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One of my favorite actions is doing good deeds. When other people receive my help, it makes me happy. However, some people look at you strangely when you want to do that. Once I asked a gas station operator if I could pay for the car behind me, but I got a blank stare. After a short explanation, he hesitantly agreed, but then said it was so unbelievable when I pleasantly made this double payment.

So, it’s nice when people “get it”. It seems that people do me a favor too if they receive my favor. At a barbershop recently, after getting my hair cut, I went to the counter to pay. My barber said, “That’ll be twenty dollars please.”

I found that in my wallet I had exactly forty-two dollars. “OK, tell me if you think this is crazy—I’d like to pay for someone else’s haircut as well.”

She hardly hesitated, “Yeah, you can do that.”

Wow it seemed that she was used to this. How cool! She opened her appointment book and asked, “Who do you want to pay for?”

“You pick.”

A pause. “Oh, you mean someone you don’t know?”

“Yeah, is that crazy? What do you think?”

“No, that’s great! I mean sure, why not?”

She agreed to pick an upcoming appointment of hers. I told her I was sorry I only had two dollars left for her trip, but that I would come back later with more. “No, no, this is enough,” she said with a smile, as she quickly wrote down a note. It was as if this idea was so pleasantly natural that she was being introduced to something familiar.

I don’t know who got my help at last, which isn’t important. The process is often just as satisfying, if not more that the result.

【小题1】Why did the operator at the gas station blankly stare at the author?
A.He thought the author was an idiot.B.He wondered if the author had enough money.
C.He couldn’t believe what the author said.D.He didn’t hear what the author said.
【小题2】What can be inferred from what the barber said?
A.She showed no interest in the author.B.She misunderstood the author at first.
C.She always helps others like the author.D.She always helps the author like others.
【小题3】How much money did the author have when he left the barbershop?
A.Forty-two dollars.B.Twenty-two dollars.C.Two dollars.D.None.
【小题4】The author probably thinks helping process is ________.
A.rather satisfyingB.difficult to acceptC.less excitingD.very boring
【小题5】Which of the following best describes the author?
A.Serious and stone-hearted.B.Popular and crazy.
C.Happy and selfish.D.Kind and generous.
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A day in the life of 18-year-old David Lanster is full of teenage activities: school, baseball practice, homework. And then he starts cooking. “Some nights I’m up until 1 a.m. making pies, or even later if we’re cooking beef,” said the student at Ransom Everglades High School in Florida, US.

For the past year, Lanster and Kelly Moran, his classmate, have been hosting fancy dinner parties at Lanster’s parents’ home. Their meals have 17 courses and are all made by them. Their guests used to give them gifts to thank them, until the pair decided to do something nice for charity. “We got some really great Miami Heat tickets, a nice watch, and many kitchen machines,” Lanster said. “But we wanted to make this something positive for people rather than us.”

Lanster and Moran focused on Common Threads, a charity(慈善机构) that helps to teach kids in poor neighborhood to cook and make healthy eating choices. The young cooks ask their guests to give however much they want as payment for their meals. It all goes to Common Threads because Lanster’s parents cover their food costs. After their last 12-person event, Lanster and Moran gave $1,600 to the charity. Now, they’re taking their show out of the kitchen and on the road. Lanster and Moran have started to organize private dinner parties in a similar way: the host pays for the ingredients(食材), and the guests make a donation (捐赠) to a charity.

Outside the kitchen, the two are busy preparing their college applications. Neither is sure what they will do in the future, but they’ve promised their parents that they’ll leave cooking alone until they finish high school.

【小题1】Why does Lanster and Moran cook now?
A.To get gifts from guests.B.To raise money for charity.
C.To become cooks.D.To make healthier eating choices.
【小题2】What can we infer about Lanster and Moran?
A.They will give up cooking forever.
B.They are sure about their future jobs.
C.Their parents support cooking as a job.
D.They will stop cooking for college application.
【小题3】How can we best describe Lanster and Moran?
A.Selfish and reliable.B.Creative and helpful.
C.Confident and careful.D.Outgoing and patient.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.A Great CookB.Eat as you Wish
C.Helping by CookingD.Cooking for School Fees

What is the most recognizable object in the world? Could it be a football or a big computer? No, the answer is a Coca-Cola bottle. Hundreds of millions of people can recognize a Coke bottle by its shape. Unlike any other famous commercial logo, the famous Coca-Cola logo has not changed in 100 years!

