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It’s normal to long for the taste of French Fries or a cheese-covered pizza. Even though they’re full of calories, being addicted to them occasionally won’t do much harm.【小题1】The BBC’s Good Food Nation Survey showed that on average, 16- to 20-year- olds ate fast food at least twice a day in the UK.

So what’s behind this fast food craze? WebMD, an online publisher of news and information on human health and well-being, surveyed nearly 600 teenagers and adults in the United States.【小题2】

More than 92.3 percent of respondents said they were too busy to cook. Many find it challenging to balance work and life, and the convenience of fast food meets their needs. Fast food is readily available in corner stores and vending machines.【小题3】They’re ready in minutes, and you can store them at home for a long time.

【小题4】Sarah Toule, head of health information at the World Cancer Research Fund, told the BBC: “It’s frightening that people, especially younger generations, are eating so much fast food loaded with fat, sugar and salt, but offers little nutritional value.” She added, “Especially high in calories, fast food leads to unhealthy weight gain—which in turn increases the risk of cancers later in life.”

【小题5】Toule suggested that young people should prepare meals in advance and learn to incorporate(融合)the different food groups into their diets.

A.Remember those instant noodle cups from the supermarket?
B.Does healthy eating mean you must avoid fast food?
C.So what is the right thing to do?
D.He found that the most common reason people eat such food is because of their busy lifestyle.
E.Fast food hasn’t changed the way we think about the way we eat.
F.But many people think this trend is dangerous.
G.However, according to the new numbers, young people are eating more fast food than ever.
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Eating a juicy steak is worse for the environment than frying up some tofu: that should come as no surprise. Going vegan can greatly cut the carbon footprint of your diet. But what about the fewer calories, and lower levels of protein, found in most plant-based foods when compared with meat?

To make the relative carbon impact of foods easier to understand, The Economist proposes a banana index (指数). It compares popular foodstuffs in three aspects—weight, calories and protein—compared to the humble banana, a fruit of middling nutritional value and impact on weather conditions.

Indexing greenhouse-gas emissions to a single food gives a sense of how different foodstuffs rank. Unfortunately for carnivores (食肉动物), beef is bad for the environment no matter how you slice it. Producing one kilogram of mince (馅) causes as many emissions as 109kg of bananas (call it a “banana score” of 109). As for nutritional value, beef’s banana score falls to 54 (one calorie of beef mince causes 54 times as much carbon emissions as one calorie of banana). By protein, it scores seven.

Poultry (家禽) scores 11 bananas by weight and four by calorie. However, as a source of protein, it is more carbon-friendly than bananas: poultry protein emits just three-fifths of the same amount of banana protein. The same applies to salmon. Unsurprisingly, plant-based alternatives to meat do even better: a meat-free burger, for instance, scores just one-fifth of the emissions of bananas per gram of protein.

Our banana index relies on average emissions for a given food. In the real world some producers are more climate-friendly than others, and some foods travel farther to consumers. Our banana index also does not capture other environmental impacts, such as land and water use (though here too, beef tends to perform poorly).

Voting in Europe suggests that most consumers want to be more climate-friendly—and with food production responsible for perhaps a quarter of global emissions, eating with the climate in mind would make a difference. Three-quarters of the respondents said they want labels that would explain the climate impact of their food. In the meantime, our banana index might help.

【小题1】What’s the most likely reason for bananas to be chosen as an object of reference?
A.Bananas have fewer calories and less protein.
B.Bananas are a humble fruit.
C.Bananas have the least impact on the environment.
D.Bananas are of medium climate effect and nutrition.
【小题2】According to the index, which one is more carbon-friendly as a source of protein?
A.BeefB.A meat-free burgerC.PoultryD.A banana
【小题3】Which aspect of the index does paragraph 5 focus on?
A.Its drawbacksB.Its benefits
C.Its practical meaningsD.Its principles
【小题4】What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.An approach to assessing nutritional value of food
B.A way to measure the climate impact of food
C.A great indicator of greenhouse-gas emissions
D.A big helper in deciding what to buy

We all know that eating junk food can make us fat. However, a new study suggests that it can do more than that—it can also make us lazy.

