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The first time I used the TV to distract (使分散注意力) my daughter, I felt like a bad parent; I convinced myself I was a “bad” mom. However, these days I believe the opposite to be true. Screen time makes me a better mom.

Now I know what most of you might be thinking: That’s ridiculous. Only crappy (糟糕的) parents rely on the screen to care for their kids. Then again, experts suggest parents limit media use. And while I do not doubt experts, there are things they fail to consider.

Like most 6-year-olds, my daughter gets worked up and excited easily and watching a cartoon gives her a chance to shut off her mind. And there are other reasons— more selfish reasons. I am a work-from-work mom, and giving her screen time gives me “me”time. I’m able to write while she watches TV. And while this may sound bad, I believe I am helping my daughter realize she should rely on herself. When Mommy works, she gets her own snacks, drinks and toys.

There are other benefits, too. TV has also taught my daughter. Thanks to “super Why”,she knew her alphabet at age 2, and thanks to “Sesame Street”, she was able to count to 20 by age 3. Also I use the screen as a great incentive. My daughter earns “IPad time” when she completes tasks, e.g., making her bed earns 15minutes while doing her homework gets her 30.

Of course, I have a few rules. During meals, the TV is off; all programs must be supervised; on weekdays, she is limited to two hours maximum. So remember: It doesn’t matter what our kids watch; it matters what they do, what they say, what they feel and how they act, and only you know what is best for them.

【小题1】What can be learned about the author’s opinion about screen time?
A.It fails to take kids into consideration.B.It is welcome by most crappy parents.
C.It challenges a popular belief.D.It corresponds with experts.
【小题2】How can screen time be good for kids of mothers working at home?
A.It gives them topics to discuss with friends.B.It gives them some easy time.
C.It enables them to keep their spirits up.D.It helps them become independent.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “incentive” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
C.idea producerD.learning tool
【小题4】Which of the following might the author agree with ?
A.Science and technology are primary strength.
B.A man is good-for-nothing until he is educated.
C.Nothing can be acquired without rules.
D.Each coin has two sides.
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A few years ago, Charles Barkley got into a lot of trouble for making the observation that sports figures didn’t need to be role models. Thousands of fans and professional journalists were cross at this attack on the fundamental principle that the person who jumps highest must aim highest and the person who handles the running back must also be able to deal with life’s problems with grace as well.

The problem is not that we look to these people for perfection when they take off their uniforms. It’s that we expect anyone to be our representatives for perfection. That’s stupid and it makes the rest of us down here lazy.

I get the importance of having heroes, the people who inspire us to cultivate the best potential within us and nurture our better angels. I personally have many heroes. from my mother, Lucy, to my favorite law professor, Howard. But these are personal contacts, people who have actually touched my hand and my heart, and who occupy a pedestal (基座) built of my own experiences and aspirations. To look at an athlete or an actress with high salary and demand that he or she match our dreams is not only a waste of time, but it’s dangerous. The danger comes in how this type of hero worship dehumanizes both the object of affection and the person who blindly adores. That was Barkley’s point, not that we should give public figures a pass for being faulty but that we shouldn’t abandon our own moral compasses and look to them for true north.

Recently on a television program I participated in, the discussion turned to Kathleen Kane. Someone suggested that the fact that the first female attorney general (首席检察官) in Pennsylvania was really messing things up could have unfortunate consequences for women seeking elected office. I offered the opinion that Kane was unquestionably criticized and that it was not hatred towards woman but incompetence at the root of the attacks. After the show aired, I had people emailing to tell me that I was either a traitor (叛徒) for publicly attacking a fellow female when we need to stand together behind this “role model”, or a fool for not going a step further to say that this incompetent lawyer had made it harder for all women to move to the next level.

How depressing! Why should the inferior performance of one woman lead to such diverse but passionate views in people? The answer is obvious: Kane has stopped being an attorney general but has instead become The First Female Attorney General. She can’t just make a mistake and pay the normal consequences.

If we stopped trying to live our lives through the accomplishments of public figures, many of whom look and sound like us, we’d learn how to recognize the heroic character of those we might actually know, and the heroic potential within ourselves. Or, perhaps, the honesty to accept our ordinary humanity.

【小题1】Many people were angry with Charles Barkley mainly because ________.
A.he was not good enough to be a role model
B.he broke fundamental principles in life
C.he doubted the perfection of some sports figures
D.he thought sports figures could have weaknesses
【小题2】According to Barkley, why is it dangerous to take public figures as heroes?
A.Because we shouldn’t waste time imitating public figures.
B.Because an athlete or actress cannot match our dreams.
C.Because we blindly admire public figures for their faults.
D.Because we may let go of our own moral standards.
【小题3】From the passage we can infer that Kathleen Kane was ________.
A.unfairly criticized due to being female
B.the first female attorney general in the US
C.less qualified than the public had expected
D.a role model for women seeking elected office
【小题4】Which of the following statements is true?
A.It’s foolish for us to expect anyone to be our representatives for perfection.
B.It is a waste of time having heroes.
C.Kathleen Kane had to resign office because of messing things up.
D.Public figures have the heroic character that ordinary people don’t have.
【小题5】Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?
A.Be Our Representatives for Perfection
B.Exploration of Our Own Heroic Potential
C.Our Unrealistic Expectation of Public Figures
D.Our Conventional Views of Female Politician

A team of researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago found that too many kids are eating too much pizza and too many calories are doing harm to children’s health.

