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Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

In Europe, more than half of 100 designers employed in the car-making industry are art graduate. Carmakers such as Audi, Jaguar and Ford all have artists designing new cars for the future. It goes without saying that new models are incorporating the latest technology. However, increasingly the cars of tomorrow are designed with artistic styles. Nowadays, customers demand that their new cars look as up-to-date and fashionable as possible.

Artists are not only designing cars. Increasingly, art students are influencing modern architecture, including the designing of new buildings. Artists are also helping with the restoration of old buildings by using specialized techniques learnt at art school.

Interestingly, artists are also finding ways of making life easier for us. Recently, one young artist has received a design award for a lifting aid. The newly-designed aid is a simple supportive framework that helps people who care for the weak or sick to lift their patients more easily. Another art student has received an award for creating a revolutionary baby feeder. The artist invented a tool that allows parents to feed small children with only one hand.

The marriage between art and business is set to continue. Industry recognizes the importance and value of young artists designing for the future. As one art professor commented, “Today, people understand that problems can be solved using artists’ eyes.”

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Directions: Read the following three passages. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage. Use your own words as far as possible.

Wearable Data

The classic nightmare of suddenly realizing you're naked in public could soon get a futuristic twist: it might involve the horror of losing not just your modesty but also your codes. Scientists recently created magnetic garments that they say can store data, automatically unlock doors or control a nearby smart-phone with gestures.

The concept of interactive ‘smart clothing’ has drawn attention in the past couple of years. For example, Google and Levi's created a touch-sensitive denim jacket that can operate a smart-phone. This and other smart garment are made with conductive thread and usually require an attached electonic device.

To eliminate the need for such attached gear, researchers at the University of Washington recently took advantage of what they say is previously untapped property of conductive thread: its ability to be magnetized. Using magnetic instead of electric properties of the thread ‘may seem like a small difference, but it's what makes this work interesting and exciting,’ says Chris Harrison, a computer scientist at Carnegie Mellon University, who was not part of the research. The new technique allowed the researchers to do something they say is unique among wearables: turn them into storage devices. The Washington team magnetized a patch of fabric embroidered with conductive thread, giving different parts of the cloth a north or south orientation that corresponded to binary 1's or 0's. This step allowed the researchers to store us to 33 million different combinations—such as pass codes for doors—on a shirt cuff.

The graments still stored data after washing, drying and ironing, but they could not escape time's eraser; after about a week, the thread's magnetic fields had weakened by around 30 percent. The researchers suggest that using custom made thread designed to hold stronger magnetic fields might work longer. But for now the clothes may be best suited for storing temporary codes, such as those found on hotel key cards or clothing tags in stores. Harrison says that it is Very unlikely you're ever going to achieve a comparable density to magnetic hard drives with data-storing fabric, however.

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

The Ethical Dilemma of Driverless Cars

In 2014, the first self-driven car was sold by the company Induct Technology. This change has given rise to the concern of the ethical dilemma of driverless cars. Imagine the following scenario: you’re cruising down the highway in a driverless car. Your car is surrounded by a truck in the front, a motorcycle on your right and a SUV on your left. Suddenly the heavy load from the truck falls down. Crash into the fallen load, the motorcycle or the SUV? In this scenario, the decision taken would solely be based on the pre-written computer program so any damage can be looked on as a decision made with predetermination.

To no one’s surprise, the public has consequently spoken out against this controversial engineering marvel. To combat this, companies have integrated systems into their vehicles that can give more control to human drivers in extreme situations. For example, in 2016, Tesla made a decision that the car’s automatic system will not stop the driver in turning the car in a direction that the driver desires in an emergency situation, even if it is the one that would cause greater damage. However, this decision was also highly criticized as it endangered the passengers and any surrounding civilians. The official statement given by Tesla stated that they didn’t want to second-guess drivers in emergency situations and by doing so they could effectively tackle any situation that presents the dilemma.

Tesla’s decision, in fact, directly conflicts with the whole idea behind driverless cars that robots make better drivers than humans. While situations in the dilemma may cause fatalities, it is nothing compared to the accidents that human drivers cause.

Therefore, the decision made by Tesla is a huge setback for the advancement of society as a whole. Even though a group of people see this dilemma as morally wrong, they should also consider the mass amounts of lives that automatic cars can and have saved. It is reasonable to believe that if manufacturers stick to their “safety-first” motto and keep on improving their models with better technologies and more realistic simulations, there might be a day where the threat to human life is essentially zero.

