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Alpha, Beta, Delta... these Greek letters used to only appear in our math classes but are now in use in news headlines.

Now, it’s Lambda. As the Delta variant (变 体) spreads throughout communities in Asia, Europe and the United States, another variant, Lambda, is spreading rapidly throughout South America, Forbes reported on Aug 10.

On May 31, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a naming system for variants of COVID-19 that uses letters of the Greek alphabet (字母表). Before that, the public had to call a variant its scientific name or refer to it based on where it was identified.

For example, a variant of COVID-19 identified in South Africa in late 2020 was called variant 501Y.V2 or B.1.351. Media also called the same virus “the South African variant”. Now, everyone calls it “Beta”.

Compared to complicated scientific names, the Greek letters are much easier to remember. “It is a lot easier for a radio newsreader to say ‘Delta’ than bee-one-six-one-seven-two,” Jeffrey Barrett, a UK statistical geneticist told Nature.

WHO hopes this change will help stop the stigma (污名) associated with geography-based names. “I can understand why people just call it ‘the South African variant’ — they don’t mean anything by it,” Salim Abdool Karim, an epidemiologist in South Africa, told Nature. “The problem is, if we allow it to continue, some ill-intentioned people may take advantage of it.” “No country should be stigmatized for detecting and reporting variants,” Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s COVID-19 technical lead, wrote on Twitter.

As the virus is still evolving, 11 variants have been named so far. What if the 24 Greek letters are not enough? “We will possibly run out of the Greek alphabet, but we’re already looking at the next series of names,” Van Kerkhove told The Telegraph. “We’re actually considering star constellations(星座).”

Currently, the Virus Evolution Working Group and WHO’s legal team are double checking proposals to “make sure we don’t upset anyone with these names”, Van Kerkhove told The Telegraph.

【小题1】What do Lambda and Delta have in common?
A.They are both chosen by Greek scientists.
B.They are both confusing to understand.
C.They are both Greek names of varieties of COVID-19.
D.They are both the places where COVID-19 was found.
【小题2】What does Salim Abdool Karim probably agree with?
A.The virus should be named after the place where it is found and spread.
B.No country should detect or study COVID-19 without WHO’s permission.
C.People felt uncomfortable when they call COVID-19 “the South African variant”.
D.Some people with bad intention may judge other countries reporting COVID-19.
【小题3】Why are scientists looking for the next series of names?
A.Because the naming system in use is not convenient.
B.Because the variants may outnumber the Greek letters.
C.Because people are more curious about star constellations.
D.Because it is illegal to rename the variants with letters.
【小题4】What’s the purpose of the passage?
A.To introduce new ways of renaming COVID-19 varieties.
B.To describe how scientists identified the varieties of COVID-19.
C.To explain why some people prefer geography-based names.
D.To arouse people’s awareness of more COVID-19 varieties.
【小题5】In which part of a magazine could you find this passage?
C.Sports.D.First Aid.
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You probably know who Marie Curie was, but you may not have heard of Rachel Carson. Of the outstanding ladies listed below, who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100 years?

Jane Addams (1860-1935)

Anyone who has ever been helped by a social worker has Jane Addams to thank. Addams helped the poor and worked for peace. She encouraged a sense of community by creating shelters and promoting education and services for people in need. In 1931, Addams became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Rachel Carson (1907-1964)

If it weren’t for Rachel Carson, the environmental movement might not exist today. Her popular 1962 book Silent Spring raised awareness of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and on the world’s lakes and oceans.

Sandra Day O’Connor (1930-present)

When Sandra Day O’Connor finished third in her class at Stanford Law School, in 1952, she could not find work at a law firm because she was a woman. She became an Arizona state senator and in 1981, the first woman to join the U.S. Supreme Court. O’Connor gave the deciding vote in many important cases during her 24 years on the top court.

Rosa Parks (1913-2005)

On December 1,1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Rasa Parks would not give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger. Her simple act landed Parks in prison. But it also set off the Montgomery bus boycott(抵制). It lasted for more than a year, and kicked off the civil-rights movement. “The only tired I was, was tired of giving in,” said Parks.