“There are a lot of takeaways from the study. But the biggest thing is that parents are serving their kids too much pizza,” said Dr.William Dietz, one of the study’s authors and the director of the Sumner M. Redstone Global Center for Prevention and Wellness at the Milken Institute of Public Health at the George Washington University.

The researchers used data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which tracked the diets of more than 11,000 children and teenagers. Researchers figured how many children eat pizza in the United States, how often they eat it, and how much they eat when they do.

Pizza, pretty alarmingly, is the second leading source of calories in the diets of America’s children, next only to grain desserts, such as cookies and other sweets. On any given day, roughly 20 percent of all children aged 2 to 11 and adolescents aged 12 to 19 eat pizza. And when they do, they eat a lot of it. When children eat pizza, they eat roughly 400 calories, according to the study. For teenagers, it’s upwards of 600 calories.

All that is pretty problematic, according to Dietz largely because kids don’t tend to balance the pizza slices with salads, vegetables and other more nutritional(有营养的) foodstuffs. Days on which children and teenagers eat pizza are not only associated with considerably higher intakes of fat, but also, quite simply, with more food: on average, children consume 84 extra calories on the days they eat pizza, while adolescents consume an extra 230 calories.

“When you eat extra calories and don’t compensate(抵偿) for them at another point of the day or week, it can lead to weight gain and even obesity.”Dietz said.

There is a Silver lining. Pizza consumption is still too high by nutrition standards, but it’s lower than it used to be. Consumption(消费) fell by roughly 25 percent between 2007 and 2016, according to the study. Much of that has come at dinner where it's fallen by 40 percent for children and about 33 percent for teenagers. It’s unclear whether the decline has been in connection with a growing concern over obesity, especially among the country’s youth.

But the drop in pizza consumption, while significant hasn’t been big enough “It’s a positive trend,” Dietz said. “But we’re not quite them yet.”

It’s easy to see the appeal of pizza. It’s cheap. Parents can buy a lot of pizza for not a lot of money. Besides, they can buy pizza from a chain shop, a mom-and-pop store or a grocery freezer. And it’s universally loved. The estimated 3 billion pizza eaten each year in the United States is a proof of the food’s unmatched popularity. Given how much the country loves pizza, what’s to be done? Dietz suggests pizza with smaller serving sizes and healthier toppings(配料). “We’re not suggesting that kids avoid pizza altogether.” said Dietz. “But when parents serve it, it’s important that they understand it’s extremely caloric. They should serve smaller pizza, or at least smaller slices.”

【小题1】According to the study, the problem with kids is that      .
A.they are overweightB.they have too many takeaways
C.they are fed too much pizzaD.they have very bad health
【小题2】How did the researchers get the result?
A.Through interviewing.B.By analyzing data.
C.By tracking kids’ diets.D.Through experimenting.
【小题3】We know from the passage that when kids eat pizza,       .
A.they usually don’t eat other foodB.they eat less of other food
C.they are not likely to balance their dietD.they usually eat with vegetables
【小题4】What does the underlined part a silver lining in Paragraph 7 probably mean?
A.Something hopefulB.Something valuable.
C.Something miserable.D.Something successful.
【小题5】What’s the key message of the last paragraph?
A.Pizza consumption fell significantly in America.
B.Pizza has many advantages over other food.
C.Eating too much pizza can lead to failing health and obesity.
D.The pizza problem may be improved through its size and topping.

Nowadays, the world is slowly becoming a high-tech society and we are now surrounded by technology. Facebook and Twitter are innovative tools; text messaging is still a somewhat existing phenomenon and even e-mail is only a flashing spot on the screen when compared with our long history of snail mail. Now we adopt these tools to the point of essentialness, and only rarely consider how we are more fundamentally affected by them.

Social media, texting and e-mail all make it much easier to communicate, gather and pass information. But they also present some dangers. By removing any real human engagement, they enable us to develop our abnormal self-love without the risk of disapproval or criticism theatrical metaphor (隐喻), these new forms of communication provide a stage on which we create our own characters, hidden behind a fourth wall of tweets, status updates and texts. This unreal state of unconcern can become addictive as we separate ourselves a safe distance from the cruelty of our fleshly lives, where we are imperfect, powerless and insignificant. In essence, we have been provided not only the means to be more free, but also to become new, to create and protect a more perfect self to the world. As we become more reliant on these tools, they become more a part of our daily routine and so we become more restricted in this fantasy.

So it is that we live in a cold era, where names and faces represent two different levels of closeness, where working relationships occur only through the magic of email and where love can start or end by text message. An environment such as this reduces interpersonal relationships to mere digital exchanges.

Would a celebrity have been so daring to do something dishonorable if he had had to do it in person? Doubtful. It seems he might have been lost in a fantasy world that ultimately convinced himself into believing the digital self could obey different rules and regulations, as if he could continually push the limits of what’s acceptable without facing the consequences of “real life.”

【小题1】The author compares e-mail with snail mail to show ________.
A.the influence of high-tech on our lifeB.the history of different types of mails
C.the value of traditional communicationsD.the rapid development of social media
【小题2】What can we know about new communication tools?
A.Destroying our life totally.B.Posing more dangers than good.
C.Helping us to hide our faults.D.Replacing traditional letters.
【小题3】What is the potential threat caused by the novel communication tools?
A.Sheltering us from virtual life.B.Removing face-to-face interaction.
C.Leading to false mental perception.D.Making us rely more on hi-tech media.
【小题4】What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?
A.Technologies have changed our relationships.
B.The digital world is a recipe for pushing limits.
C.Love can be better conveyed by text message.
D.The digital self need not take responsibility.
