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How to Volunteer Abroad and Actually Help People

Fear of “voluntourism” shouldn’t stop you from doing something great. We’ve all heard it. Those “voluntourists” going to Africa think they’re helping, but they’re actually going for a holiday, wasting money, and strengthening dangerous stereotypes (刻板印象). I am, though, against the idea that we shouldn’t volunteer abroad at all. How would the world be a better place without people devoting their time and resources to help others who need it?

I chose my organization well. As a student, there are so many options for volunteering abroad. I travelled with Cambridge Development Initiative, a student-run project that works on sustainable development projects in Tanzania. There were four branches and I was on the business team. We were trained on the dangers of voluntourism and on best volunteer practices. We learned about the culture and even learned some basic Swahili, the local language, before travelling. When we were in Tanzania, we stayed in the same accommodation alongside our Tanzanian team members, ate the same food, and spent our free time in the same places.

When I told my friend I was travelling to Tanzania to volunteer for the summer, he said, “Oh, you’re going to have one of those summers where you go away for a couple of months and it totally changes your profile (头像) picture.”

I didn’t change my profile picture, but I did help 23 young people start their own companies. They brainstormed ideas, surveyed target communities, improved their designs, came up with business plans, and collected seed capital for their startups. They came up with creative ideas, such as a “mini-grid” (微型电网) providing electricity to an off-grid village and a plastic-waste recycling company.

Before I went to Tanzania, I was “this close” to taking an internship in a company instead because I worried I would be contributing to the negative practice of voluntourism. Here’s how I made sure that didn’t happen, and why I think the benefits of volunteering abroad far outweigh the benefits of taking some questionable moral high reasons back home.

【小题1】What is voluntourism?
A.A study in a developing country.
B.A trip to a developing country to help out.
C.A cultural exchange in a developing country.
D.A traveling to a developing country to help out, but doing more harm.
【小题2】How did the writer ensure not contributing to the negative side of voluntourism?
A.By not trusting any organization.
B.By learning about the local culture and language.
C.By providing electricity to an off-grid village.
D.By making trade with the team members.
【小题3】Which one was NOT done by the writer?
A.The writer came up with ideas to solve off-grid problems.
B.The writer helped establish young people’s own start-ups.
C.The writer gave up a corporate internship.
D.The writer went to Tanzania as a volunteer.
【小题4】What did the writer’s friend imply?
A.The writer would have a moral high experience worth showing off.
B.The writer was able to change the profile picture after the trip.
C.The writer should help the locals as much as possible.
D.The writer should volunteer because it would be life-changing.
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Four great mini adventures in the UK

Swim with seals, Lundy Island
Suits Water babies
Difficulty Easy to moderate

Known – with a large pinch of salt and bundles of imagination – as the UK’s Galapagos, this small island off the coast of Devon has an abundance of wildlife to discover. The cliffs are home to scores of birds from puffins to kittiwake, razorbills and guillemots, the grassland harbours the Lundy pony and sika deer and the sea grey seals. It’s these aquatic mammals that offer the most memorable encounters. Renowned for getting up close and personal with snorkellers, they often rub human visitors with their noses (despite rules stating people should keep a distance!).

Swim with Seals £69.50pp including ferry from Ilfracombe, bristolchannelcharters.co.uk
Stargaze from a bothy(茅屋) , mid Wales
Suits Nature-lovers who can rough it
Difficulty Moderate

Nestled in the Elan Valley – an area dotted with reservoirs and woodland and known by very few – is a little bothy called Lluest Cwmbach. Recently refurbished by the volunteer-run and donation-funded Mountain Bothies Association (MBA), it offers a basic shelter from the elements comprising of sleeping platforms, a solid fuel tove(bring your own fuel), and even an outside toilet (a luxury for a bothy). As it’s far from the nearest towns and villages and their light pollution, it offers some of the best stargazing in Wales. Not bad for nothing – though note they are not bookable, so space is never guaranteed. Free, though joining the MBA (£25 a year) helps with the upkeep of these wonderful buildings, mountainbothies.org.uk

Downhill on a mountain bike, Brecon Beacons
Suits Speed freaks
Difficulty Moderate to hard

From the Mid Glamorgan town of Merthyr Tydfil a whole host of mountain bike routes lay in wait for the brave. There’s just one catch – the big Brecon peaks. For hard-core bikers that’s not an issue but for those new to muddy trails it can be off-putting. But Adventure Cycling Wales has the answer: let them worry about the ascent. They transport bike and rider to the top of the most epic routes and it is all downhill from there. From £35 including bike hire and lift to route start, adventurecyclingwales.co.uk

White water rafting, Hertfordshire
Suits Adrenaline lovers
Difficulty Challenging

Built for the canoe slalom at London 2012, Lee Valley White Water Centre, just 17 miles from central London, now also offers mere mortals the chance to take to the rapids. With everything on offer from tasters of the full-on foaming course to tubing and family fun, it provides an adrenaline-packed day trip from the capital. Tasters from £25pp, must be 14+, gowhitewater.co.uk

