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Transhumanism, first coined in 1957 by biologist Julian Huxley, meant “man remaining man, but going beyond himself by realizing new possibilities of and for his human nature.” Generally speaking, transhumanism in its modern meaning implies that human beings can be enhanced by the means of science to the extent when they rise above biological limitations and capabilities programmed by nature. The species into which humanity transforms this way will be called post human, or trans human, as it would have been something new — based on human nature, but going beyond it at the same time.

There are numerous areas which, according to transhumanists, require enhancement, as well as there are countless proposals on the means of such enhancement. In particular, transhumanists work on such problems as overcoming the physical boundaries of the human body. Starting with aging, which they believe to be rather a disease than a natural process, and ending up with replacing organs with their artificial ones, transhumanists believe that the human body is imperfect, and that it should be improved. All kinds of nanotechnologies for repairing damaged organs; nerve stimulants and drugs to alter mood and eliminate negative emotions; brain implants and implanted technologies to allow interconnectivity between multiple human beings and to advance intelligence—these and many more actions are just some of the means transhumanists plan to use to make humanity better. Some of the technologies transhumanists plan to employ to push the boundaries of humanity are available already. For example, gene therapy allowing to cure or stop certain diseases that were considered terminal; CRISPRi or SHARP-2 methods, which were discovered not so long ago, have already proved to be efficient in treating a number of complicated medical conditions, and in case further research is conducted, they might significantly improve the quality of medicine worldwide. Virtual reality, another technology from science-fiction movies of the late 1980s, has become not so virtual either, after all. VR device can be easily purchased from online stores, and the prices are affordable — given that we are speaking of technology capable of substituting actual reality. So far, it has been mostly used for games and education, but in the future, the range of its useful applications will definitely broaden. Other technologies, which have not yet been invented but which definitely will, include large scale engineering, self-copying robotics, artificial intelligence, mind uploading technologies, molecular manufacturing, space colonization, and other technological wonders.

About a hundred years ago, the idea of flying in the skies seemed absurd, until Wilbur and Orville Wright proved this assumption wrong. Who knows, perhaps in a couple of decades the concepts listed here, no matter how fantastic they look now, will become reality. Moral aspects and the price humanity will have to pay for such advancements are a different subject.

【小题1】Which of the following statements is true about transhumanism?
A.Promoting human health but remaining their physical appearances
B.Improving the human condition through social and cultural change
C.Developing human beings beyond their natural capabilities by technology.
D.Going beyond human beings physical limitations through natural evolution.
【小题2】Transhumanists’ plan is based on the belief that_________.
A.replacing organs with their artificial ones is ideal
B.aging is rather a disease than a natural process
C.it’s practical to use nanotechnologies to improve life
D.the human body is imperfect and needs improvement
【小题3】The underlined word “absurd” (last paragraph) is closest in meaning to_________.
【小题4】This passage is particularly written about_________.
A.various kinds of definitions of transhumanism
B.different technologies substituting human reality
C.proposals on the human beings enhancement
D.artificial intelligence and human beings life
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Nuclear bombs. That’s the go-to answer for incoming space objects like asteroids(小行星) and comets, as far as Hollywood is concerned. Movies like Deep Impact and Armageddon rely on nuclear weapons, delivered by stars like Bruce Willis, to save the world and deliver the drama.

But planetary defense experts say in reality, if astronomers spotted a dangerous incoming space rock, the safest and best answer might be something unnoticeable, like simply pushing it off course by crashing it with a small spacecraft.

That’s just what NASA did on Monday evening, when a spacecraft headed direct into an asteroid called Dimorphos, which is around 7 million miles away and poses no threat to Earth. It’s about 525 feet across and orbits another larger asteroid.

In images streamed as the impact neared, the egg-shaped asteroid grew in size from a little spot on screen to have its full rocky surface come quickly into focus before the signal went dead as the spacecraft hit right on target.

Events happened exactly as engineers had planned, they said, with nothing going wrong. “As far as we can tell, our first planetary defense test was a success,” said Elena Adams, the mission systems engineer, who added that scientists looked on with “both terror and joy” as the spacecraft neared its final destination.

The impact was the peak of NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART), a 7-year and more than $300 million effort which launched a space vehicle in November of 2021 to perform humanity’s first ever test of planetary defense technology. It will be about two months, scientists said, before they will be able to determine if the impact was enough to drive the asteroid slightly off

course, probably shortening its original orbit.

NASA plans to launch an asteroid-hunting space telescope named NEO Surveyor in 2026. “We’ve tracked lots of space rocks, especially the larger ones that could cause extinction-level events. Thankfully, none currently threaten Earth. But many asteroids the size of Dimorphos haven’t yet   been discovered, and those could potentially take out a city if they came crashing down.” explains Lindley Johnson, NASA’s Planetary Defense Officer.

