语法填空-短文语填 适中0.65 引用2 组卷143

Science fiction pioneer and writer Wu Yan won this year’s National Outstanding Children’s Literature Award for his 【小题1】 (late) work China Orbit. The book focuses on the development of the Chinese aerospace (航空航天) industry, and it 【小题2】 (inspire) by the planning and preparation for China’s first but canceled 【小题3】 (man) spacecraft, “Shuguang 1”, also known as Project 714, during the late 1960s and early 1970s.

【小题4】 (part) based on Wu’s own experiences in the 1970s, the book is a 【小题5】 (combine) of reality and fiction, and in some ways his own memoir (回忆录) was added 【小题6】 the science fiction. This innovative and unique writing method 【小题7】 (make) the book stand out and has even stirred up a debate on how 【小题8】 (categorize) it. Is it science fiction, popular science, children’s literature, or aerospace literature?

His fellow science fiction writer Liu Cixin, author of The Three Body Problem, believes China Orbit is too complicated to be classed under a single category. He speaks highly of China Orbit as 【小题9】 unique science fiction novel 【小题10】 vividly shows a child’s real-life experience in a military camp of a specific era.

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Every writer dreams of seeing their words in print. So when the response from a publisher comes, the writer 【小题1】 (eager) opens and reads it. Their hearts sink when they reach the final sentence “We regret to inform you...”,【小题2】 are the words that every writer fears receiving. They may have given up their free time for years to write their life's work, yet this is often not enough. Success rarely happens overnight. A lot of highly 【小题3】 (success) writers have previously faced rejection, one of whom is J.K. Rowling.

Rowling had spent seven years 【小题4】 (write) her first book, surviving on very little money. When she finally finished the book, she received comments from publishers along the lines of “too difficult for children”, “too long”, “Children would not be interested in it”. However, she persevered. She 【小题5】 (stick) the rejection letter on her kitchen wall, knowing that it was quite normal for writers 【小题6】 (reject). “I was not going to give up 【小题7】 every single publisher turned me down,” she later posted. After a total of twelve rejections, one publisher finally agreed to print 500 【小题8】 (copy) of her book, and as we know, Harry Potter became a global success, with over 400 million books 【小题9】 (sell) and translated into more than 70 different languages.

From Rowling's story we can see while talent, effort and luck play a part in our success, perseverance is 【小题10】 key.
