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How to Get More Time in a Day

Do you feel like there are never enough hours in a day? Are you always behind on your tasks? If so, here are some tips to help you take control of your time.

【小题1】 Writing down the things you need to get done removes the stress of trying to keep track of them mentally. What’s more, it will be easier to make a plan to address your tasks.

When making your to-do list, be aware of unrealistic expectations. If your list is too long, you’ll feel discouraged when you can’t get through it. 【小题2】 Decide what absolutely needs to be done that day and what can be put off to the next. Chances are that putting some duties off to the near future won’t bring any serious consequences.

Once you have your list, attack it one item at a time. Many people believe that performing multiple tasks simultaneously (同时地) saves time, but in truth multitasking takes 30 percent longer than doing things one by one.【小题3】

The next step is to find ways to use time more wisely. Plenty of time each day is spent texting or emailing, so imagine how much time we’d save if we just called people instead.【小题4】     It’s faster than typing, and it’s often easier to grasp someone’s meaning when we can hear their voice.

At the end of the day, it’s important to give your mind and body a chance to rest. Take breaks to stop, breathe, and clear your thoughts, and don’t let mounting duties prevent you from getting enough sleep.【小题5】

A.You can begin by making a to-do list.
B.The solution is to prioritize (优先处理).
C.Speaking over the phone is more efficient.
D.Only when you remove such activities can you feel refreshed.
E.Now go forth and treat your time like the valuable product it is!
F.Besides, people tend to make more mistakes when they multitask.
G.Though they may feel enjoyable, they have few long-term benefits.
知识点:日常生活 时间管理 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
A smart phone’s low battery warning is the only warning that most people take seriously. Try the following steps and you will improve your battery life.
1. Let there be less light
For larger smart phones, the longer the screen is on and the brighter it is, the faster your battery goes. Try making the screen as dark as you can bear it and still read a text. Darkening the screen is common among teenagers, but it may be hard for Mom and Dad to see what’s showing on their phone.
2. Turn off the signals
Your smart phone does a lot of communicating in the background. They’re checking for things like new emails, text messages, Wi-Fi signals, Bluetooth signals, your location and more. These activities do drain your battery life, so you should turn off whatever you aren’t using. Location Services is also another feature that burns up your battery, so you can use GPS and Wi-Fi to find out which apps have access to Location Services and turn them off.
3. Turn off notifications (通告)
Another way to improve battery life is to stop the constant flow of notifications and updates from Facebook, email, games and sites. Your phone will automatically pick up these notifications when it’s connected to the Internet, and they can have a noticeable impact on battery life.
4. Use battery saving mode (模式)
For a quick way to improve your battery, simply put your smart phone in Airplane Mode. If Airplane Mode is too limiting, some phones have a specific battery saver mode. This shuts down unimportant functions and apps like Wi-Fi, some updates and more.
If used properly, these tips above will improve your battery life up to 30 percent.
【小题1】The underlined word “drain” means “       ”.
A.light upB.use up
C.pick upD.make up
【小题2】If you want to improve your battery life, you are advised to use a       .
A.small screenB.large screen
C.bright screenD.round screen
【小题3】We can infer that aged people tend to       .
A.email family membersB.use Location Services
C.darken the screenD.brighten the screen
【小题4】We can learn that Airplane Mode can       .
A.improve signalsB.waste energy
C.affect healthD.save power

Going green seems to be a fad(时尚)for a lot of people these days. Whether that is good or bad, we can’t really say, but for the two of us, going green is not a fad but a lifestyle.

On April 22, 2011, we decided to go green every single day for an entire year. This meant doing 365 different green things, and it also meant challenging ourselves to go green beyond the easy things. Rather than recycle and reduce our energy, we had to think of 365 different green things to do and this was no easy task.

With the idea of going green every single day for a year, Our Green Year started. My wife and I decided to educate people about how they could go green in their lives and hoped we could show people all the green things that could be done to help the environment. We wanted to push the message that every little bit helps.

Over the course of Our Green Year, we completely changed our lifestyles. We now shop at organic(有机的)stores. We consume less meat, choosing green food. We have greatly reduced our buying we don’t need. We have given away half of what we owned through websites. Our home is kept clean by vinegar and lemon juice, with no chemical cleaners. We make our own butter, enjoying the smell of home-made fresh bread. In our home anyone caught doing something ungreen might be punished.

Our minds have been changed by Our Green Year. We are grateful for the chance to have been able to go green and educate others. We believe that we do have the power to change things and help our planet.

【小题1】Why do the author and his wife decide to start their Green Year?
A.To challenge themselves.
B.To cater to (迎合) the fad.
C.To help the environment.
D.To educate others.
【小题2】What is their effort to own a green lifestyle?
A.educating people to push the message of going green.
B.choosing green food.
C.saying no to meat.
D.selling what they owned online.
【小题3】What would happen if the author or his wife cleaned their house with chemical cleaners?
A.He or she would be praised.
B.He or she would be given a cup of lemon juice.
C.He or she would be enjoy the home-made fresh bread.
D.He or she would be fined.
【小题4】What do the author and his wife learn from their Green Year?
A.People’s minds can be changed.
B.People can go green.
C.People can educate others.
D.People can help the planet.
Dear Coach,

I have been out of work for almost six months now and things are starting to get very tough for me. I am practically living out of my savings. I have been looking for a job, but things are really bad and 1 cannot find a single person who wants to hire me. I know that the main problem is that I do not have a degree. I want to go back to school and get my degree, but I also need a job now. I owe money to some people who have been helping me. Because I am out of work,I cannot pay them back. What do you think 1 should do? I need to find a job as quickly as possible, and want to know what else to do to get people to give me a chance to work for them.

The Unemployed

Dear Unemployed,

Before you get       yourself in a really        bad        situation, you need to stop borrowing       money from people. If you continue doing that, you will be deep in debts and the situation will get even worse for you. The next thing you need to do is look for a job depending on your abilities, skills, and experience. By doing that, you will be increasing your chances of finding a job       that       suits       you best. And the last thing I will suggest is that you should stop feeling sorry for yourself and continue working hard to get a job that you need. Borrowing money, complaining, and feeling bad for your situation       will       do no good to you.       Stay strong and get       out there and start showing the world what you can offer. I promise if you work hard and never give up, you will soon find the job that you are looking for. And while you are doing it, thing about getting your degree as well because it will help you to become more challenging. Try those tips.

The Coach

【小题1】Why did the unemployed write to the coach?
A.To ask for some advice.
B.To tell his great difficulty.
C.To ask for a job.
D.To ask the coach to pay back his money.
【小题2】The unemployed couldn’t find a job mainly because        .
A.he always borrowed money
B.he didn’t have a degree
C.he didn’t work well
D.he didn’t get on well with others
【小题3】The coach told the unemployed to stop borrowing money so as to             .
A.save more moneyB.be able to get back to school
C.avoid running into deep debtsD.prevent people laughing at him
