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How to fight your bad breath

More than 80 million people suffer from bad breath, according to the Academy of General Dentistry, a professional association of dentists from Canada and the United States. 【小题1】, the most common reason is poor oral hygiene (卫生). Here are some ways to fight bad breath and bring others talking to you a more pleasant experience.


Onions and garlic add flavor to many foods, but they also add odors (臭味) not easily brushed away. The substances that cause their bad smells make their way into your bloodstream and travel to your lungs, where you breathe them out. The best way to avoid the problem is to avoid such foods.

Avoid dry mouth.

Saliva (唾液) is the key thing in your mouth that helps keep the odor under control because it helps wash away bacteria. 【小题3】, try drinking water or chewing sugarless gum.

Brush and floss (用牙线清洁).

Oral hygiene experts recommend you brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once to reduce plaque (牙斑). The sticky buildup on your teeth collects bacteria that cause bad breath, and trapped food adds to the problem. 【小题4】, the experts warn. If you brush too hard you can wear down your teeth.

Brush your tongue.

【小题5】. To rid your tongue of odor-causing bacteria, remember to brush it when you clean your teeth. If your toothbrush is too big to reach the back of your tongue, buy a scraper, which is designed specifically to apply even pressure across the surface of the tongue area. This removes bacteria and dead cells that brushing alone can’t take care of.

A.Avoid certain foods
B.Don’t overdo things, though
C.If you aren’t producing much saliva
D.Bacteria don’t just live on your teeth
E.Brush your teeth after you eat these foods
F.Although bad breath can happen because of medical reasons
G.If your bad breath is thought to be caused by a potential health condition
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Every two or three months, Thyago Ohana goes out on the busy streets of Vienna with a sign saying "Free Hugs". The handsome 32-year-old Brazilian, who works in international trade at India's Vienna embassy, chooses a popular site, like the historic shopping street, Kaerntner Strasse. There he opens his arms to anyone who wants a hearty embrace(拥抱).

He does it because back in 2012, when he was feeling very stressed and anxious during a visit to Paris, a stranger gave him a free hug. He's never forgotten how it filled him with unexpected calm and joy.

For those who take up his offer, the hug makes them laugh and smile. But sometimes it does more, as when an elderly woman in a tour group stopped and watched him. The group moved on, but she remained and asked, "Can I have a hug?" "Of course you can!" said Thyago who wrapped his arms round her. When they broke their embrace, she kept holding onto his shoulders and looked into his eyes. "Thank you," she said. "I can't remember the last time I was hugged this way."

It's a memory that still makes Thyago emotional. "It was a really powerful moment of human connection. It's why 1 keep doing it."

Of our five senses, our sense of touch is the one that is most easily taken for granted. "A child can be born blind or deaf and they will grow up just fine," says David J Linden, author of Touch: The Science of Hand, Heart, and Mind. "Yet if a baby is lacking in loving social touch for the first two years of life, then all sorts of disasters unfold." That's one reason why when babies are born, they are now usually placed on their mother's skin.

Linden says however you do it, "maximizing touch in your life is a good thing"- whether holding hands, petting a dog, going to the hairdresser, hugging our kids, our partners or even a

【小题1】Why did Thyago Ohana offer free hugs to strangers?
A.He longed for calm and joy.
B.He felt stressed and upset.
C.He wanted others to feel connected and cared.
D.He hoped to help others cure their diseases.
【小题2】What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 suggest?
A.Our sense of touch isn't so important.
B.Our sense of touch is undervalued.
C.Our sense of touch does no good to us.
D.Our sense of touch is thought highly of.
【小题3】What does David J Linden think of social touch?
A.The way of offering social touch counts.
B.Offering hugs is the best way to get social touch.
C.Blind kids will be cured as long as they get enough social touch.
D.Many problems can be tracked back to babyhood short of social touch.
【小题4】Where is this text most likely from?
A.A health magazine.B.A research paper.
C.A guide book.D.A biology textbook.

Some women say the voice in their head gets kinder as they enter midlife, while other women become more critical of themselves. The difference in views appears to be related to the ability to accept age-related changes to their body, researchers have found.

In 2013, Professor Paxton, of the Universityof La Trobe’s Department of Psychology, was interviewed on ABC Melbourne about body image and well-being in women entering midlife. The ABC posted on their Facebook page the topic of the program and the question: Does the voice in your head get kinder as you get older?

