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A few years ago, Charles Barkley got into a lot of trouble for making the observation that sports figures didn't need to be role models. Thousands of fans and professional journalists were cross at this attack on the fundamental principle that the person who jumps highest must aim highest and the person who handles the running back must also be able to deal with life's problems with grace as well.

The problem is not that we look to these people for perfection when they take off their uniforms. It's that we expect anyone to be our representatives for perfection. That's stupid and it makes the rest of us down here lazy.

I get the importance of having heroes, the people who inspire us to cultivate the best potential within us and nurture our better angels. I personally have many heroes, from my mother, Lucy, to my favorite law professor, Howard. But these are personal contacts, people who have-actually touched my hand and my heart, and who occupy a pedestal(基座)built of my own experiences and aspirations. To look at an athlete or an actress with high salary and demand that he or she match our dreams is not only a waste of time, but it's dangerous. The danger comes in how this type of hero worship dehumanizes both the object of affection and the person who blindly adores. That was Barkley's point, not that we should give public figures a pass for being faulty but that we shouldn't abandon our own moral compasses and look to them for true north.

Recently on a television program I participated in, the discussion turned to Kathleen Kane. Someone suggested that the fact that the first female attorney general(首席检察官)in Pennsylvania was really messing things up could have unfortunate consequences for women seeking elected office. I offered the opinion that Kane was unquestionably criticized and that it was not hatred towards woman but incompetence at the root of the attacks. After the show aired, I had people emailing to tell me that I was either a traitor(叛徒)for publicly attacking a fellow female when we need to stand together behind this "role model", or a fool for not going a step further to say that this incompetent lawyer had made it harder for all women to move to the next level.

How depressing! Why should the inferior performance of one woman lead to such diverse but passionate views in people? The answer is obvious: Kane has stopped being an attorney general but has instead become The First Female Attorney General. She can't just make a mistake and pay the normal consequences.

If we stopped trying to live our lives through the accomplishments of public figures, many of whom look and sound like us, we'd learn how to recognize the heroic character of those we might actually know, and the heroic potential within ourselves. Or, perhaps, the honesty to accept our ordinary humanity.

【小题1】Many people were angry with Charles Barkley mainly because________.
A.he broke fundamental principles in lifeB.he was not good enough to be a role model
C.he doubted the perfection of some sports figuresD.he thought sports figures could have weaknesses
【小题2】According to Barkley, why is it dangerous to take public figures as heroes?
A.Because we may let go of our own moral standards.
B.Because an athlete or actress cannot match our dreams.
C.Because we blindly admire public figures for their faults.
D.Because we shouldn't waste time imitating public figures.
【小题3】From the passage we can infer that Kathleen Kane was________.
A.unfairly criticized due to being femaleB.the first female attorney general in the US
C.less qualified than the public had expectedD.a role model for women seeking elected office
【小题4】Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?
A.Be Our Representatives for PerfectionB.Exploration of Our Own Heroic Potential
C.Our Unrealistic Expectation of Public FiguresD.Our Conventional Views of Female Politician
知识点:哲理感悟社会问题与社会现象议论文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

In the mornings, as I walked from the train station to the office, I planned my day by making a to-do list in my head: the scientific articles I would read, the data sets I would analyze, and most urgent of all — the insights into human nature that it was my job to discover.

Each evening, I went back to the station, again going through my mental checklist but this time sizing up my performance against the expectations I’d set for myself that morning. Time and again, when comparing my to-do list with my got-done list, I felt frustrated because I had fallen short.

But one day, something very strange happened. During my trip home, without any conscious intention, my thoughts began to change. Instead of feeling bad about my weaknesses, I said aloud very softly: I’m a nice person. I’m a nice person. I’m a nice person. By the time I boarded my train, I was done with my little chant until the next day when I walked home. And again, after counting my failures, I found myself saying quietly: I’m a nice person. It turns out that there’s a technical term for this practice: values affirmation (肯定). And what it emphasizes is recognizing and strengthening the personal values.

When you affirm a core personal value, you raise your sense of self-worth. You broaden your outlook: Instead of focusing on your shortfalls, you switch to a wide-angle view that includes your resources and opportunities. And the people who do this are happier, healthier, and more hopeful. Overtime, I made progress in my research and learned a lot about what makes most successful people special, including this: Nobody has passion and determination unless what they do lines up with their values.

Try values affirmation for yourself and teach the practice to your students. Take a moment and think of a value you hold, whether it’s kindness, creativity, or gratitude. Whatever it is, name it. And then say to yourself: Come what may, I know who I am. Your values are your foundation and your compass, too. Trust them, and they will lead you home.

