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Police should be allowed to use facial recognition to investigate specific crimes and to protect the public at major events, according to the first national survey of the public's attitude to the technology. However, they are opposed to unrestricted use while two thirds (65 percent) of the public believe an absolute ban on the police would be wrong, Up to 70 percent backed its use to analyse faces on CCTV (闭路电视) to catch a suspect in an investigation or in day-to-day policing to prevent crime at events such as football matches or carnivals, The technology enables police to scan crowds and pick out faces that match huge databases of suspects.

There is, however, far less tolerance of its use by private (私人的) companies, whether to monitor shoppers or workers, or in schools if it was to be used to track children's behaviour or expressions. By a majority of almost two to one, the public believes that organizations should seek the permission of people before they start using facial recognition. Most also want a pause on any further use of the technology until publicly-agreed guidelines are in place on when and where it should be used.

More than half (55 percent) of the public believe the Government should limit police use of facial recognition to criminal investigations, though half also saw it as no different to taking photographs or using CCTV. Of those who were comfortable with its use, 80 percent said it was because it was “beneficial for the security of society”,

There was also a majority in favour of the technology where there was personal benefit, with 54 percent backing its use to unlock a smartphone by recognizing an owner’s face and with passport checks at airports where it can speed up queues.

【小题1】Why is the technology of facial recognition significant to the police?
A.It helps them better investigate criminal cases.
B.It is a good way to control private companies.
C.It can recognize and catch suspects.
D.It mainly gets fully support from all walks of life.
【小题2】What can we know about the technology according to paragraph 2?
A.It is believed to go against publicly-agreed guidelines.
B.It is helpful to track students’ behavior at home.
C.It is a potential threat to privacy.
D.It is popular among shoppers, workers and private companies.
【小题3】What conclusion can we draw about the application of the technology?
A.It should be banned totally.
B.It should be open to police undoubtedly.
C.It is a double-edged sword.
D.It benefits the society in every aspect.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.Should the police free use facial recognition?
B.Should facial recognition be applied to airports?
C.Should facial recognition protect the privacy of the public?
D.Should private companies use facial recognition without limit?
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According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term “couch potato” first appeared in print in a December, 1979 edition of the Los Angeles Times. Since then, it has become a familiar term for a person who spends a lot of time sitting, and little time exercising. Although there does not seem to be any particular reason why the term “couch potato” is used rather than “couch tomato” , a person may become a “couch potato” because living this way is said to make you round like a potato. The term is also said to have something to do with the high-calorie (卡路里) food like potato chips.

People now would say “couch potato” whenever they talk about overweight and obesity (肥胖). Indeed, “couch potatoes” are believed to have heart disease risks, which can be avoided by regular exercise.

It is true that technology and modern life in general make us sick, fat, lazy and physically/mentally soft. The more time people spend using technology, particularly televisions and computers, the less time they will spend being physically active.

“Couch potato” kids are a particular concern. Media reports repeatedly claim that children today are fatter than their elder generations, but less athletically skilled, less interested in physical activities and more addicted (上瘾的) to “junk food” and technology such as televisions and computers. The message is clear: today’s children are fat because they are lazy and eat too much. Moreover, because technology is becoming more sophisticated (复杂的), children are less able to resist (抵抗,忍得住) technology’s attraction, and are more likely to spend more time using technology, less time doing physical activities and,therefore, more likely to be fat.

