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Indoor Skydiving

Have you ever dreamt of flying? Have you ever wanted to experience the excitement of skydiving, but didn’t want to jump out of a plane? Indoor skydiving has opened up a whole new world for you to try flying.

Indoor skydiving is an activity, simulating(模拟)the free fall of a skydive. That means you learn to fly in a column of air produced by a wind tunnel (风道) inside a limited area. Before flying, you need to wear certain equipment to protect you. And each of you is equipped with an instructor that helps you learn to control your body while flying. But you aren’t trained to be more aware in the sky as a normal skydiver.

To be an indoor flyer, you can be at all ages. Fear of height or lack (缺少) of experience won’t stop you from trying. The only real limitation preventing people from flying is weight limit. Countless physically challenged flyers have safely flown with the help of experienced instructors.

Although indoor skydiving gets its name from skydiving, the similarities between the two are actually very few. The one they are in common is in the sense that they both share the freedom of flying.

However, in traditional dives, skydivers usually step out of a plane from more than 10,000 feet high, while indoor skydiving just needs flyers to lean forward and lie on the air. Also, being an outdoor activity, skydiving depends on the weather. The wind, rain, or snow can cancel your plans to jump. Indoor skydiving removes this effect from the picture. Normally, a skydive lasts just between 45-60 seconds, but tunnels allow skydivers to fly longer and as much as they like.

While most people put skydiving in the must-do list, indoor skydiving is much more than that! What used to take skydivers tens of thousands of jumps and years of experience can be learned in a relatively shorter period of time. Skydivers could be trained at lower cost compared to being trained in the sky. Because people of all ages can fly, children are quickly becoming some of the most talented skydivers. Thus, all these will certainly benefit the development of skydiving.

【小题1】What do indoor skydivers need to do before flying?
A.Jump out of a plane.B.Become aware of the sky.
C.Produce a column of air.D.Put on protecting equipment.
【小题2】What may prevent people from trying indoor skydiving?
A.Their age.B.Fear of height.
C.Their weight.D.Lack of experience.
【小题3】What do skydiving and indoor skydiving have in common?
A.The sense of flying.B.The cost of training.
C.The length of free fall.D.The dependence on weather.
【小题4】Which of the following might the author agree with?
A.The future of skydiving depends on children.
B.Indoor skydiving is beneficial to skydiving.
C.Fewer people show interest in skydiving.
D.Indoor skydiving will replace skydiving.
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What sports are you into? Football? Tennis? Swimming? If you’re looking for a change, you might like to try one of these.


Octopush (or underwater hockey as it’s also known) is a form of hockey that’s played in a swimming pool. Participants wear a mask and snorkel and try to move a puck (水球) across the bottom of a pool. The sport has become popular in countries such as the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa. An ability to hold your breath for long periods of time is a definite plus.


Zoobombing involves riding a children’s bike down a steep hill. The sport originated in the US city of Portland in Oregon in 2002. Participants carry their bikes on the MAX Light Rail and go to the Washington Park station next to Oregon Zoo (which is why it’s called “zoobombing”). From there, they take a lift to the surface, and then ride the mini-bikes down the hills in the area.

Office Chair Racing

Office Chair Racing consists of racing down a hill in office chairs that can reach speeds of up to 30kph. Strict rules are in place for competitors: they’re allowed to fit in-line skate wheels and handles to their chairs, but no motors. “We check each chair carefully in advance,” one of the organisers explained. The participants race in pairs wearing protective padding as they launch themselves from a ramp. Prizes are given to the fastest competitors and also for the best-designed chairs.

Fit 4 Drums

Fit 4 Drums is a new form of cardio-rhythmic exercise. Led by an instructor, the class involves beating a specially-designed drum with two sticks while dancing at the same time. It’s the first group fitness activity where you get to play a drum while getting an intense workout. A sense of rhythm is a definite advantage!

