语法填空-短文语填 适中0.65 引用1 组卷78

A best friend is someone 【小题1】 you can tell everything to, even your deepest personal 【小题2】 (feeling) and thoughts. Anne Frank treated her diary 【小题3】 her best friend. Her family hid away for nearly 25 months in order not to be caught by the German Nazis. They didn't dare go out even in the evenings. They had to stay 【小题4】 (indoor) day and night. Not being able to 【小题5】 (go )out for such a long time, Anne missed the beauty of nature so much that she 【小题6】 (grow) crazy about everything to do with it. She stayed up until eleven thirty one evening 【小题7】 purpose just to see 【小题8】 moon. She said. “This is the first time that I 【小题9】 (see)the night since I came here.”

【小题10】 (lucky), the family were discovered at last and taken away from the hiding place.

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