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Welcome to Our Free Course — Share Your Research

After you attend college, there are many times when you need to do research. This is where you need to learn how to share your research. So please attend our course and we'll help you a lot!

Share Your Research is a FREE 5-week course that will guide you through the steps of creating and delivering a good research talk!

Course Details

·Enrollment (入学) Starts→Anytime, self-paced

·Course Starts→Anytime, self-paced

·Effort→2 hours/week

The course includes four modules (模块) as follows:

Module 1: This module introduces to you how to decide on something basic about an effective talk such as: who the audience is, what your goals are and what your key message is. This module will also offer advice to help you discover your speaking style.

Module 2: This module presents methods to help you outline and structure your talk and attract your audience. This module will also get you started with deciding on the content of the body of your talk.

Module 3: In this module, you'll continue working on the structure and content of your talk, focusing on the introduction and ending. The module also discusses more strategies for attracting audience and choosing titles for your talk.

Module 4: This module provides tips and best practices to deliver an effective talk: from tips on practicing and receiving feedback(反馈) to tips on reducing your nervousness and dealing with the Q&A.

On average, there are seven videos per module.

When you complete the course, you will receive a printable certificate from iBiology Courses.

If you'd like to know more information about our course, please call us at 828-697-6313!

【小题1】What are you required to do while taking the course?
A.Pay some money for it.B.Deliver speeches daily.
C.Spend ten hours on it.D.Create seven videos.
【小题2】What can Module 1 help you find about your talk?
A.The speaking style.B.The appealing title.
C.The specific content.D.The questioning skills.
【小题3】In which module can you learn to keep relaxed during your talk?
A.Module 1.B.Module 2.
C.Module 3.D.Module 4.
知识点:课程应用文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
The popularity of farmers’ markets combined with concerns over food security is making the number of school leavers taking agriculture courses increase rapidly, according to a study.
Large numbers of 16- to 18-year-olds are going to study subjects such as agriculture, food and gamekeeping despite having no background in farming. Jeanette Dawson, principal of Bishop Burton College, said women were also taking up courses at an increasing rate.
She said it was related to a series of food scandals (丑闻)such as the discovery of horsemeat in frozen meals stocked by major supermarkets.
But the movement was also promoted by an increased awareness of the importance of local food and produce, she said. The number of students taking courses in “land-based subjects” has increased by a quarter in the last 12 months alone – from 5,138 to 6,482.
Mrs. Dawson said there were a lot of young people who weren’t from farming backgrounds. But there had been a growth in the number of them accessing agriculture programes with a view to a career in the industry. She said agriculture was an   “applied science, with the great outdoors as its laboratory”. And it was increasingly seen as an attractive job for school leavers.
“I never underestimate (低估) the ability of teenagers to pick up on it. The more it is in the media, the more it interests young people. Whenever I go in my local pub, it has on the blackboard where the sausages (香肠) are from. Everyone is interested in buying local food and knowing where their food is from.
The comments were made as Bishop Burton prepares to expand, with a £I3 million project to build a new campus in Lincolnshire. The site – due to open in September 20l5 – will be the college’s second in the county, in addition to one at nearby Riseholme.
【小题1】What is making large numbers of students take agriculture courses?
A.Agriculture is very important to a country.
B.People are increasingly concerned about food security.
C.Many colleges are offering agriculture courses.
D.Agriculture is an applied science.
【小题2】The example of horsemeat in the third paragraph illustrates(证明) the necessity of_________ .
A.protecting animals
B.strengthening food safety
C.protecting the environment
D.forming healthy eating habits
【小题3】What does the writer mainly discuss in the passage?
A.Why the government should strengthen agriculture.
B.How to strengthen food safety.
C.Why agriculture courses are becoming popular among students.
D.How to do well in agriculture courses.

What students love about taking online classes

In many cases, online classes can be a gift to college students everywhere. 【小题1】

One thing that many college students probably dislike about traditional, in person classes is that they’re inflexible. There is usually a specific schedule you need to follow and you must attend the class in person.

By contrast, online classes are much more flexible. They don't require you to attend class at a particular time, which means you have the opportunity to do your work whenever you see fit.【小题2】

Not only are online classes flexible, but they also offer a comfortable environment in which you can learn.【小题3】 So if you prefer learning and getting work done in a cafe, go to a cafe. If you would rather do your work in your bedroom in the comfort of your own home, you have complete freedom to do that as well.

Since your classes are online, it's likely that your textbooks will be easily accessible online as well. This is highly convenient, especially if you prefer using online textbooks so that you won't have to haul a physical copy around or worry about misplacing it somewhere.

【小题4】You can find practically any degree program you want online to help you advance in your education and career. So no matter what you want to study, chances are that there's something out there that's a perfect fit for you and you don't even, have to go anywhere to start.

The costs of a college education definitely add up when you consider expenses for not only class credits, but also perhaps on campus housing, textbooks, meal plans, and other fees.【小题5】You'll just be paying for your course credits, which will save you a lot of money in the long run.

A.If you're thinking about taking online classes, you should go for it.
B.A true advantage of online classes is that they can help to advance your career.
C.Another great thing about online classes is that there are a variety to choose from.
D.Of course, this comes with a possible disadvantage if you aren’t good at managing your time.
E.When it comes to online classes, however, you don't have to worry about those extra expenses.
F.They differ from traditional classes in many ways, which can be a welcome relief for students.
G.As you don't have to physically attend classes, you'll have the chance to work wherever you want.

Storytelling Techniques for Conveying a Message

At the heart of everything is storytelling. That's the belief held by Gabriel, a professional storyteller.

About Gabriel

Gabriel is crazy about storytelling and does it professionally. First, he worked as the creative director at Ogilvy Barcelona; then he chose to work as an author of children's, young adult, and non-fiction literature(with more than 40 published books); and for the moment, as a columnist(专栏作家)for publications.

Join Gabriel and discover how good storytelling is the most powerful tool to convey a message.

About this course

Unit 1 Introduction

Begin the course by meeting Gabriel who tells you about his life experiences and his professional journey through the world of storytelling.

Unit 2 Storytelling: Stories That Tell

Jump into the theory by broadening your understanding of stories and their power to inspire people. Gabriel gives you several examples to show how the structure of interesting stories has remained the same for thousands of years.

Unit 3 Designing an Interesting Story

In this unit, learn more about the basic pieces of an interesting story, including emotion, purpose, and tips on how to attract interest and create an ending.

Unit 4 Telling an Interesting Story

To finish, focus on the external aspects of storytelling. First, determine who your audience are so you know how to persuade them. Then, choose the right words. Finally, create your story in different formats.

Who is it for?

Anyone interested in using the power of storytelling.

What you need

You don't need any previous knowledge to take this course, just the desire to tell a story.

【小题1】What does Gabriel do at present?
A.He tells stories to children online.
B.He writes novels for young people.
C.He works as a creative director.
D.He writes essays for newspapers and magazines.
【小题2】Which unit focuses on the structure of interesting stories?
A.Unit 1.B.Unit 2.
C.Unit 3.D.Unit 4.
【小题3】What's the purpose of the text?
A.To advertise a course.B.To introduce a storyteller.
C.To announce a coming event.D.To share some storytelling tips.