【小题1】What’s the function of Paragraph 1?
A.It adds some background information.
B.It introduces the topic of the passage.
C.It presents author’s main idea.
D.It serves as an abstract of the essay.
【小题2】How did scientists know the spacecraft hit the asteroid successfully?
A.They monitored the spacecraft with satellites in space.
B.They recorded the whole process with a telescope.
C.The little spot on the screen suddenly disappeared.
D.The signal from the spacecraft was lost as it hit the target.
【小题3】What is the purpose of launching the spacecraft?
A.To test technology for defending Earth.
B.To end the asteroid’s threat to Earth.
C.To search for evidence of alien life.
D.To show engineers’ terror and joy.
【小题4】Which statement will Lindley Johnson probably agree with?
A.NASA’s plan will definitely a success.
B.Larger asteroids will no longer threaten Earth.
C.NEO Surveyor is aimed to track smaller asteroids.
D.Asteroids are equally destructive whatever the size.

E-Sports,short for electronic sports,is one of the growing industries in the world,with prizes totaling around $25 million up for grabs in some tournaments. E-Sports are professional multiplayer video game competitions. Any video game with a strong competitive element is considered e-Sports.The competition models itself after traditional professional sports in several ways: it uses corresponding tournament formats,involves player contracts, and is governed by regulations. The athletes who compete in e-Sports competitions are gamers.

The history of e-Sports dates back to 1972 when some Stanford University students competed in the Intergalactic Space War Olympics for the opportunity to win a one-year subscription to the Rolling Stone Magazine. E-Sports pretty much continued on the rather quiet path until the 80s when competitions like the Space Invaders Championship shot them to the spotlight. 2002 marked the beginning of a new era for the sport and laid the foundation for what e-Sports would become thanks to the release of the Xbox live, which brought online play to consoles. Halo Ⅱ became the first game to be shown on national television for Major League Gaming in 2004, paving the way for e-Sports to become a global phenomenon.

Today, e-Sports are growing at a rapid pace thanks to advance in technology and the arrival   of streaming services like Twitch which have exposed video game competitions to a new audience due to their extensive reach.

To understand how much impact Twitch has made, data from gaming analyst group Newzoo show that e-Sports global audience increased 43 percent from 204 million to 292 million between 2014 and 2016. Interestingly, this coincides (一致) with Amazon's acquisition of Twitch in 2014 and its effort to make the competition a spectator sport.

【小题1】What do we know about e-Sports?
A.They are strongly competitive.
B.They spread worldwide overnight.
C.They totally differ from traditional ones.
D.The athletes in the sports are programmers.
【小题2】What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?
A.The origin of e-Sports.
B.The variety of e-Sports.
C.The advantages of e-Sports.
D.The development of e-Sports.
【小题3】How does the author feel about e-Sport's future?
【小题4】What is the purpose of quoting data in the last paragraph?
A.To introduce Newzoo.B.To conduct a research.
C.To show the influence of Twitch.D.To arouse the audience's interest.

When you go to the doctor, you receive a diagnosis(诊断)and a treatment. However, with the continued use of technology in healthcare, the process of diagnosing and treating patients has been changing.

Artificial Intelligence(AI)can help doctors analyze a patient’s symptoms and offer the best treatment. With new advancements in medical technology, it makes receiving medical care faster and more accurate. Technology companies provide the data analyzing tools that are necessary to analyze the efficiency of the healthcare system, which makes the care better and more efficient and improves the quality of care. Technology is also being used to help patients achieve their health goals as well as help patients when doctors are not present. Patients can rely on apps, trackers, and programs to remind them to have themselves checked, track their symptoms or call for help.

In the United States, the creation of AI technology has done better than that of other countries. However, compared to some countries like Canada in using AI into the healthcare system, the United States has bungled. The reality is that AI is not used in medical care because of the high costs and the structure of insurance. It is the private healthcare system that puts all the costs on consumers of healthcare.

Undoubtedly, using more technology into healthcare can be better for the system. It can improve efficiency, limit errors, and cut down waiting time. But the high cost of creating this technology can make it difficult to provide service in every hospital and healthcare clinic in the United States. It also changes the practice of medicine, making it less personal and more about the technology. Now, doctors wouldn’t have to rely on their own knowledge and skill but could turn to robots and computers for help or use better equipment to help them perform a procedure.

As the medical field continues to change, so will the technology that is used in the medical field, making receiving medical care a highly computerized process that could improve the health of the population.

【小题1】What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Technology is changing healthcare.
B.Technology makes diagnosis more accurate.
C.Technology makes the work of doctors more relaxing.
D.Technology brings convenience to patients and doctors.
【小题2】What’s the result of using AI in the healthcare system?
A.It brings great profits to the hospital.
B.It can perform an operation on patients alone.
C.It can change the traditional way of hospital management.
D.It can allow patients to check themselves without the help of doctors.
【小题3】The underlined word “bungled” can be replaced by “        “.
【小题4】What can using technology in healthcare bring to doctors?
A.It is difficult for them to operate it.
B.It makes their jobs much more important.
C.It will make them lose their jobs very soon.
D.It makes them rely less on their knowledge and skill.
