollars. And I didn’t give her the money.

So I thought she must have taken the $20 bill away. I became angry, rushed out of my room and looked for her everywhere in the house, but I couldn’t find her.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Suddenly, the door opened and Lily entered the house, with a box in her hand.


Just then, my mother came in looking at both of us in surprise.


I was moving as fast as I could, stepping cautiously from rock to rock along the uneven jetty(栈桥). Far ahead, I could see the back of my brother’s sandy hair and the bright orange of his shorts.

“Too slow, sister!” I heard Sam yell as he hopped with ease.

“I’ll show him,” I thought, and attempted a double jump. What a mistake! My left foot came down hard between the edges of two gray rocks. scraping my ankle. “Ouch!” I yelled. I tried to wiggle(扭动) my foot out, but my shoe was stuck. I bent closer to the rock and that’ s when I saw it: a shiny, square shaped stone the color of water, attached to a glittery gold chain. It was just lying there on the wet sand, and a few seconds later it was in my pocket.

       Sam squinted(眯着眼睛看) in the sun. Could he tell I was hiding the most perfect discovery of the summer? I kept turning the treasure around in my pocket, pushing each corner of the square stone into my finger. I was dizzy, but I didn’t want Sam to notice. He liked to tell everybody my business.
       “Ryan saved the mini cola bottle from the carnival! It happened to be perfect for sand art!

“Ryan wasted her allowance on salt and pepper shakers from the yard sale!” They were antique little pig and cost only 50 cents.

My family calls me their “little collector. Some mean kids at school call me “trash girl”.

       Sam and I walked along the main street, the small buildings giving us a break from the sun. Through the window of the candy shop, I could see tubes of colorful jelly beans. A sign on the window’s glass read LOST: Gold and blue necklace. Very special. If found, call Chrissy at 555-9924.
       Chrissy had drawn a crayon version of the necklace at the bottom of the poster. The necklace looked different from the one I clutched in my pocket, I decided. Rounder, bluer. The poster appeared old and weathered. It must have been put up months ago. We continued to walk, and I noticed four more posters. Someone must have returned that necklace by now, I thought.
Paragraph 1: Once home, I placed the necklace in my special spot for special things, lost in thought.
Paragraph 2: Fifteen minutes later, I was sitting across from Chrissy in the candy shop.
