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A line of men tugged on ropes and dropped from the ship into the sea, with a group of Saibs prepared to pull them later from the sea bottom. Nasser, one of the divers, climbed over the railing of the ship and his Saib emptied his basket full of shells onto the deck.

“Get me something to fill my stomach with, boy.” I knew he was teasing as he is my father’s good friend.

“But I’m no longer an errand boy. I’m a diver, like my father was.”

“Your father was bald and deaf, like the rest of us,” Nasser laughed.

The salty Arabian Gulf produced the finest pearls in the world while the salty water also made divers lose their hair. Let alone the high pressure which cost them their hearing. I had shaved my head, in which way I felt more like a real diver. Of course, there’s no need for me to worry about the hair problem.

“I’ve dived the shallow seas before, and I can hold my breath fora whole minute.”

“Just pull your rope before you feel breathless.” He then disappeared into the water again.

I tied a heavy stone to my foot with a rope. Taking one more deep breath. I plugged my nose and jumped. With the stone finally hitting the seabed with a thump. I freed my foot from the rope. I scratched at the rocky ridge (脊), when three oysters dropped into my hands. I even didn’t have enough time to feel surprised at how easy the job was before I felt breathless.

Out of honor, I dragged the rope. Knowing that, tar above, the Saib’s strong arms strained to pull me toward the surface. I reminded myself to endure for a little more time. Just when I thought my lungs would burst, my cars popped and there was light.

Nasser burst through the water. He removed his nose plug and grinned at me looking at the three pitiful shells on the deck. “Not bad for an errand boy.” Seeing me upset with my head down, he patted me “It’s your first for such a depth. You did better than all of us.” Cheering up, I wrapped the empty basket around my neck and raised my chin, “I’m a pearl diver.”

【小题1】According to Nasser, what did an errand boy usually do?
A.Pull divers from the sea.B.Empty baskets for divers.
C.Serve snacks for divers.D.Dive for shells.
【小题2】Why did the author have his hair cut?
A.Because he tried to avoid losing hair.
B.Because all divers had shaved hair.
C.Because high pressure made him bald.
D.Because he wanted to look professional.
【小题3】Why did the author get little harvest?
A.Because there were not many pearls in the area.
B.Because he still lacked experience in the job.
C.Because the Saib pulled him up too early without permission.
D.Because the rocky ridge was too rough.
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When four-year-old Finlay suffered a stroke (中风)as a baby and developed cerebral palsy, a disease usually caused by brain damage, doctors said he'd have to stay in a wheelchair in his entire life. But amazingly, he has managed to prove them all wrong with the help of a young duck.

Finlay's breakthrough came when his mother Becci, 29, took in a tiny yellow duck named Ming-Ming, after a farmer friend told her it was going to be killed because of its injured leg.

"When Ming-Ming lay down or sat down, his leg was right up near his head and he was unable to walk," Becci explains." I was trying to find a vet who knew about ducks. At first I didn't think he'd make it-I felt very sorry. "

After an extensive search, Becci found a suitable vet, who fitted the young duck with a tiny splint(夹板). It began to move around the house as its leg strengthened.

As the little duck made an amazing recovery, something else like a miracle occurred. Young Finlay-whose condition affected his brain's ability to send signals to his body-was so impressed by his new pet's progress that he began copying his steps, saying, “I walk like the duck, Mummy.”

Becci was so overjoyed that she couldn't believe her eyes. "Finlay has been having physical therapy his whole life but he never really responded until we got the duckling, "she says. "As soon as Ming-Ming began walking, so did Finlay. I was full of pride. "

Now Finlay can walk five meters at a time with the help of a walker and he loves walking slowly with his best friend. "Finlay is now much stronger and it's great to see him walking. I've told him that if he works hard, one day he'll be able to take Ming-Ming for walks on the street. That is what he's really working towards," Becci says, smiling. "I'd been told Finlay might never be able to walk. It's amazing to watch my child taking steps gradually thanks to Ming-Ming.”

