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The man must build the fire again. This time, he must not fail.

He reached again into his pocket for the matches. But his fingers were frozen because of the extreme cold. He could not hold them. All the matches fell onto the snow. He tried to pick one up, but failed.

He pulled on his glove and beat his hand against his leg. Then he took the gloves off both hands and picked up all the matches. He gathered them together. Holding them with both hands, he scratched the matches along his leg. They immediately caught fire.

He held the blazing matches to a piece of wood. After a while, he realized that he could smell his hands burning. Then he began to feel the pain. He opened his hands, and the blazing matches fell on to the snow. The flame went out in a puff of gray smoke.

The man looked up. The dog was still watching him. An idea struck the man. He would kill the dog and bury his hands inside its warm body. When the feeling came back to his fingers, he could build another fire. He called to the dog. The dog, sensing danger in the man's voice, backed away. The man called again. This time the dog came closer. The man reached for his knife. But he had forgotten that he could not bend his fingers. He could not kill the dog, for he could not hold his knife.

The fear of death came over the man. He jumped up and began to run. The running began to make him feel better. Maybe running would make his feet warm. If he ran far enough, he would reach his friends at Henderson Creek. They would attend to him.

It felt somewhat strange to run and not feel his feet when they hit the ground. He fell several times.  He decided to rest a while. As he lay in the snow, he noticed that he was not shaking. He could not feel his nose or fingers or feet. Yet, he was feeling quite warm and comfortable. He realized he was going to die.

Well, he decided, he might as well take it like a man. There were worse ways to die.

The man closed his eyes and floated into the most comfortable sleep he had ever known.

【小题1】What was the man trying to do?
A.Build a fire.B.Find the matches.C.Kill the dog.D.Locate his friends.
【小题2】The underlined word “blazing” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ________.
【小题3】What was decisive in that situation to start a fire?
A.Whether he could collect enough firewood.
B.How he could get the matches out of his pocket.
C.How he could remove the gloves off both hands.
D.Whether he could get feelings back to his hands.
【小题4】What would most probably happen to the man in the end?
A.He would survive with the help of the fire he made.
B.He would be trapped in the snow and die of cold.
C.He would be helped out of the situation by his devoted dog.
D.He would be rescued by his friends who were searching for him.
知识点:记叙文生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

After paying £20 for my racing red ukulele(尤克里里琴) at a music shop, I turned up to the “Ukulele Hootenanny” at a club near Liverpool Street. The host came and tuned it for me. I went to get a drink and was about to start playing when the little man approached again and said, “Let me tune that again for you.” He took it and returned minutes later saying, “I’ve tuned it, but it won’t be worth it—use this one instead.” He handed me a racing red version of a more expensive ukulele that I happily fumbled(摸索) with on the night.

You can cover the basics online and come along expecting to be able to play the most commonly used chords(和弦). Just don’t expect to fluently flip(弹) between them without any mistakes—that is easier said than done.

What makes this hobby unique is the fact that the ukulele is not seen as a “serious” or “proper” instrument, and so it attracts those more likely to be picking it up for fun. That night’s crew were a random collection of around 30 people ranging from 20 to 60, with various shaped and sized ukuleles and various levels of ability.

We sat around a table, with two song books in front of us. The “leader” called out a page number as we flipped through to a well-known Johnny Cash or Queen tune and did our best to keep up. Later on we got to haggle(争论)—a Lady Gaga here, an Eric Clapton there.

But the part I enjoyed the most that I wasn’t expecting was the singalong. Everyone sings, and as no one cares about your singing abilities, people have a lot of fun with harmonizing, and putting on a heavy Southern accent even if it’s not a country song. What resulted was a hobby with a unique mix and thus one of my favourites: cheap, social, learning a skill, and above all great fun.

【小题1】Which of the following words can best describe the host?
A.Strict and responsible.B.Careful and optimistic.
C.Considerate and generous.D.Ambitious and professional.
【小题2】The ukulele holds most appeal for people who ________.
A.are serious musicians
B.are interested in classical music
C.seek pleasure from playing music
D.hope to receive formal musical training
【小题3】Which part did the author like best that night?
A.The singalong.
B.A debate on different tunes.
C.Learning to play the ukulele.
D.Playing the song written by Johnny Cash.
【小题4】How might the author feel that night?