In the study, researchers at the University of California, divided 32 female rats into two groups. The first group was fed a diet of healthy food such as corn and fish, while the second was given a diet of highly processed food rich in sugar, namely “junk food”.

Within three months, the rats in the second group were already much fatter than those on the healthy diet. And when researchers trained the rats to do simple tasks, they found even more differences between the two groups rather than weight.

During the task—pushing a lever (杠杆) to receive a reward of sugar water—the rats on the junk food diet were found to be less willing to move, and they took longer breaks between each push than the lean (瘦的) rats did.

“It is as if the rat is thinking ‘This is too much work’,” Aaron Blaisdell, leader of the study.

But what about the possibility that the fat rats were less passionate about getting sugar water because they were already eating lots of sugar in their daily diet? That’s why researchers repeated the tests by rewarding fat rats with plain water when they were extremely thirsty. However, the results came out just the same.

The experiment didn’t end there. After six months, the rats’ diets were switched, and the overweight rats were given a healthy diet for nine days. However, this change didn’t help reduce their weight or improve their ability to perform tasks, which means the effects of their junk food diet continued. “There’s no quick fix.” said Blaisdell.

For a long time, we’ve believed that people become fat because they are lazy. But this study has proven the opposite to be true as well, which indicates that laziness and obesity (肥胖) are a “vicious cycle (恶性循环)”.

So, if you constantly feel tired, lacking any urge to get up from your chair, it could be that you’ve been studying too hard. But you should also pay attention to your diet.

【小题1】What is the correct order of the research?
a. Researchers changed the rats’ diet.
b. Researchers divided 32 female rats into two groups.
c. Within three months, rats on junk food were much fatter that rats on healthy food.
d. Researchers rewarded fat rats with plain water when they were extremely thirsty.
【小题2】According to the passage, which of the following idea is Blaisdell most likely to agree with?
A.Most females are probably finding it hard to say no to junk food.
B.Sugar in water as well as in junk food serves the same vicious role in making us fat.
C.Your diet means most to you if you feel tired and don’t want to move from your chair.
D.There is no short cut for losing weight and overcoming laziness after eating too much junk food.
【小题3】The tone of the author can be best described as ________.
【小题4】Which magazine can we read the passage from?
A.PeopleB.Entertainment Weekly.
C.Science and Life.D.Economists.

Eating healthy 100% of the time can seem like a near impossible goal. But along with consistent exercise, healthy eating will make you feel better, give you more energy, and help you perform better in your workouts. 【小题1】.

Here are some tricks to make healthy eating easy:


Protein is what keeps you full, fuels your muscles, and helps you keep a strong and slim figure. Starting your day out with around 30 grams of protein will not only help get you through the morning without feeling hunger pains, it will also help you get less desires for sugar and carbs(碳水化合物)later in the day.

●Make veggies a main part of every meal

【小题3】. You’ll find that you might actually start to like vegetables, and your body will start to want them because of how good they make you feel after eating them.

●Eat whole foods whenever possible

Simply focus on avoiding processed foods and include as many whole foods as possible in your diet. 【小题4】. But once you discover how food is supposed to taste, eating healthy will become much more natural to you.

●Don’t deny yourself your favorite foods

【小题5】. Because it’ll cause you to feel bitter, more often leading to a binge(大吃)eating session. So if you’re working out and keeping active on a regular basis, allowing yourself a few small treats every once in a while will not only make you happier, it will also make it more likely that you’ll stick with healthy eating in the long run.

A.So want exactly are whole foods?
B.It may take a little to get used to
C.And it doesn’t have to be that difficult
D.Limit them, but don’t cut them out altogether
E.There are so many good ones to choose from
F.Eat a protein-packed breakfast every morning
G.Make them a main part of every meal, at least two thirds of your plate as often as possible