【小题1】The first paragraph is mainly about ________.
A.why “couch potato” is used as a term for a person
B.when “couch potato” is used as a term for a person
C.how “couch potato” is different from “couch tomato”
D.what kind of person looks like a potato
【小题2】The development of technology also makes us sick because ________ by using technology.
A.we are more likely to have heart disease risks in modern life
B.we spend less time doing exercise
C.we needn’t do many things by ourselves any more
D.we spend all our time watching TV and playing computer games
【小题3】It’s kids’ ________ that people are particularly concerned about.
【小题4】According to the passage,the author may suggest that ________.
A.scientists should stop their technology research
B.parents should take better care of their children
C.kids should be stopped from using new technology
D.people should spend less time using technology

The rapid growth in skyscrapers worldwide, most of which have large windows, has led to a high demand for window washers. Though the job is well-paid, it is dangerous and accidents are not uncommon. However, if Israel-based start-up Skyline Technologies has its way, the dangerous job may soon be done by Ozmo, an intelligent window cleaning robot, with humans supervising from the safety of the ground.

Much like humans, Ozmo, sitting on platforms hanging from the buildings, uses its arms and brushes to clean the dirt on the glass. A 3D map of the building’s surface programmed into its system allows the robot to skillfully deal with any obstacle it is likely to meet, as it moves up and down the buildings. The robot will self-correct and move around every obstacle that it might have met so as not to break a window.

Unlike present window washers, the robot cleaner does not require soap to clean the glass. Instead, it uses distilled(蒸馏的)water to do the job. Yaron Schwarcz, CEO of Skyline Robotics explains, “We are environmentally friendly.” Ozmo is also expected to be much more efficient than its human counterparts. While it presently takes three cleaners 480 hours each to clean windows of a 40-storey glass building, the robot will be able to do it in 80 hours. However, unlike other robots, Ozmo will not replace human workers, and only make their jobs safer by making them supervisors, who will be controlling the operation from the safety of the ground.

Whether Ozmo, which is still being tested, does as good a job as humans is not clear. If things go well, its creators have much bigger ambitions for Ozmo. Schwarcz told Forbes Magazine, “Window cleaning is just the tip of the iceberg. We plan to replace all tasks that are dangerous and dirty.”

【小题1】Why is Ozmo friendly to our environment?
A.It depends on solar energy.
B.It uses less soap than other robots.
C.It makes our ecosystem more balanced.
D.It consumes nothing made from chemicals.
【小题2】What does the underlined part “the tip of the iceberg” mean?
A.As cool as the iceberg.B.A small part of a big plan.
C.The most advanced technology.D.The leading role in the modern world.
【小题3】What is the best title for the text?
A.Robots make a difference.
B.Supervise Ozmo, human safe.
C.Meet Ozmo, the window cleaning robot.
D.Intelligent Ozmo becomes known worldwide.

In Kansas City,Missouri,a computer helps firefighters.The computer,which works very fast,has information about all the 350,000 street addresses in the city.Within two or three seconds after a call is received,the computer provides necessary information for the firefighters.The information is then sent to them by radio from the computer centre in the City Hall.The exact place of the burning building and its size,type and any other details are clear to them.

The Kansas City computer system also has a medical record of each of the city’s 900 firefighters.This kind of information is especially useful when a firefighter is injured.With the information,doctors at hospital can treat the injured firefighters more quickly and easily.

The firefighters themselves greatly appreciate the computer’s help.They know about possible danger ahead of them and can prepare for it.Many times the computer information helps to save lives and property(财产).Sometimes the lives are those of firefighters themselves.

Mike Horan,a firefighter captain,says,“I feel as if the computer is ready to help me if I get hurt.”

【小题1】Which of the following is the best title of the text? ____________
A.Large Computers in Kansas and MissouriB.The Computer Helps Firefighters
C.Important Information for FirefightersD.The Speed of the Computer
【小题2】What is the best way if you want to know the information about the street address in Kansas? ____________
A.To ask the firefighter.B.To ask the policeman.
C.To use the computer.D.To use the map.
【小题3】The firefighters can get information about a burning place which is sent by________ .
C.the City HallD.the center of the city
【小题4】Why can doctors treat the injured firefighters quickly and easily? ____________
A.The hospital has a very good computer.
B.The firefighters can know about possible danger early.
C.The computer can prepare everything for them.
D.Medical records in the computer help them a lot.
