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What Does Food Mean to you?

My whole relationship with food has become consumed by the after-effects of my illness and dealing with them. As a result, I’ve forgotten that there’s more to food than this. And I don’t think I’m the only one. 【小题1】 While it is fantastic that there are so many inspiring books that encourage healthy eating this simply can’t be the extent of our relationship with food. What about our experiences with food? Putting aside the other stuff, what does food mean to you?

When I think about my experience with food, my thoughts immediately go to my family. For me, food is family. Every evening, my dad would make it home by 6pm so that we could all sit down and have dinner together. We would share the highs and lows of our days and on a Sunday we would chat about our plans for the week. We never ate dinner in front of the television and very rarely was it ever just my brother and me. 【小题2】 Now, despite the fact my brother and I have long since left home, whenever we return, it’s always about the food. Our parents plan the meals, sharing new recipes and dishing out family favourites, so that ultimately the food enhances our trip and creates new memories. Food truly is family.

【小题3】. Children who eat regularly with their families are at a lower risk of developing poor eating habits, weight problems or substance addictions. It also gives families a chance to reflect on their days together and forges stronger bonds between parents and children.

Everyone has a different attitude to food, and it will mean different things to different people. For me, though, good quality, healthy food is important, but without the socio-familial aspect, there is something sorely lacking from my relationship with food. 【小题4】. So while I will continue watching what I eat (because I have to), I’ll remember this is not food’s main attraction, but only a part of what food really means to me.

A.Studies have shown the importance of eating together.
B.This is certainly not true for me, and the relationships that were built over the kitchen table with my family are very important to me.
C.The social importance of food, and eating together, should not be downplayed or replaced by a focus on purely what we are eating.
D.Many recipe books on sale have got caught up in an obsession with ‘clean eating’, dieting, watching what we eat and generally eating healthily.
E.It’s common knowledge that you are what you eat and this reflected in the ideas behind eating healthy, clean and unprocessed food.
F.Food and meal times were, and still are, the glue that brought us together and keeps us together.
知识点:家庭生活 健康饮食 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Children with strong family connections are associated with a high likelihood of flourishing in life, a study found. “What is different about this study is that it shows that family connection is associated with thriving and not just surviving or avoiding harm,” said lead study author Dr. Robert Whitaker.

Researchers surveyed over 37,000 children in 26 countries. In the study, family connection was determined by a mean score of five categories: care, support, safety, respect, and participation. Flourishing was determined by a mean score of six categories: self-acceptance, purpose in life, positive relations with others, personal growth, environmental mastery and autonomy. The essence of family connection is children feeling that they are accepted and cared for at home, which allows them to learn what their strengths and weaknesses are in a safe environment as they are building their identity,Whitaker said.

Children with the greatest level of family connection were over 49% more likely to flourish compared with those with the lowest level of family connection, according to the study. The highest scores in both family connection and flourishing came from children who said they lived with both parents, had enough food or never had their family worrying about finances. Researchers then controlled the data for families’ poverty levels to remove the effect they might have had on the numbers. After controlling the data, the strength of family connection still impacted how much children flourished.

According to Whitaker, adults have a very powerful influence on the emotional climate in the home, so it’s important to create a space where children feel seen and heard. A great opportunity to strengthen family bonds is around the dinner table. Adults should create an environment where children feel comfortable speaking freely. While they are talking,grown-ups should show that they have a genuine interest in what their children are saying. Silence is also another powerful form of communication, Whitaker said. Children and parents spending time together in silence or even doing chores can create a connection.

【小题1】What is the study mainly about?
A.The importance of family connection to children’s survival.
B.The relationship between family connection and children’s success.
C.The factors affecting children’ self-acceptance.
D.The impact of poverty on children’s development.
【小题2】Who are more likely to achieve high scores in both family connection and flourishing?
A.Children who live with a single parent.
B.Children who have enough food and money.
C.Children who know of their strengths and weaknesses.
D.Children who have a whole family and economic security.
【小题3】Which of the following might be an influencing factor in the result?
A.Family income.B.Parents’ educational level.
C.Children’s age and gender.D.The number of people in the family.
【小题4】How can adults strengthen family bonds during mealtime?
A.By showing respect when children are talking.B.By talking about their own problems.
C.By keeping silent when disagreements arise.D.By backing children’s opinions forever.

