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Identity theft is attracting increasing attention from the public. 【小题1】When your identity is stolen, the thief often does fraud with that. He may get a credit card in your name and spend it carelessly without paying the bills. He may get a driver’s license in your name, and you will be held responsible for the traffic accidents he causes.

Why is identity theft becoming so common?【小题2】And the wealth of personal details people post on social networks such as Facebook also makes it easier for identity thieves to obtain personal information.

Many people are not aware of the problems caused by the crime.【小题3】

【小题4】 This is why it is of importance that every person should become cautious when using the Internet. The following tips may prevent you from identity theft.

First, make sure your computer has an updated anti-virus and firewall system installed. Second, 【小题5】Your date of birth, names of schools attended, phone number or the names of your parents are often required to verify an identity, and thieves can use this information, too. Last but not least, create complex passwords using a combination of numbers and keyboard symbols, and change your passwords on a regular basis.

A.A gateway is offered for the identity theft by the popularity of the Internet and computers.
B.Give away your personal information on social networking sites with the utmost caution.
C.There is one solution to solve the problem.
D.This is a crime in which your personal information is stolen by someone and is used in an illegal way.
E.They wake up from their carefree attitude only when they become a victim and suffer the damages caused by the crime.
F.There is no cure for identity theft except prevention.
G.They may borrow money from the bank in your name.
知识点:方法/策略犯罪与惩罚 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Here are some ways that can help parents to balance their children’s increased digital use with their physical and mental well-being.

·Set up a stress-free workspace

When setting up screens, place their devices an arm’s length away and slightly below eye level. Small screens can be hard on the eyes. 【小题1】 .

Remember to take frequent breaks to avoid physical side effects from increased tech time, including eye stress, neck and back pain and headaches. 【小题2】 . Look 20 feet away every 20 minutes for at least 20 seconds. Ideally, kids should get out of their chairs and stretch every 20 minutes, or as frequently as their school schedule allows. Nature can also improve mood and learning. So encourage outdoor breaks when possible or bring natural things, like plants, into the workspace.

· 【小题3】

Set limits on recreational screen time and socializing time by sticking to a schedule. Kids who are separated from friends may need extra time for video chatting, or want to watch online tutorials to replace in-person extracurricular activities. Rather than make it about policing, make it about supporting them in their success. Give children clear stop times for screen use. 【小题4】 . Set a regular bedtime and make sure screens are off an hour before bedtime.

·Ask for help when you need it

While it’s normal for kids to be spending more time on their devices, too much media use can harm their physical and mental health. 【小题5】, or staying up all night and not waking up for school, these can be signs that they’re addicted to digital spaces. In this case, parents should turn to their teachers for help.

A.Manage after-school tech use
B.Help kids manage their schoolwork
C.If parents can set a good example of healthy behavior
D.Kids should follow the 20-20-20 rule to rest their eyes
E.So connecting small devices to larger monitors can help
F.Blue light from devices can throw off sleep and wake schedules
G.If your children are refusing to leave their screens for family time

If you’ve ever tried something big, then you’ve probably had to deal with doubt at a certain point. No matter how often you face it, doubt can be depressing. 【小题1】 In situations where doubt arises, consider these methods below, and you can silence doubt and put your best efforts toward your goals.

·【小题2】 Doing this stimulates the reward center, tricking your mind into focusing on completing the task to experience the achievement. And imagining desired outcomes can have potential benefits including improved motivation and confidence.

·Look back on past wins. Reflecting is a powerful way to tell yourself that you’re capable of doing much more. Get rid of doubt by entering reflection mode and reminding yourself that you are capable of getting things done. 【小题3】

·Meditate (冥想) regularly. 【小题4】 But by meditating regularly, you can keep your energy levels high in the face of challenges and pressure and stay above doubt. It is a powerful tool to keep your mind clear about your goals and get your desired mission accomplished.

·Take action on your plans. A sure sign that self-doubt has you in its grasp is that you are beginning to buy into the excuses you make. 【小题5】 Taking action is the most effective method to silence doubt when sensing it. Don’t let the doubt hold you back; use it to motivate yourself. Then you’ll be fueled to move toward your mission.

A.Visualize success.
B.Build a reward system.
C.It is a big challenge to strengthen your motivation.
D.Stress and anxiety allow room for weakness and doubt.
E.It can also weaken your determination to get things done.
F.This will ultimately prevent you from being able to accomplish your goals.
G.After all, the reminder that you have overcome doubt is a big confidence boost.

It is important for you to be a good listener in class. Much of what you will have to learn will be presented verbally (口头上) by your teachers. Just hearing what your teachers say is not the same as listening to what they say. Listening is a cognitive (认知的) act that requires you to pay attention and think about and mentally process what you hear. Here are some things you should do to be a good listener in class.

*Be Cognitively Ready to Listen When You Come to Class. 【小题1】 Review your notes from previous class sessions. Think about what you know about the topic that will be covered in class that day.

*Be Emotionally Ready to Listen When You Come to Class. 【小题2】 Make a conscious choice to find the topic useful and interesting. Be committed to learning all that you can.

*Be an Active Listener. 【小题3】 Use this to your advantage by evaluating what is being said and trying to anticipate what will be said next. Take good written notes about what your teacher says. While you can think faster than your teacher can speak, you cannot write faster than your teacher can speak. 【小题4】

*Meet the Challenge. Don’t give up and stop listening when you find the information being presented difficult to understand. Listen even more carefully at these times and work hard to understand what is being said. 【小题5】

A.Listen with an open mind.
B.Your attitude is important.
C.Taking notes requires you to make decisions about what to write.
D.Don’t give in to these inconveniences.
E.Make sure you complete all assigned work.
F.You can think faster than your teacher can speak.
G.Don’t be reluctant to ask questions.