In 1886, John Pemberton, a druggist in Atlanta, Georgia, invented a new type of syrup (糖浆), using coca leaves, sugar and cola nuts, plus a few other secret ingredients. Pemberton sold it as a medicine; and with coca (the source of cocaine), it must have made people feel good! Nevertheless, Pemberton's medicine was not very successful, so he sold his secret formula (配方) to another druggist, Asa Candler, Candler was interested, because he had another idea; he thought that Pemberton's "medicine" would be much better if it was mixed with soda. Candler was thus the man who really invented the drink Coca-Cola. At first he sold it in his drugstore; then he began selling the syrup to other drugstores, where it was used with their soda fountains. Candler also advertised his new drink, and soon people were going to drugstores just to get a drink of Coca-Cola. Before long. other people became interested in the product, including a couple of businessmen who wanted to sell it in bottles. Candler sold them a license to bottle the drink, and very quickly the men became millionaires. Then in 1916 the famous bottle, with its very distinctive shape, was designed.

During the First World War (1914-1918), American soldiers in Europe began asking for Coca-Cola, so the Coca-Cola company began to export it to Europe. It was so popular with soldiers that they then had to start bottling the drink in Europe. Today. Coca-Cola is made all over the world, including Russia and China; it is the world's most popular drink.

As for the famous formula, it is probably the world's most valuable secret! The exact ingredients for making Coca-Cola are only known to a handful of people. And as for the coca that was in the original drink, it was removed in 1903, for it was a dangerous drug. Today's Coca-Cola contains caffeine, not cocaine!

【小题1】What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The key ingredient of Coca-Cola.
B.The distinctive shape of Coca-Cola bottle.
C.The ever-changing logo of Coca-Cola.
D.The development of Coca-Cola.
【小题2】Who was the very person that really invented the drink Coca-Cola?
A.John Pemberton.B.Asa Candler.
C.An American soldier.D.A couple of businessmen.
【小题3】What can we conclude from the last paragraph?
A.The formula of Coca-Cola is still a well-kept secret.
B.The ingredients for making Coca-Cola is of great value.
C.Coca wasn't removed from the drink until the First World War.
D.Caffeine has the same effect on patients as cocaine.
【小题4】From which is the text probably taken?
A.A biology textbook.B.A life magazine.
C.A research paper.D.A travel brochure.

When the leaves begin to change their colors and the birds head south, we know the season is starting to change. On September 7 comes White Dew (白露), the 15th solar term (节气) of the year. It indicates (标志着) the beginning of the cool autumn. As the temperature falls, white dew is often seen on the grass and trees at night.

For w riters and poets, autumn is a difficult season to describe. It ’s the end of the summer, and therefore a little sad. The days seem to get shorter, and when you wake in the morning, t here’s mist(薄雾) and it’s cooler. Winter is just around the corner.

American writer Ernest Hemingway wrote in his book A Moveable Feast (《流动的盛宴》), “You expected to be sad in the fall. Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches (枝条) were bare (光秃秃的) against the wind and the cold, wintry light. ”

But on the other hand, autumn has its good side. There are so many changes at this time of year, such as the colorful leaves and cooler nights. French w riter Albert Camus even thought autumn was a second spring,   “when every leaf is a flower.” This view is also found in the most famous autumn poem in English literature, To Autumn by John Keats. In that poem, Keats says that autumn has its own songs, just like spring.

Another theme of this season is wisdom (智慧). The arrival of autumn is thought to be similar to a person becoming mature (成熟的).

The great Irish poet W.B. Yeats used this idea in his poem The Wild Swans at Coole (《库尔的野 天鹅》), writing about the changing seasons in Coole Park in the west of Ireland. Seeing and counting 59 swans, he remembers first making the count as a young man. Seeing the swans do the same thing for all those years, he’s reminded (提醒) that even though we get older, our hearts always stay the same age.

【小题1】What can be concluded about White Dew ?
A.It is often ignored by w riters and poets.B.It is the time of year with the most rainfall.
C.It is when the temperature begins to drop.D.It indicates the end of the autumn.
【小题2】A Moveable Feast was mentioned to ______.
A.point out that autumn is very coldB.present the sad part of autumn
C.show that winter w ill soon comeD.express sadness about the end of life
【小题3】What does “this idea” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Autumn is an important season for man.B.We can always stay young at heart.
C.Autumn is related to one’s grow ing old.D.Nature is full of lessons to be learned.
【小题4】What’s the article mainly about?
A.The solar term White Dew.B.Why autumn is a sad season.
C.Autumn weather and activities.D.Famous writers’ description of autumn.