【小题1】What's the best title of the passage?
A.Family finds much hope from raising ducks
B.A little duck teaches a disabled boy to walk
C.A duck is found to be a good doctor
D.Friendship between a duck and a boy
【小题2】What can we infer from the passage?
A.It was the farmer's fault that Ming-Ming was injured.
B.Ming-Ming would have been killed without the vet.
C.It cost Becci much money to save the duck.
D.Becci is a kind and warm-hearted woman.
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Finlay kept taking daily walks with Ming-Ming on he street.
B.Finlay got Ming-Ming as his 4-year-old birthday present.
C.In doctors' opinion, Finlay would have a short life.
D.The little duck became Finlay's best friend.
【小题4】What do we learn from the passage?
A.Health is better than wealth.
B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
C.Better late than never.
D.Nothing is impossible.
Up, Up, and Away!
An adventurer who became the first person to fly across the English Channel on a cluster(簇)of balloons has launched a house into the sky just like in the hit movie Up-in reparation for a more ambitious journey and a new record
Fearless Trappe , from North Carolina, stepped into the cartoon themed home before flying above the leon International Balloon Festivel in Mexico more than a week ago.
The 38-year-old Trappe was using the event as a warm-up for his planned trans-Atlantic flight scheduled for next summer ,He aims to complete the 2,500-mile journey in a seven-foot lifeboat carried by 365 huge helium(氦气)ballooms
The brave man is learning to sail a lifeboat ,in case he meeds to ditch (在海中迫降)into the ocean during the danger-filled adventure
He sill fly at between 18,000 feet and 25,000 feet , beating his previous world altitude record of 21,600 feet ,and must fly uninterrupted a distance ten times longer than his previous world record of 230 miles in order to succeed.
The adventurer Trappe ,who holes records for crossing the Alps, flying the most cluster balloons, and the longest distance , has opent his entire carreer ,building up to this ambitious plan.
“I didn’t wake up one day and think:‘I’ going to fly across the Atlantic, ’”he said “he said   Every attempt before this was prepared for this fight ,I’ve been training for a long time”
【小题1】The adventurer flew across the English Channel to          
A.test the balloons
B.launch a house
C.shoot a hit movie
D.prepare for breaking a record
【小题2】To finish the journey ,he will fly a distance of          
A.2500 milesB.18,000 feetC.25,000 feetD.230 miles
【小题3】About the ambitious journey ,which is NIT mentioned in the passage?
A.When he will flyB.How high he sill fly
C.How far he will flyD.How long it will take him
【小题4】How many world records does Jonathan hold?
【小题5】What does he last paragraph imply?
A.Trappe can’t sleep worrying about the adventure
B.Trappe was born to set world records
C.Trappe always keeps his ambition in mind
D.Trappe never thought of crossing the Ataantic before

Deaf Date

As a man who’d been almost stone-deaf since birth, meeting women was something out of Christian Brown’s comfort zone. They may have smiled, but from their eyes, and replies, he knew he was not making much sense to them.

Now he was shown to a seat in the restaurant. He took a deep breath and looked at his watch. 7:55 p.m. His advisor and psychologist, Susan, had arranged a blind date for him with a lady called Stephanie. She’d told him nothing about her, just that she was attractive, divorced and in her early forties.

But he trusted Susan. Over the past three years, she’d helped him gain social skills and a measure of confidence. Looking in the mirror, he recognized his good looks, despite the hearing aids behind both ears.

A woman with a white stick and sunglasses passed his table, aided by a waiter. “Are you Christian?” The woman enquired.

Christian read the lips of the woman, presumably Stephanie, as she stood at the table. “Are you Christian Brown? May I join you?” From the way she felt the table and edged around it, he realized she was blind. He quickly said, “Yes, by all means.”

Stephanie had likewise been told very little about Christian. Susan had said he had a good heart, and that was what she now needed most in a man.

Christian admired her high cheekbones and perfect teeth. He felt a strong attraction building and told himself to relax, to let her feel at home with him. To his surprise, a waiter brought her a plastic-coated card, covered in small dots.

Stephanie felt it with her fingertips. “May I have Chicken Vindaloo and Tarka Dahl, please?” She smiled in Christian’s direction, “I like things spicy!”

He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned. It was Susan, all smiles at seeing the two of them together. She gestured in sign language to him, whilst speaking it out loud for Stephanie’s benefit. “Hello, Christian, are you alright?”

Stephanie felt a kiss on her cheek and Susan’s hand on hers, and a whisper in her ear.

“Are you OK with Christian?”

They both smiled at Susan, one seeing, one unseeing, one hearing, one unhearing, realizing that this wise woman was trying her best to bring much-needed romance into both of their lives. Neither wanted to object.

【小题1】What was Christian like before he met Susan?
A.Senseless and emotional.B.Deaf and ugly.
C.Unsociable and unconfident.D.Divorced and attractive.
【小题2】How could Christian communicate with Stephanie?
A.By simply talking.B.By using hearing aids.
C.By reading each other’s lips.D.By using functioning senses.
【小题3】What can we learn from this passage?
A.Susan was very considerate and professional.
B.Neither of them had been married due to disability.
C.Both Christian and Stephanie were Susan’s patients.
D.Christian helped Stephanie to order by reading the menu.
【小题4】The underlined word “object” in the last paragraph means “________”.
