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“Sometimes I’m so envious of my friends, I hate them,” says Kimberly. “I was at dinner a month ago, celebrating a friend’s engagement. Suddenly I remarked that 50% of marriages end in divorce. I was upset about not having a serious relationship myself. My envy took over, and I became a different person.”

Envy is the desire for what someone else has and resentment(愤恨)of that person for having it. Kimberley was envious, but that doesn’t mean she is a bad person. “Everyone experiences envy,” explains psychologist Karen Peterson.

Envy doesn’t have to make us feel powerless and sorry for ourselves. Instead, it can motivate us to try to achieve what we want. There are effective ways for dealing with envy and turning it into something useful.

Kimberly’s envy caused her to make the unkind remark about divorce. If you have a similar desire to express your envy in a negative way, stop yourself. Instead, think about what it is that you are envious of. Kimberly admitted that when her friend announced her engagement, “it made me feel lonely and insecure.” Once you figure out why you are envious, it’s much easier to eventually grow from the experience. “Envy can be an excellent teacher,” states Peterson, “as long as you are open to learning its lessons.”

Lucy and her friend were both trying to get a better job at their company. Lucy thought that she would get the promotion, but things didn’t work out that way. Instead, her friend got the job, and Lucy became upset and jealous. Full of envy, she started saying hurtful things about her friend. “That wasn’t like me, but I couldn’t think straight,” she explains. Lucy said unkind things because not getting the job made her feel bad about herself, explains Peterson. Her reaction didn’t make her feel better, though. It just strengthened her negative feelings. If something similar happens to you, Peterson says that you should try to understand why your friend got the promotion. That way you can learn from the experience instead of reacting in a negative way.

【小题1】Karen Peterson thinks envy ______.
A.turns one into a different personB.can make one feel powerless
C.is connected with hatredD.is normal in humans
【小题2】The author suggests that when you feel envious, you should first ______.
A.consult a teacher for help.B.state your negative thoughts.
C.find out what makes you enviousD.figure out what lesson you should learn
【小题3】What could be the best title for the text?
A.What Envy Means to Friends?B.Is Envy Hurting or Helping you?
C.Why Do People Make Unkind Remarks?D.How Can You Get Along with Friends?
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How to Stay Safe on a Field Trip

Many parents are relaxed and even want their children to go on field trips. 【小题1】 Here are some tips to help students stay secure during their field trip adventures.

Stay physically safe

It’s crucial to ensure that students memorize their parents’ phone numbers and keep them handy in case of an emergency. When crossing roads, they must practice road safety by looking both ways and walking with caution. 【小题2】 In this way, they stay within the designated areas and with the group.

Keep hygiene (卫生) while dining out

Students should be mindful of their food choices and avoid having too much unhealthy food, especially when away from home. It’s essential to tell their teacher and bring allergen-free snacks if they have food allergies. 【小题3】 For example, washing hands before and after meals, and using soap in public places to minimize the risk of exposure to germs.


When using public restrooms on their field trips, students should use disposable seat covers or toilet paper to reduce exposure to bacteria. Practicing good restroom hygiene is also important to minimize the risk of spreading illness to others. They can also wear a mask to stay furthest away from sickness, and inform a teacher to receive proper assistance if they feel unwell.

【小题5】 By sticking to these safety tips, students can have a safe and enjoyable field trip experience.

A.Try to avoid sickness.
B.Use public restrooms properly.
C.Others may be concerned about the safety on the trips, though.
D.It’s important to follow safety manners to ensure a smooth outing.
E.On the whole, students should maintain good cleanliness practices.
F.Some parents, however, are doubtful about the benefits of the trips.
G.Besides, students should ask for permission before going anywhere else.

How to Better Yourself

You’re a wonderful person just as you are, but everyone wants to be better. This is good! Bettering yourself improves your quality of life and gives you something to work towards. However, sometimes you need some help or inspiration. Don’t worry: we’ve got your back! 【小题1】

Bring creativity into your life. Being more creative and the act of creating things can be a positive experience in your life. 【小题2】You can draw pictures, make sculptures, write, dance, sing, sew your own clothes or find other creative choices. No matter what it is that encourages your creativity, you only get better with practice.

Travel to gain experience. 【小题3】 If you can only travel within your country, that’s okay, just make sure you’re experiencing a very different kind of life rather than the one you’re used to. Travel abroad if you can, especially in a place where you don't speak the language.

Educate yourself. Another great way to better yourself is to get more education. 【小题4】 There has been a revolution of free learning resources on the Internet. You can pick up a skill, like computer programming or another language, or you can educate yourself on broader topics, like politics or education.

【小题5】 Helping other people will give you perspective, make you more respectful, increase your enjoyment of life, give you a sense of fulfillment, and obviously provide some good to the lives of people who really need it. You can volunteer for whatever cause speaks to you, volunteering locally, or even abroad. There are lots of options, such as homeless shelters, nursing homes and Habitat for Humanity.

A.Volunteer when you can.
B.Turn to others for assistance.
C.Now, this doesn’t mean going back to school.
D.Here are some simple steps to improve yourself and your life .
E.You’ll change a lot when experiencing different ways people live.
F.This can be hard to do sometimes, but it really can help inspire others.
G.This lets you contribute to the world while also changing how you look at things.