【小题1】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Travellers should strictly stay away from the wild aquatic mammals on Lundy Island.
B.People only need to bring your own fuel to Lluest Cwmbach as it is a luxurious bothy.
C.Riders descend from the big Brecon peaks along muddy but fantastic bike routes.
D.Sightseers can spend an exciting day going white-watering in central London.
【小题2】If Arthur and his wife want to take to the water and enjoy family fun with their 12-year-old twins, how much do they have to spend at least?
【小题3】Which column on the newspaper would this passage most probably belong to?
A.Natural WondersB.Travel Bargains
C.Exploring UKD.Travel Tips

We know that there is nothing worse than finding yourself caught in a strange place, disconnected from your loved ones. Here are a variety of travel tips that will help make your journey a safe and enjoyable one.

Plan ahead. There is no way to fully plan for the unexpected, but you can be prepared for it.【小题1】 If traveling on public transportation, make sure you know the route and the stops. Have a well-charged cell phone with you, or take a Mobile Power Pack. You can often save time and money by planning ahead.

Inform family/ friends of your travel plans. Make sure you have someone you can contact in case of emergency. If someone is meeting you at your destination, make sure they know exactly when your lane/ bus / train arrives.

【小题2】 Do you routinely take medicine? Are you traveling with a baby who needs milk powder? These are examples of things to carry with you at all times. If travel is delayed, it doesn't help YOU if these items are part of your checked baggage.

Take identification. It is important to have photo identification with you when you travel. Identification is required when purchasing bus and train tickets. 【小题3】

Check on prohibited items in advance. Visit the Transportation Security Agency's website (TSA) to check on what items are prohibited. 【小题4】 Better to leave it at home, since you will have to surrender (交出) the item in order to get through airport security.

Protect your money. Instead of carrying a lot of cash with you, use your card to pay. 【小题5】 Take some cash just in case, but don’t put all your cash in one place. Put some money in jackets, pockets and different bags. In case your wallet gets lost or stolen, you still have cash in other places.

A.Don't forget to take medicine.
B.Be aware of your own special needs.
C.This makes payment easier and safer to manage.
D.In case you want to tour around and look for places, maps app is a must.
E.If traveling by car, have a map with you and know your route in advance.
F.Also, it must be presented at airline counters and airport security checkpoints.
G.Remember the Swiss Army knife your grandfather gave you when you were ten years old?

The West Potomac Park in Washington, DC, lies just west of the National Mall. It is home to some of Washington’s most iconic (标志性) sites. But the park’s most famous attraction? Cherry blossoms.

Thousands of cherry trees bloom around the waters of the Tidal Basin (潮汐湖), which reflect the trees’ images. The basin was created in the late1800s to prevent the Potomac River from flooding. The original cherry trees were a gift from Japan. On March 26, 1912, more than 3, 000 cherry trees arrived in Washington. Most were planted around the Tidal Basin. But cherry trees were also planted near the Washington Monument and the White House.

Mike Litterst, a spokesperson for the U. S. National Park Service, which maintains the West Potomac Park, helps protect the cherry trees. “This wonderful gift is over 100 years old now and, if you will, the gift keeps on giving. You can enjoy its beauty every year”.

The cherry blossoms also serve as a symbol of the beginning of springtime. Every year, Washington celebrates the arrival of spring with a two - week Cherry Blossom Festival. More than 1.5 million people from around the world visit the nation’s capital during the festival. They all hope to see the cherry trees at their “peak (高峰) bloom”,which lasts several days each year. Experts begin making peak bloom predictions in February. Visitors make their travel plans to Washington based on these predictions. Last year, officials correctly predicted the peak bloom six weeks in advance. But this year, unpredictable weather in March in Washington has made guessing it difficult. “Peak bloom” dates have changed many times.

The cherry blossoms have also become a worldwide symbol of Washington itself. BoWen moved to Washington from China seven years ago. He comes to the Cherry Blossom Festival. “It’s so famous. Everywhere you can see Washington DC Cherry Blossom Festival, on like Twitter and Instagram.”

【小题1】What do we learn about the West Potomac Park?
A.It is just next to the Tidal Basin.B.There are some iconic sites around it.
C.It includes a man - made body of water.D.All the cherry trees from Japan were there.
【小题2】What does Litterst mean by saying ‘the gift keeps on giving’?
A.The old cherry trees are still in blossom.B.Visitors can pick the flowers if they like.
C.Japan is still giving them the cherry trees.D.Visitors want to have the cherry trees as a gift.
【小题3】What characteristic does Cherry Blossom Festival have?
A.It usually lasts one week.B.Its time is not the same every year.
C.It is held when cherry trees start to bloom.D.Its celebration is held all over the country.
【小题4】What do BoWen’s words about Cherry Blossom Festival imply?
A.It can be enjoyed just online.B.It is liked by the Chinese very much.
C.It is one of the most important ones.D.It is widely known all over the world.
