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Sleep problems are a “global disease that threatens health and quality of life for up to 45% of the world’s population,”according to World Sleep Day statistics.

But is it easy to recover from sleep deprivation (缺乏) especially if you’re young?Does a good night’s sleep or two—and certainly a full week of sleep—make you be back to your fully functioning self?

Unfortunately,a recent new study showed that may not be the case, even for younger people. Thirteen people in their 20s who slept 30% less than they needed for 10 nights didn’t fully recover most of their cognitive (认知的) processing after seven nights of unrestricted sleep to recover.

“What the study showed is that there are things like memory and mental processing speed that will not be restored that quickly,” said sleep specialist Dr. Raj Dasgupta,an assistant professor of clinical medicine at the University of Southern California.

“Definitely, the major parts of sleep loss can be recovered, but there are things that you’re just not going to get back quickly.” Dasgupta said. “That’s why it’s so important not to have that sleep debt in the first place.” That’s because the brain needs uninterrupted sleep cycles to absorb fresh skills. form key memories, and repair the body from the day’s wear and tear. During sleep, your body is actually repairing and restoring itself.

A lack of sleep therefore impacts your ability to pay attention. learn new things, be creative, solve problems and make decisions. Even skipping sleep for just one night disrupts(扰乱) functioning.

Depending on our age, we are supposed to get between 7 and 10 hours of sleep each night. But 1 in 3 Americans don’t get enough sleep, according to the CDC. In addition. 50 million to 70 million Americans struggle with sleep disorders, which can ruin a good night’s shut-eye.

The CDC calls that a “public health problem”, because disrupted sleep is associated with a higher risk of conditions including high blood pressure, weakened immune performance, weight gain, depression, and a higher risk of diabetes, stroke, and some cancers.

【小题1】What did the recent new study find?
A.A lack of sleep is common in America.B.Good sleep can improve our memory.
C.Sleep deprivation leads to serious risks.D.Recovering from a lack of sleep is hard.
【小题2】What can be learned from paragraph 5?
A.What sleep cycles are.B.The importance of enough sleep.
C.The risks of sleep deprivation.D.Why we don’t get enough sleep.
【小题3】What’s the purpose of this text?
A.To inform.B.To argue.C.To predict.D.To entertain.
【小题4】What can be the best title for the text?
A.The Reasons for Sleep Loss Remain Unknown
B.The Effect of Poor Sleep Cycles Reappears Often
C.Sleep Disorder Problems Threaten People’s Health
D.Sleep Deprivation Recovery Takes Longer than You Think
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Have you ever been around when the water bill arrives at your house? Perhaps you’ve heard someone say, “Stop wasting water! The water bill is sky high!” Water costs a lot of money. You might be wondering why water is so expensive. After all, water hardly seems scarce. It covers the majority of Earth. However, most of Earth’s water is in salty oceans. Only a small amount of it is drinkable.

All living things need water to survive, so water is one of our most important natural resources. With a little effort, you can save water and also help keep down the water bill. You will be surprised at how easy it is to save water. Read the tips below to learn how.

From the time you wake up until you go to bed, pay attention to how much water you use. Do you wash your hands before you eat breakfast? If you do, turn off the water while you use the soap. Then when you finish washing your hands, make sure you turn the tap off. Also remember to turn it off when you put toothpaste on your toothbrush and while brushing your teeth.

Maybe you take a shower in the morning. Try to keep your time in the shower to less than ten minutes. Installing a low-flow showerhead, which reduces the amount of water you use, will help, too. If you let the water in the shower heat up before you get in, don’t let it go down the drain (排水孔). Instead, catch the water in buckets and use it to water houseplants. Usually, you use much less water in a shower than in a bath. A shower is more refreshing, too. However, if you decide to take a bath, be sure to close the drain before you turn on the water.

There are so many ways to save water. For fun, try to do at least one thing every day to save water. Every drop of water counts!

【小题1】What does the underlined word “scarce” in paragraph 1 mean?
【小题2】How can people save water while showering?
A.By using a low-flow showerhead.
B.By adjusting the water temperature.
C.By turning the water off while using the soap.
D.By closing the drain before turning on the water.
【小题3】According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?
A.People who take baths do not care about the environment.
B.If people could drink salt water, there would be less need to save water.
C.The biggest waste of water comes from washing hands and brushing teeth.
D.People are not advised to let the water in the shower heat up before they get in.

Millions of youngsters across Europe could suffer permanent hearing loss if they listen to MP3 players at too high a volume for more than five hours a week, EU scientists warned Monday.

