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Tips for Running in the Morning

There are so many great reasons to run in the morning. It's a great way to wake up and watch the world awaken with you. This is not to suggest that getting into the habit is easy, especially if you're not a morning person. But there are ways to ease you into the routine and in ways you may even enjoy.

◆Teach Yourself Good Sleep Habits

Building a morning running habit starts with a good night's sleep. According to the American Sleep Association, you can train yourself to sleep at an earlier hour if you:

·Plan to go to sleep at the same time every night.

·Avoid TV, reading, or electronic devices an hour before bedtime.

·Avoid coffee or alcohol three hours before bedtime.

·Have a nightly routine, such as a warm bath, meditation (冥想), or listening to calming music.

◆Sleep in Your Running Clothes

It's hard to blow off a run when you're already dressed for it. If you really want to get a jump start and find motivation as soon as you open your eyes, simply wear your running clothes to bed.

◆Put Your Alarm Clock out of Reach

When your alarm clock goes off early in the morning, you may want to get a couple of more minutes' sleep. If you're struggling to get up, place the alarm clock across the room so that you have to get out of bed to turn it off. The more steps you put between you and the bed, the less likely you are to fall back asleep.

◆Eat Smart

It is never good to run on an empty stomach. After a long night's sleep, you have little to draw upon in the way of energy. If you head out the door having eaten nothing at all, you will likely experience tiredness, muscle pain, shortness of breath, and weakness. Worst yet, you may convince yourself that you're “not made for morning runs,” when, in fact, you're not feeding yourself properly.

【小题1】According to the writer, which is right for building a morning running habit?
A.When to go to bed is not so important.
B.Doing some reading just before bed.
C.Drinking some coffee or tea to calm.
D.Just sitting there thinking nothing at all.
【小题2】What does the underlined phrase “blow off” mean in Paragraph 3?
A.To be taken away by wind.
B.To be removed by explosion.
C.To quit something.
D.To get out of something.
【小题3】What is the real purpose to put the alarm clock away?
A.In order not to be disturbed.
B.To get a few more minutes' sleep.
C.In order to protect the alarm clock.
D.To get up as soon as possible.
【小题4】What is the worst result of not eating anything before morning running?
A.Feeling unfit for running.
B.Feeling out of breath.
C.Feeling very hungry.
D.Feeling extremely tired.
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Travelling can be a very enjoyable experience. If you're planning a vacation abroad, these simple and easy steps can make your trip a truly wonderful experience.

【小题1】It is important to know why you want to travel. Is it for some adventure, relaxation, or to experience new things? Once you understand the reason for your travel, you will be able to move onto the next step.

Budget for the trip, including making savings. Once you've decided where you want to go, the next most important thing is to check your budget. Do you think you've got enough money in your pocket that you can travel to your chosen place?【小题2】 This can also help you decide when you want to start your trip - because you will only be able to arrange your trip once you've saved enough.

Decide the destination. Once you know why you want to travel and have the budget in hand, you can have a better idea about the type of destination you want to visit.【小题3】Depending on your interests, you can choose a destination.

【小题4】Even if you know you've saved enough, you still want to travel as cheaply as possible. You can look for cheap travel deals across the internet. And you'll surely find a deal and an experience that suits your budget. Some deals even include hotel accommodation, transport, city tours, and so on.

Make and save your memories. Travelling is all about experiencing new things, enjoying your trip and living in the moment.【小题5】This will make your trip worthwhile.

A.Look for cheap travel deals.
B.Ask yourself the reason for travel.
C.Just remember that you're on a trip to enjoy.
D.If not, it's time to start saving now with a positive attitude.
E.Make sure you take lots of photographs and make some cheerful memories while travelling.
F.Book flights as early as possible for discounts.
G.Are you interested in historic sites? Beaches? Night life? Mountains?

Are you constantly saying words like “I am so tired”, “my mind is so exhausted”, “I need to take a break”, and “I am unable to handle the pressure anymore” and so on. At this moment you start thinking that you need more time to rest. 【小题1】

Energy is not just a physical concept. 【小题2】 Just think for a second that you are going to exercise now but your mind keeps on telling you that you are tired. So your exercise session will be postponed or it will be least productive.

【小题3】 When you start telling yourself that you are tired, the body performs in the same manner. However, when you get rid of all the negative thoughts, the positive energy starts flowing through your body, and you will see the difference that it makes.

Affirmations (肯定) are positive phrases that can help you deal with negative thoughts and emotions. In addition, they assist you in visualizing the desired outcome and reprogram your mind.

Now, how can positive affirmations be useful? First, you need to identify the negative thoughts that you need to get rid of. You have to be very clear about what you want. 【小题4】 Moreover, you must select the affirmations you truly believe in.

Start practicing these affirmations every day. 【小题5】 Remember consistency is the key to success. You can speak them cloud, in front of the mirror, record them and listen to them. You can speak them aloud in the morning or at night before going to bed. Gradually, you will see that these positive energy affirmations will have a positive impact on your life.

A.Never skip the session.
B.It is rather a state of mind
C.You’d better not slow down once you begin.
D.The key to staying energetic lies in your mind.
E.Then you can prepare a list of positive energy affirmations that best suit you.
F.It is a crucial step for you to make full use of positive affirmations.
G.These are the negative thoughts in your mind that are a barrier to your growth and energy.