I woke at 4 a.m. in a black hostel room, my eight roommates all still sound asleep at the early hour. I stepped outside without being noticed, forced a cheese roll into my mouth, and headed to the Kaikoura dolphin-watching tour office.

With more adrenaline (肾上腺素) than I had experienced when jumping out of a plane, I put on my flippers (脚蹼) quickly and got ready for the adventure. The moment I dove off the water, I was shocked awake. No amount of coffee, tea, or sugar has ever given me such a strong wake-up. It turns out that the ocean is freezing at 5 a.m. before the sunrise. Don’t be scared off by the temperature, though, because 5 a.m. is when the dolphins are most playful!

After a little while, I was face to face with a wild dusky dolphin! At one moment, it jumped up high into the air while the next it dove deep into the water. It made strange whale noises to draw the attention of more members of the group, including a tiny baby dolphin no bigger than a cat. What impressed me most was that the baby dolphin came close up, swam around playfully and kept looking at me with those black glassy eyes, seeming most interested in this strange fish-like creature that kept getting twisted (缠绕) in her own flippers.

The sun rose, warming my back as I continued to struggle with my flippers among the most graceful animals in the ocean. It was the most beautiful sight, as the dark blue of the ocean turned light greenish-blue, brightening our swimming companions for the early hours of the morning.

The practice of swimming with wild dolphins is banned in the North Island, where the species of Hector’s dolphins are in decline. But in Kaikoura, the practice is quite common and actually helping to increase the dolphin populations.

By supporting this adventurous experience, you’re supporting dolphin protection.

【小题1】Why was I shocked awake when diving off the water?
A.The water was freezing cold.B.Adrenaline went up.
C.I had drunk a lot of strong coffee.D.I was surprised by the playful dolphins.
【小题2】What problem did I have under the water?
A.A wild dolphin kept jumping beside me.
B.I had difficulty handling my flippers.
C.My strange appearance scared dolphins.
D.The baby dolphin swam around playfully.
【小题3】How did I find my dolphin-watching?
A.Dangerous but exciting.B.Adventurous and tiring.
C.Scary but unforgettable.D.Impressive and meaningful.
【小题4】What is the best title for the passage?
A.Swimming with Wild Dolphins in Kaikoura.
B.Dolphins—My Playful Companions.
C.Supporting Dolphin Protection
D.A Deep Dive into the Ocean.

Everyone wants to look wonderful when they dress up for a big event, but occasionally, we all need a little help. Luckily, Ariel Chu has a fairy grandma on speed dial!

The 23-year-old from Australia, finally found the perfect evening dress for a big work event on the horizon. The only problem was that her perfect look, a black slip dress with complicated patterns (图案), cost over $500. Thankfully, her 86-year-old grandma, Ama, has stepped up in the past to make clothes for Ariel when her budget was too tight to get what she needed.

After sewing (缝纫) for 65 years, Ama does amazing work, so as soon as Ariel showed her the picture of the dress, she knew she could handle it! “This is not the first time my grandma has done this – she always makes clothes for everyone. Just show her a pattern or design and she will make it. She once made me a coat for school because my mum couldn’t afford a new one,” Ariel explained. “You could hardly tell the difference down to the stitching (针脚) of the school symbol that she made by needle and thread only.” This time was no different!

Ariel charted the dress-making process and shared a video online to share the impressive end result. Her post quickly went viral because Ama’s masterpiece looks perfect! Her granddaughter couldn’t be happier and is looking forward to wearing her beautiful new dress as soon as possible!

It doesn’t even matter when the dress makes its debut (首秀) because Ama is loving all the attention Ariel’s video brought on. Strangers from around the world have been sending her sweet messages of admiration, and she deserves each and every compliment!

Who needs a big bank account when you have a talented grandma in your corner? Great work, Ama!

【小题1】What is the problem of this perfect dress?
A.Its patterns are ugly.B.Its color is unsuitable.
C.It’s too big for Ariel.D.It’s over Ariel’s budget.
【小题2】What can we know about Ama from paragraph 3?
A.She is good at sewing and drawing.B.She has made clothes for Ariel before.
C.She is very popular in Ariel’s school.D.She loves design dresses by herself.
【小题3】What does “went viral” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Went mad.B.Became popular.C.Sold out.D.Came back.
【小题4】Which of the following words best describe Ama?
A.Friendly and devoted.B.Kind and skillful.
C.Proud and determined.D.Talented and humorous.
