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One day, I went out of my house and found a medium-sized dog sitting in my yard. The dog stood up and wagged(摇)his tail when he spotted me. I checked him for a collar or an ID tag. He had neither. "Where did you come from?" I asked. I lived in a small, rural town. I knew all the dogs in the neighborhood, but I’d never seen this fellow before.

Half-heartedly, I told him to sit. To my surprise, he sat as I said. "Stay," I said, as I made my way into the garage(车库)where we kept the dry dog food for our dog. I really didn’t expect the dog to stay. But when I returned, he was sitting in the exact spot where I had left him. "Wow! You sure are trained," I told him. I set out a bowl of food, and the dog started eating. I left him in the yard and went inside to read through the newspaper’s "Lost and Found" column. Unfortunately, nobody had reported a missing brown-and-white dog.

Later that afternoon, when my brother and I went out of the house the dog jumped to his feet and started wagging his tail. My brother threw a stick across the yard, and the dog raced after it. "Why don’t you play with him while I go to the store?" I suggested.

After I got back from the store, my brother called me out into the yard. "Watch this," he said. "The dog knows tricks." Sure enough, the dog would fetch, sit, stay, roll over, and lie down following the orders. He also loved jumping to catch a tennis ball in midair. I was impressed-and a little suspicious. This was no ordinary dog. Someone had trained him pretty well. So, I had to wonder: why weren’t his owners looking for him?

We gave him a comfortable place to sleep in the garage. The next day, I called the newspaper and ran a "Found" ad describing our new friend.


Several days later, we got a call from a woman.


When the woman’s pickup truck pulled into the driveway, the dog raced to greet her.

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Megan always felt slightly frightened babysitting at the Quinns’ house. It was at the end of the road, and the yard was filled with so many trees that she couldn’t see any of the neighbors’ lights.

On this particular night, the snow was coming down in swirls. After the girls fell asleep, Megan settled on the sofa to watch an old movie. Around ten o'clock, she heard wheels on the driveway. She walked to the front door. Her hand was on the door handle, just about to turn it, when a loud knock startled her.

Megan’s hand froze. She spied through the peephole and saw a middle-aged man standing in the entryway.

“Who is it?” she asked.


“Ben who?”

“Your brother Ben.”

Megan realized the man had mistaken her for his sister. She replied, “Mrs. Quinn can’t come to the door right now.”

“Ask if Ben can come in.”

Her mother had always warned her: Never open the door for a stranger while you’re babysitting.

“Go over to the window,” Megan said. The man stepped forward between the bushes. “The truth is I’m babysitting,” she said through the screen. Then she remembered her mother’s second warning: Don’t advertise that you are alone. Megan quickly added, “Mrs. Quinn will be home soon.”

He rubbed his palms together. “It’s awfully cold out here. Can I wait inside?” The man smiled. “Please let me in. I promise I won ‘t bother you.”

But it bothered Megan to spend the rest of her night here with a stranger. How could she be sure he was telling the truth?“ Mrs. Quinn didn’t say anything about you dropping by tonight.”

“That’s because she didn’t know I was coming. I was planning to surprise her on her birthday.”

Her birthday? But Megan hadn’t seen any birthday cards lying around, or wrapping paper. Her heart raced. She remembered the emergency number Mrs. Quinn left her, so she said, “I’ll call her and see what she says.”

The smile disappeared from the man’s face. “You’re going to leave me outside to freeze to death in the meantime? Wait until she finds out you wouldn’t let me in!” he yelled. “You’ll be in so much trouble!”

Paragraph 1:

Megan trembled at the thought that the man might be a burglar.

Paragraph 2:

A little after eleven, Mrs. Quinn returned.


“Now, parents and students separate into two groups. You will be reunited at the end of the campus tour.”

Groups of incoming freshman happily left their parents upon hearing this announcement. I was less than thrilled about starting college, let alone leaving my mother’s side to tour the campus with other freshmen; I felt a little anxious. We followed the senior tour guide. The other freshmen chatted and made causal introductions as I dragged behind. How could I have believed I was ready for this? After all, it had only been a few months since I left the hospital. I was feeling better for the first time in years. But college...?

My thinking was interrupted by a sweet female voice, “Hi, I’m Jennifer.” “I’m Lauren,” I replied. “Where do you prefer to live? At home or on campus?” she said. Before I could reply, the tour guide announced it was time to create our schedules and select the courses we wanted to take.

We crowded into the Student Activity Center. Three seniors handed out thick course bulletins (课程公告) and forms that needed to be filled out. All around me, the sounds of turning papers and writing sounded like those given by an alarm clock. Others seemed to be moving through the process quickly but I hadn’t even opened my course catalog (目录).

“Focus,” I told myself. “just read through the catalog and find the course you like and a schedule that works” psychology A or B, Geology 101, English, history, sections 1, 2, 3…The list went on and on.

I panicked and almost started to cry. How was I supposed to know how to complete it? I was just relearning how to live in the real world, and they wanted me to make a schedule. How I wished someone could help me.

Soon, other freshmen were handing in their forms.


Then, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.


Jenny and Lisa are close friends. They’re studying in high school now.

One day about half a year ago, Jenny found that Lisa was chatting on her cellphone. Jenny was surprised as she didn’t know Lisa had gone down town to buy a cellphone. So Jenny asked her, “When did you get your cellphone?”

“I bought it yesterday. Look! How lovely it looks!” said Lisa.

Jenny looked at the cellphone, which looked really lovely. Jenny wished she also could have such a cellphone.

That day, after Jenny came back home, she saw her father sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper. Jenny approached him and said, “Dad, could I have a cellphone? Many of my classmates have their own cellphones now.”

“Of course, you can have one,” said Jenny’s father.

“Thank you, Dad,” Jenny said happily. Then she asked, “When shall we go down town to buy one?”

The father looked up hearing that. Then he said, “Oh, no, dear! I’m not going to buy you a cellphone. If you really want one, you should make money to buy one yourself.”

She told her father that she had decided to find a job to make money. “Good,” said her father. Jenny started to look for part-time work on the Internet. Lucky for her, some families in the young couple needed someone to look after their baby. Jenny called the families and she was offered the jobs.

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Jenny started to work part-time.