【小题1】What is Jane Addams famous for in history?
A.Her social work.B.Her teaching skills.
C.Her efforts to win a prize.D.Her community background.
【小题2】What was the reason for O’Connor’s being refused by the law firm?
A.Not having training in law.B.Her identity as a woman.
C.Her poor financial conditions.D.Her little work experience in court.
【小题3】Who made a great contribution to the civil-rights movement in the U.S.?
A.Jane Addams.B.Rachel Carson.
C.Sandra Day O’Connor.D.Rosa Parks.

What do Tom Sawyer and Jumping Frogs have in common? Stories about both of them were created by one man: Mark Twain. When Twain was 4, his family moved to Hannibal, Missouri, lying on the west bank of the Mississippi. Twain grew up there and was attracted greatly with life along the river — the steamboats, the big wooden boats, and the people who worked on them.

The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County is one of Twain’s best-loved short stories, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is one of his most famous novels. Both these works are celebrated by events held during National Tom Sawyer Days. There’s also a fence-painting competition to see who can paint the fastest. The idea for this competition comes from a scene in Tom Sawyer, in which Tom has been told to paint the fence in front of the house he lives in. It’s a beautiful day, and he would rather be doing anything else. As his friends walk by, he persuades them to paint with him for fun, and they all join in the “fun”. By the end of the day, the fence has three coats of paint!

Although the story of Tom Sawyer is not true, it’s based on fact. If you go to Hannibal, you’ll see the white fence, which still stands at Twain’s boyhood home.

【小题1】National Tom Sawyer Days is ______.
A.a short storyB.a great novelC.a celebrationD.a competition
【小题2】The fence-painting competition comes from _____.
A.Mark Twain's suggestionB.a story in Jumping Frog
C.the life of people in boatsD.a scene in Tom Sawyer
【小题3】From the white fence at Twain’s boyhood home, we know that ________.
A.the story of Tom Sawyer is based partly on Twain’s experiences.
B.the story of Tom Sawyer is based totally on Twain’s imagination
C.Twain’s old house is painted by the fence painting competitors
D.Twain’s old house is visited by people from all over the country

Back in 1807, London became the first city on the planet to have a street lit up by gaslight lamps. For the city’s residents, it seemed like an extraordinary thing to have evening turned into a version of daytime. But more than two centuries later, artificial light has spread across so much of the planet that it has become a threat to us as well as the environment.

The extent of light pollution is evidenced by a study in the journal Science Advances, in which researchers used measurements taken by satellites to study the artificial brightness of Earth’s surface at nighttime. They found the artificially lit outdoor area grew at a rate of 2.2% per year. But those increases are just part of the story. Christopher Kyba, a scientist at German Research Center, says the increasing transition to high-efficiency LED lamps for outdoor lighting, which were regarded by most people originally as a way to reduce our dependence upon fossil (化石的) fuels and slow climate change, may not be saving as much electricity as expected.

The American Medical Association added that the wavelengths (波长) at which the lights operate control the hormone that helps us to sleep. “It is estimated that white LED lamps have a much greater impact on people’s sleep than the former streetlights.” Research shows that such impact may be a significant aspect inducing fatness and other physical disorders. Many species on Earth are active at night, and electric lighting, especially dusk to dawn lighting, represents damage to the environment of these species. A study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, for example, found powerful beams of light from the National September 11 Memorial and Museum changed the flight paths and speed of 1.1 million migrating birds over a seven-day period alone. And in Florida, light pollution along beaches is disturbing sea turtles having babies, resulting in thousands of young animals’ dying each year.

But perhaps the most obvious thing about light pollution is that much of it results from wasteful light that isn’t necessary, according to Kyba, who estimates that it could be reduced by five to ten times. “I think we should be asking as taxpayers (纳税人). Why are we paying for lights that shine uselessly into people’s windows and disturb their sleep?”

【小题1】What did most people use to think of LED light s according to Paragraph 2?
A.They would be beneficial to people's sleep.
B.They could be used to reduce light pollution.
C.They would contribute to serious global warming.
D.They could make people depend less on fossil fuels.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “inducing” in Paragraph 3 mean?
【小题3】Why did the author mention migrating birds and sea turtles in Paragraph 3?
A.To present the sources of light pollution.
B.To show the influence of light pollution on animals.
C.To compare the sleeping habits of different animals.
D.To highlight the strong adaptability of particular animals.
【小题4】Which of the following can be Kyba’s suggestion?
A.Avoiding arranging unnecessary lights.
B.Improving the function of streetlights.
C.Calling on taxpayers to protect animals.
D.Decreasing the great pressure on taxpayers.