Every family is a foundation of society. It is where one learns fundamental values and beliefs. It is the first place one goes when they need love and support. 【小题1】 A strong family provides a loving, supportive environment that helps you reach your full potential. Here are some key things to keep in mind if you're looking to strengthen your family bonds.

Nurture (培养) healthy communication. The key to any strong relationship is communication.   【小题2】 Family members need to feel comfortable communicating about both the good and the bad. Honest communication can help solve problems, set boundaries, and provide support. By nurturing healthy communication within the family, you can lay the foundation for solid relationships with others.

【小题3】 In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle (忙碌) and forget to slow down and enjoy life. One of the best ways to build a strong foundation for your family is to make time for quality bonding experiences. You can share meals, take a family vacation, or spend an evening playing video games together and celebrate every milestone together. 【小题4】

Facing life’s challenges together. No family is perfect, and every family will face challenges at some point in their lives. The key is to address those challenges together as a team. There will be times when family members will disagree on how to face a challenge. 【小题5】 Remember, the goal is to work together as a team and support one another through thick and thin. And by doing so. you can build a strong foundation for your family.

Building a solid foundation for your family takes time, effort, and patience. But it is well worth it when you see the lasting bonds.

A.Encourage quality time together.
B.That is especially true for families.
C.Families grow and change over time.
D.Show your children how important family is.
E.Plus, it is also the foundation for personal success in life.
F.Your children will cherish the memories of these moments when they get older.
G.It is essential to respect each other's opinions and find a solution that works for everyone.

In agrarian(农业的), pre-industrial Europe, youd want to wake up early, start working with the sunrise, have a break to have the largest meal, and then youd go back to work,says Ken Albala, a professor of history at the University of the Pacific. Later, at 5 or 6, youd have a smaller supper.

This comfortable cycle, in which the rhythms of the day helped shape the rhythms of the meals, gave rise to the custom of the large midday meal, eaten with the extended family. Meals are the foundation of the family,says Carole Couniban, a professor at Millersville University in Pennsylvania, so there was a very important interconnection between eating together and strengthening family ties.”

Since industrialization, maintaining such a slow cultural metabolism has been much harder, with the long midday meal shrinking to whatever could be stuffed into a lunch bucket or bought at a food stand. Certainly, there were benefits. Modern techniques for producing and shipping food led to greater variety and quantity, including a tremendous increase in the amount of animal protein and dairy products available, making us more energetic than our ancestors.

Yet plenty has been lost too, even in cultures that still live to eat. Take Italy. Its no secret that the Mediterranean diet is healthy, but it was also a joy to prepare and eat. Italians, says Counihan, traditionally began the day with a small meal. The big meal came at around 1 p.m. In between the midday meal and a late, smaller dinner came a small snack. Today, when time zones have less and less meaning, there is little tolerance for offices closing for lunch, and worsening traffic in cities means workers cant make it home and back fast enough anyway. So the formerly small supper after sundown becomes the big meal of the day, the only one at which the family has a chance to get together. The evening meal carries the full burden that used to be spread over two meals,” says Counihan.

【小题1】What does Professor Carole Counihan say about pre-industrial European families eating meals together
A.It was helpful to maintaining a nations tradition.
B.It brought family members closer to each other.
C.It was characteristic of the agrarian culture.
D.It enabled families to save a lot of money.
【小题2】What does cultural metabolism”(Line 1, Para. 3) refer to
A.Evolutionary adaptation.B.Changes in lifestyle.
C.Social progress.D.Pace of life.
【小题3】What does the author think of the food people eat today?
A.Its quality is usually guaranteed.
B.It is varied, abundant and nutritious.
C.It is more costly than what our ancestors ate.
D.Its production depends too much on technology.
【小题4】What does the author say about Italians of the old days?
A.They enjoyed cooking as well as eating.
B.They ate a big dinner late in the evening.
C.They ate three meals regularly every day.
D.They were expert at cooking meals.