Horse Boarding

Horse Boarding involves being towed behind a horse at 35mph on an off-road skateboard. Professional stuntman Daniel Fowler Prime invented the sport after he strung a rope between his off-road “mountain board” and a horse. Participants stand on a board while holding onto a rope, attempting to maintain their balance as the horse gallops ahead. “The horse rider and the horse have to work together because if they don’t, the horse goes flying,” Daniel explained.

So, which sport would you like to try?

【小题1】What do you need to do if you want to play Octopush?
A.To swim on the surface of the water.
B.To eat enough food before you play Octopush.
C.To play it by the side of the shore.
D.To wear a mask and underwater breathing tube
【小题2】Which activity will you choose if you want to take part in collective fitness?
A.ZoobombingB.Office Chair Racing
C.Fit 4 DrumsD.Horse Boarding
【小题3】What proverb does Horse Boarding tell us?
A.One doesn’t have to play well, it’s enough to play better than your opponent.
B.Never let your feet run faster than your shoes.
C.The bigger they come, the harder they fall.
D.Every chess master was once a beginner.

Working in and eating from a home garden can do a lot to improve your health. Not only can you get much needed daily exercise, you can also enjoy healthy meals thanks to your daily labor.   【小题1】 If so, focus on getting out into your garden.

Warm up before gardening. Just as you do other types of exercise, its important to warm up before starting working in the garden.   【小题2】 Stretch your legs, arms, and hands before you start so that they will be prepared for the work ahead.

【小题3】 If you have a variety of tasks to do in the garden, set a specific amount of time you will do each and then rotate (轮流) between them. This variation in tasks can be especially helpful if you have one that is hard on the body, such as kneeling to weed garden beds. Weeding for 15 to 20 minutes at a time and then taking a break to do another activity will help to avoid pain.

Work in the garden regularly. In order to improve your health by getting exercise in the garden, you should do it on a regular basis. Getting 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day can lower your blood pressure.   【小题4】

Put in some effort. In order for gardening to count as exercise, you need to raise your heart rate and put out some physical effort while doing it.   【小题5】 If you want to increase your effort while mowing (割草), try using a push mower instead of a gas or electric one.

A.Vary your movements.
B.Do controlled exercise.
C.It can also help prevent heart disease.
D.Are you interested in improving your health?
E.Do you want to enjoy the benefits of healthy meals?
F.You should spend at least 5 to 10 minutes doing it.
G.This means that jut standing around watering is not exercise.

Benefits of Strength Training

Strength training is a popular form of exercise for a wide range of individuals. There are countless ways to make this exercise a part of your life. If you have been considering strength training and are wondering what you stand to gain, here are several benefits you should consider.

Increasing discipline

【小题1】. As a result, strength training is excellent at helping create a routine in your health and fitness life. With this increased discipline, you may find yourself waking up earlier or scheduling in more time for training as the results begin to speak for themselves.

Developing athletic performance

If you’re an athlete, strength training will undoubtedly help you perform at a higher level in your sport. Additionally, strength training helps maintain bone and muscle mass. This is crucial, especially as you age. Weak bones and muscles can lead to instability and falls, which could result in more serious health problems. 【小题2】.

Improving brain health

Strength training is more than just about the biceps (二头肌). As it turns out, it can help boost brain function. This is especially true in older adults who may be experiencing some decline in their cognitive abilities. 【小题3】. So whether you’ re looking to increase cognitive ability or take care of your mental health, this exercise could be right for you.


As you build muscle through strength training, your body begins burning calories more easily. When the body burns calories with ease, “you’ll find it easier than ever before to keep your body slim. Of course, this also requires a healthy diet and regular exercise to maintain, but it’s a key factor for staying in shape.

Strength training offers a wide range of benefits on a physical and emotional level. 【小题5】. If you have a history of health problems, you should consult your healthcare practitioner before starting any new exercise routine.

A.Maintaining weight
B.Conveniently working out at home
C.It can also help improve symptoms of depression and anxiety
D.In order to become stronger, you need to train on a regular basis
E.You can gain strength to take your athletic abilities to greater heights
F.With strength training, you reduce the chance of injury for the long-term
G.Regardless of your age or physical ability, this could be an exercise worth trying