【小题1】How did the author feel when comparing his to-do list with his got-done list at the beginning?
【小题2】What does the underlined words “sizing up” mean in Paragraph 2?
【小题3】The author affirmed his values by         .
A.strengthening a core personal value to himself
B.talking aloud to himself on his way home
C.counting his failures
D.making his to-do list
【小题4】What does values affirmation mean to people?
A.It changes people’s focus to their shortcomings.
B.It improves their sense of self-worth.
C.It limits their resources and opportunities.
D.It makes them more critical of themselves.
【小题5】What’s the author’s suggestion to readers?
A.To constantly compare oneself to others.
B.To improve one’s kindness and gratitude.
C.To highlight values affirmation and spread the practice.
D.To become successful with passion.

On my first day of high school, going into math class, I was pointed and laughed at by two of my classmates. I initially thought my fly was open, or that something was stuck in my teeth. But as I took my seat, I heard one student whisper, “Why is a black boy taking Honors?” So, my fly wasn’t open. An honors level class had simply been taken by a student whose skin was brown.

Many people think my clothes should be big enough for me to live in, or expect me to listen to only “black music.” In seventh grade, a group of my classmates fixed their cold stares on my clothes. They called out to me, “Go get your gangsta clothes.” In one of my Spanish classes, the teacher asked me, “Do you like rap music or rock music more?” I replied, “Rock.” The look of shock on my classmates’ faces made me uncomfortable.

Now I still take all Honors courses. I still wear clothes that fit me. My music library covers from rock to pop to techno, and almost everything in between. When it comes to choosing my friends, I am still colorblind. I continue to do my best to work in school in order to reach my goals; and yet, when I look in the mirror, I still see skin of that same brown.

I believe in being myself. I believe that I myself should decide who I am and what actions I take in life. In high school, popularity often depends on your willingness to follow trends. And I’ve been told that it doesn’t get much easier going into adulthood. But the only other option is to sacrifice my personality for the satisfaction and approval of others. This can be appealing, but I’m not going to do that.

【小题1】Why did his classmates laugh at him?
A.His fly was open.
B.Something was stuck in his teeth.
C.He went into the wrong classroom.
D.They had prejudice against him.
【小题2】What are black people usually believed to do?
A.Listen to rap music.B.Wear small clothes.
C.Take Honors courses.D.Attend Spanish classes.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “colorblind” probably mean?
A.Making friends of the same skin color.
B.Having no idea what friends to make.
C.Treating people equally and fairly.
D.Feeling hurt and offended inside.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Following Popular TrendsB.Being Content with Myself
C.Having Faith in Skin ColorD.Changing My Personality
Dear John,

My name is Amber and I want to share my story with you because what you've shared about life and positive energy has changed my life.

This past year has been one of the hardest for me.I felt I was stuck in a position that had nothing to do with what I wanted to do with my life.In January,after two years of being together,my boyfriend left me.

I read your blog every Monday morning as I drink my coffee at work,but it wasn't until this March that I told myself “no more negativity (消极)” as you taught readers in your blog.

Since then I've got into new habits at work to keep my energy positive.When people walk in the front door,I'm the first face they see,so I smile big when I say “good morning” to them,especially on Mondays.Instead of waiting for someone to ask me for help,I offer it with an open mind.The CEO noticed my change and offered me the executive assistant position that I wanted.

One of the biggest things I've taken to heart from your blog is changing my perspective (看法) on my job.Yes,it was not an important position,but when I was passionate (热情的) about it,I could make my life fulfilling.

All in all,I have to thank you somehow for having the passion to help others because it truly is inspiring to me.So thank you so much,John.My life has changed because your words pointed me in the right direction.Take care!



【小题1】Amber wrote the letter mainly to   ________.
A.introduce herself to John
B.talk about her bad year
C.ask for some advice
D.express her thanks
【小题2】We can infer from the passage that Amber   ________.
A.didn't like her boyfriend
B.spent a lot of time online
C.wasn't satisfied with her job
D.received very good education
【小题3】What is implied about John in the letter?
A.He is a very famous writer.
B.He used to live a very negative life.
C.He doesn't like sharing his life stories.
D.He likes helping others through writing positive blogs.
【小题4】What does Amber's change tell us?
A.Practice makes perfect.
B.Bad luck doesn't exist long.
C.A positive attitude is rewarding.
D.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
