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Children are a delight. They are our future. But sadly, hiring someone to take care of them when you're going to work is getting more expensive by the year.

Earlier this month it was reported that the cost of involving an infant or small kid at a childcare centre rose 3 percent in 2012, faster than the general cost of living. There are now large strips of the country where daycare(日托)for an infant costs more than 10%of the average married couples' income.

This is not necessarily a new trend, but it is somewhat puzzling me. The price of professional childcare has been rising since the 1980s. Yet during that time, pay for professional childcare workers has stood still Actually caregivers(护理员)earn less today than they did in 1990. Considering that labor costs are responsible for about 80% of a daycare center's expenses, one would infer that stable wages means stable prices.

So who is to blame for higher child care costs?

Childcare is a carefully regulated industry. States lay down rules about how many children each employee is allowed to watch over, the space care centers need per child, and other details. And the stricter the regulations are, the higher the costs will be. In Massachusetts. where childcare centers must hire one teacher for every three infants, the price of care averaged more than $ 16,000 per year. In Mississippi, where centers must hire one teacher for every five infants, the price of care averaged less than $ 5,000.

Unfortunately, I don't have all the daycare center regulations, but I wouldn't be surprised if as the rules. have become more complicated, prices have risen. The tradeoff (交换)might be worth it in certain cases, after all, the health and safety of children should probably come before cheap service. But certainly, it doesn't seem to be an accident that some of the cheapest daycare available is in the least regulated South.

【小题1】What problem do parents of small kids have to face?
A.The ever-rising child care prices.B.The budgeting of family expenses
C.The balance between work and family.D.The selection of a good daycare center.
【小题2】What does the author feel puzzled about?
A.Why the prices of child care vary greatly from state to state
B.Why increased child care prices have not led to better service.
C.Why childcare workers' pay has not increased with the rising childcare costs.
D.Why there is a severe shortage of childcare professionals in a number of states.
【小题3】What prevents child care centers from saving money?
A.Steady increase in labor costs.B.Strict government regulations.
C.Lack of support from the stateD.High administrative expenses.
【小题4】What is the author's view on a daycare service?
A.Caregivers should receive regular professional training.
B.Less complicated rules about childcare might lower costs.
C.It is vital to strike a balance between quality and costs.
D.It is better for different States to learn from each other.
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“There's no place like home.” This English saying has much truth in it: the best place to be is surrounded by our treasured possessions and our loved ones and with a roof over our head. And for many young adults, it's the only affordable place to stay; somewhere where they can receive first-class service from mum and dad. But this comes at a price!

In some countries, it's quite traditional for people in their late teens and early 20s to live at home with their parents, but in other places, flying the nest to start their own independent life is very desirable. But there's been a growing trend, in the UK at least, for young people to return home to live—or not to leave home at all.

A survey by a price comparison website found that 18% of adult children in the UK said they were moving back home because of debt, compared with 8% last year. More young people had lost their jobs, and others couldn't afford their rent compared with the previous year. So, it's easy to see why they're increasingly becoming home birds.

Emma Craig from Money supermarket says “parents are trying to look after their children more. If your child comes home and you see them struggling to pay their bills, you feel more awkward asking them for rent or to contribute. It tugs (猛拉) on your heartstrings more.”

With parents buying new furniture and upgrading their Wi-Fi for the benefit of their children, it's easy for the returning children to put their feet up and make themselves at home. That's before they learn a home truth—that one day it might be their own kids who'll be checking into the hotel of mum and dad!

【小题1】Which proverb might show the young British's living conditions?
A.A lazy youth, an awful age.B.East or west, home is best.
C.Two heads are better than one.D.Nothing comes wrong to a hungry man.
【小题2】Which is the reason for the increase of home birds according to the survey?
A.The popularity of living independently.B.Looking after their old parents.
C.The economic problem they face.D.Their parents' offer to help them out.
【小题3】What's Emma Craig's attitude towards home birds?
【小题4】What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Flying the nest is becoming popular at present.
B.Returning to live with parents comes at a price.
C.It's easy for parents to receive their returning children.
D.Home birds think it quite natural to live with their parents.

Food labels seem to provide all the information a thoughtful consumer needs, so counting calories should be simple. 【小题1】 They say how many calories a food contains, and yet what they don’t say is that how many calories you actually get out of your food depends on how highly processed it is.

Food-processing includes cooking, mixing and mashing (捣烂). 【小题2】 It can also be completed in your home when you prepare a meal. Highly processed foods are more digestible, whose effects can be big. If you eat the food raw you will tend to lose weight. If you eat the same food cooked, you will tend to gain weight. 【小题3】

As a result, when we are losing weight, we should reject processed food. And to do so would be much easier if our food labels gave us some advice about how many calories we would save by eating less-processed food. 【小题4】 The problem lies in a shortage of information. They find it hard to predict precisely how many extra calories will be gained when our food is more highly processed.

【小题5】 The first gives a precise number of calories but takes no account of the known effects of food-processing, and therefore mismeasures what our bodies are actually harvesting from the food. The second would take account of food-processing, but without any precise numbers. Faced by this difficult choice, every country has opted to ignore the effect of processing and the result is that consumers are confused.

A.Same calories, different outcomes.
B.Processed foods should be given more restrictions.
C.It can be done by the food industry before you buy.
D.Food labels fail to offer a specific number of calories.
E.So why do our nutrition advisers keep silent on the topic?
F.But things get tricky because food labels tell only half the story.
G.Our food labeling therefore faces a choice between two systems.

Many youngsters in China enjoy gathering a couple of good friends and taking a relaxing walk through the streets, which is a popular form of visiting a new city, that is, Citywalk. They can follow a special urban route (路线), exploring old building, drinking a cup of coffee, or eating local snacks. It can be a special guided trip for a small group of people, or simply a relaxing walk for one or two to explore new areas, sticking to the key point: avoiding famous tourist attractions and big crowds to get a more interesting experience of the places you visit.

In China, the Citywalk trend (趋势) is spreading from big cities like Beijing and Shanghai to other cities, encouraging more people to take part. Xiao Yiyi is a young visitor from Changsha exploring new possibilities while traveling. Recently she tried six Citywalk routes to walk in different cities and posted them on her social media account, with the aim of sharing experiences to “walk in open-air museums”.

Citywalk not only offers a way for young people to interact with a city but also provides an opportunity for people who share the same interests and ideas to easily make friends. Xiao Yiyi said her group usually includes a few or so people and her trips last around half a day.

Even though Citywalk is a new trend, industry insiders say that its future possibility is huge. It is offering a beneficial change to travelers as they can better choose the experiences that suit their interests and needs. At the same time, Citywalk gives an opportunity for tour guides and travel service providers to offer a more professional service to meet ever-changing market needs.

【小题1】What does paragraph 1 mainly tell us about Citywalk?
A.What it is.B.Why it is popular.
C.Who take part in it.D.What routes are popular.
【小题2】Which is one of the advantages of Citywalk?
A.It offers many routes to choose from.
B.It enables travelers to socialize with others.
C.It attracts people to famous tourist attractions.
D.It allows people to spend more time on travel.
【小题3】What is the purpose of the text?
A.To introduce a new travel trend.
B.To encourage readers to organize a trip.
C.To point out the importance of Citywalk.
D.To explain why Citywalk becomes popular.