The scientists’ study, requested by the European Commission, argued against the concept of “leisure noise,” saying children and teenagers should be protected from increasingly high sound levels. “There has been increasing concern about exposure from the new generation of personal music players which can reproduce sounds at very high volumes without loss of quality,” the Commission, the EU’s executive department, said in a statement.

Risk for hearing damage depends on sound level and exposure time. However, more and more young people have been exposed to the significant threat that leisure noise posed(造成) to hearing in the past decade. Commission experts estimate that between 50 and 100 million people listen to portable (便携式的) music players on a daily basis. If they listened for only five hours a week at more than 89 decibels (分贝), they would already go beyond EU limits for noise allowed in the workplace, they said. But if they listened for longer periods, they would risk permanent hearing loss after five years.

The scientists calculated the number of people in that risk category at between 5 and 10 percent of listeners, meaning up to 10 million people in the European Union. Sales of personal music players have increased in EU countries in recent years, particularly of MP3 players. Commission experts estimate unit sales between 184 and 246 million for all portable audio devices just over the last four years, of which MP3 players range between 124 and 165 million.

Loud mobile phones also came under fire. “I am concerned that so many young people who are frequent users of personal music players and mobile phones at high volume levels, may be unknowingly damaging their hearing,” said Meglena Kuneva, the EU’s consumer affairs official in her statement.

【小题1】What could cause hearing damage according to the text?
A.Increasing concern about personal music players.
B.The sales of all portable audio devices.
C.Sounds at very high volumes from music players.
D.The use of mobile phones of poor quality.
【小题2】What is the safe way to use music players according to the experts?
A.Ban the use of portable music players.
B.Reduce the number of young users.
C.Never use personal music players in the workplace.
D.Use music players by the limit of time and volume.
【小题3】What is Meglena Kuneva’s attitude towards the frequent use of MP3 players?
【小题4】What's the best title for the text?
A.Turn Your MP3 Players Down!
B.No More Sales, No More Threat!
C.Enjoy Music, Enjoy Life!
D.Fill in Your Leisure Time with Entertainment!

As we enter into adulthood and continue to navigate everything that comes with it—work, kids, mortgage, you know—our childhood starts to feel further and further away.

Research shows that major issues in adulthood—from addiction and anxiety to compulsive overeating and relationship issues—can be better understood, and resolved, by looking back toward our childhood.

For anyone who experienced trauma (创伤) in their early years, those feelings can resurface later in life, explains Diane Young, a senior mental doctor at South Pacific Private.

“Many of us who see ourselves as ‘successful’ adults don’t relate our current behaviors and values to childhood experiences, until something becomes problematic and a professional connects it back—this can often be a light-bulb moment. Childhood is where we learn how to relate, where we develop our sense of self-worth and our interpersonal skills, so even minor forms of trauma, abuse or neglect can have an outsize influence later on in life,” Young says.

Want to know about how childhood experiences can affect your adult relationships? Here, Young helps us connect the dots between our past and our present.

How is childhood trauma defined?

“It is any experience that has a negative impact and is overwhelming to the child. It includes abandonment, neglect, divorce, death, being raised in a family with addicted parents or parents suffering with mental health issues. Some families can look perfect on the outside, but may be common with painful and destructive relational patterns that have long-lasting consequences.”

How can you recognize that you have a problem and that it’s linked to past events?

“When the behavior, substance or emotions seem to have control of you, rather than you having control of them—that’s a key sign that you have a problem. When thinking about the past, you will do everything to not feel the pain, fear or shame of those experiences. Other signs include feeling on ‘high alert’ all the time, having flashbacks, experiencing high levels of anxiety, codependent relationships and low self-esteem.”

How can someone break the habit of repeating past negative behaviors?

“Reach out for help—usually this is from a partner, friend or family member. And make the call to a mental health professional—a therapist, or an adviser. There is help available if you reach out.”

【小题1】The passage mainly focuses on the fact that ________.
A.childhood and adulthood is closely related
B.childhood has slight influence upon adulthood
C.childhood’s negative experiences are unavoidable
D.adulthood has a cure for childhood’s behaviors
【小题2】Which is closest in meaning to the underline word “resurface” in the third paragraph?
【小题3】The fourth paragraph suggests that ________.
A.adulthood is someway a reflection of childhood
B.a successful person is one without problems in childhood
C.childhood experiences are most important throughout lifetime
D.adulthood experiences have little to do with childhood
【小题4】Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A.Problematic families always have painful and destructive consequences on children.
B.South Pacific Private is an organization that deals with childhood mental health issues like trauma.
C.A light-bulb moment is when a person experiences most troublesome moment.
D.When you experience high levels of anxiety, it’s a key sign that you suffer a trauma.