The study found 56 percent of comments suggested the voice in women’s heads did get somewhat kinder with age. This view was associated with women accepting the age-related changes in their body as normal. “If they gained weight or they got wrinkles, it was a normal part of aging and they felt fine about it and it didn’t disturb their sense of self,” Professor Paxton said, “They were more likely to value health and well-being as opposed to appearance.”

On the other hand, 40 percent of comments suggested the voice did not get any kinder with age. This view was associated with women finding it difficult to accept being so different from the youthful ideal of women that is upheld in advertising and in the media. Women who expressed this view were concerned about how “invisible” they had become as a consequence. “They reacted negatively to the changes in their bodies as they aged and were very much aware that in our culture, youthful bodies are idealized,” Professor Paxton said.

Understanding why some women are preoccupied with body image in midlife more than others is important given that having a bad body image can lead to physical and mental health problems, Professor Paxton said. This can include self-consciousness and anxiety, eating disorders, and an unwillingness to show oneself in public, which can reduce the amount women exercise or socialize. “They become unsociable and don’t fulfill their full potential. Those sorts of things can make a person very unhappy.”

She said the insights from studies like this support the use of cognitive (认知的) behavioral therapy (治疗) designed to help women in midlife who have a preoccupation with body image to change negative thought patterns. This would involve discouraging them from comparing themselves to younger women, and encouraging acceptance of bodily changes related to age, and “self care” behaviors that improve health and well-being.

【小题1】What causes the difference in women’s opinions on body image?
A.Women’s self-acceptance.B.Professors’ advice.
C.The impact of Facebook.D.Personal health.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “upheld” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
【小题3】How can women change negative thoughts about a bad body image?
A.By trying to show themselves in public.B.By adopting a new thinking model.
C.By doing as much exercise as possible.D.By comparing themselves to younger women.
【小题4】What is the purpose of the text?
A.To show public responses to the changes in their bodies.
B.To explain that health is more important than appearance.
C.To criticize views on body image expressed in the media.
D.To give advice to middle-aged women on bodily changes.

People whose brains are high in vitamin D are less forgetful in old age, a new study suggests.Scientists in America examined samples of brain tissue from 209 older adults who had died, finding for the first time that vitamin D is present in four key areas of the brain. Levels were higher in people who did not suffer dementia (痴呆) and showed less cognitive (认知) decline in the years before their death, said the research team from Tufts University in Massachusetts.

The body creates vitamin D from direct sunlight on the skin, and it is also found in foods including oily fish and red meat. Besides, milk and orange juice contain vitamin D, which helps to boost the body’s immune response and to maintain healthy bones.

The study looked at vitamin D in four regions of the brain — two associated with changes linked to Alzheimer’s disease, one associated with dementia caused by poor blood flow, and the other region which is not linked to memory loss. High vitamin D levels in all four regions of the brain are connected with better cognitive function including language skills, memory and attention duration.

However, the scientists said it was unclear exactly how vitamin D might affect brain function or whether it helps to prevent dementia. Dr Kyla Shea, the lead author of the study, published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, said, “We now know that vitamin D is present in reasonable amounts in human brains, and it seems to be connected with lessdec line in cognitive function. But we need to do more research to identify the neurophysiology (神经病理学) about why vitamin D is linked to brain function before we start designing future interventions such as telling people to eat more foods with vitamin D.”

【小题1】What does the research find about vitamin D in older adults’ brain?
A.It has something to do with cognition.
B.It is to blame for memory loss.
C.It speeds up the aging process.
D.It prevents people developing dementia.
【小题2】How can we obtain necessary vitamin D?
A.By taking pills.
B.By exercising regularly.
C.By bathing in the sun.
D.By drinking apple juice.
【小题3】Which of the following is a result of high vitamin D in the brain?
A.Lack of attention.
B.Poor blood flow.
C.Quicker language learning.
D.Continuous memory loss.
【小题4】What may the future research focus on according to Dr Kyla Shea?
A.Varieties of foods rich in vitamin D.
B.The amount of vitamin D in human brains.
C.Methods of improving brain function quickly.
D.Reasons for the influence of vitamin D on the brain.
