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What does it mean to live a good life? This question has been debated by may philosophers(哲学家). In the field of psychology (心理学), two main ideas of the good life are influential: A happy life, full of stability, enjoyment and positive emotions, and a meaningful life, full of purpose, virtue and devotion. But what if these aren’t the only choices?

In recent years, the psychologically rich life has been receiving greater research attention. It is full of strong emotions, both positive and negative, and new and interesting experiences. They are, however, seldom boring or dull.

In a new study, Shigehiro Oishi and his colleagues found that many people’s self described ideal lives include psychological richness. When to chose a life, however, the majority chose a happy life and a meaningful life. Even so, some people still favored the psychologically rich life.

These findings suggest that while most people do struggle to be happy and have meaning and purpose in their lives, a sizable number of people are content only living a psychologically rich life. Indeed, other new research suggests that for a lot of people, the intensity (强度) of the experience matters more than only how “positive” or “negative” it was. As Oishi and his colleagues conclude, “we believe that taking the psychologically rich life seriously will deepen, broaden and enrich our understanding of well-being.”

At the end of the day, there is no one acceptable path to the good life. You have to find a path that works best for you. As Nietzsche put it: “No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life. There may be countless bridges but there is one path in the world that none can walk but you. Where does it lead? Don’t ask, walk!”

【小题1】The author mentions the two main ideas of the good life to _________.
A.introduce another aspect of a good life
B.compare two different ways of life
C.explain how to live a good life
D.tell readers some good ways to live
【小题2】According to the passage, the psychologically rich life is _________.
A.full of meaning and purpose
B.nothing but different emotions
C.strong emotions and interesting experiences
D.all about being content with what you have
【小题3】Shigehiro Oishi and his colleagues hold the view that ________.
A.the psychologically rich life is the best one
B.more people prefer to live a psychologically rich life
C.there is no difference between,’ positive’ and ‘negative’ experience
D.studying psychological richness helps to understand well-being better
【小题4】Nietzsche’s words in the last paragraph imply that __________.
A.the suitable one is the best one
B.all roads lead to Rome
C.God helps those who help them
D.nothing is impossible for willing heart
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Many people become successful because they pay attention to the lessons that life teaches them. 【小题1】 However, by learning to deal with the challenges, one can come out of the experience, wiser, stronger and more able to face whatever else lies ahead.

Life lessons can occur in any area. Although we learn many things each day, we don’t always learn something that we feel will affect our behavior for the rest of our lives.【小题2】It is usually something we are greatly changed by.

For example, if we respond in a certain way to something and then face unpleasant consequences, we’ll rethink how we handled the situation. This can serve as a life lesson so that when we’re faced with similar circumstances, we can consciously change our behavior. 【小题3】

Such lessons in relationships are as varied and unique as each relationship, yet there are common themes. 【小题4】 Some of us learn a major life lesson when a loved one dies, and we wish we had spent more time with that person. This lesson can result in us spending more time with our remaining loved ones.

【小题5】 Since the lesson is learned through the consequences of our actions or reactions, in this way we can gain insight into how we think, act and react in certain situations. Perhaps one of the biggest lessons we can finally learn is that while we can’t control everything, we can control our response to things.

A.Life lessons are unique to each person.
B.Some of these lessons are learned the hard way.
C.This separates a life lesson from everything else we learn.
D.Spending more time with loved ones is one of the examples.
E.Life lessons can serve to help us understand ourselves better.
F.One way to improve your life is to learn something new every day.
G.To put it simply, a life lesson teaches us not to make the same mistake twice.

Learning doesn’t have to stop at the schoolhouse door. In fact, it shouldn’t. 【小题1】 It’s one thing to read a book about a foreign country; it’s quite another to go there and befriend its people, eat its foods and learn its language. 【小题2】 My husband Gabriel and I use it to engage with our love of history. We can’t travel to the past in exactly the same way we would go to a foreign country, but we can bring history to us by including as many of its details as possible into our daily lives.

【小题3】 Our house was built in 1888 and 1889. Very little had been added over the past century—although many things had been removed or replaced. Settling in was a long, slow process of bringing back systems and appliances which would have been standard at the end of the nineteenth-century.

Years ago, we started collecting everyday items from the past. We love things people like us were interacting with on a daily basis back in the Victorian (维多利亚时期的)era. Most textbook history focuses on extreme cases: politics, war, and Great Names. We’ve never been privileged to keep company with kings and presidents in the modern world, so we’ve always been drawn far more strongly to people we ourselves can relate to. We love simple stories of approachable people. 【小题4】

【小题5】 When we get them, most are worn out. Some people wouldn’t think twice about getting rid of such low-quality items. We fix them up and put them back to the use for which they were originally intended. As we interact with them, they become our teachers.

A.The best way to learn about something is to live it.
B.This technique can be applied to a variety of subjects.
C.By doing so we’ve created a life which is uniquely beautiful.
D.Currently I’m working on a novel set in the 1880s and 1890s.
E.Using the things they used helps us connect with their culture.
F.The antiques which make up our home are a working collection.
G.When people visit our home they say it’s like walking into a museum.

Moral excellence, as Aristotle says, is a result of habit. By practising the following virtues, your life can completely improve in the form of better relationships, performance, and fulfillment of your dreams.


Without commitment, we have little direction or purpose in life.【小题1】The moment we commit to something, thoughts become action and with true commitment, we become unstoppable. Our commitments either move us towards our goals or further away from our goals.【小题2】We can continue committing to things that are not working for us or to nothing at all.


How hard is it to have faith when things are not going well in life?【小题3】People have lost their jobs, foreclosed(取消抵押品赎回权)on their homes and lost their insurance. Yet, without faith, it’ s tough to even get through another day. Having faith provides a spiritual foundation that allows us to push through difficulties again and again.


Forgiveness can change the course of our lives. It allows us to place our attention on other things in life. 【小题4】If there is someone you have not forgiven, think about how your lack of forgiveness is affecting your life and consider making an apology to the person so that you can live your best life.


Gratitude is one virtue that, if practiced, our lives can improve right away. Our natural tendency is to think negatively, which can hurt our well-being. Gratitude helps us to shift negative thoughts to positive ones.【小题5】

Also, grateful people, according to scientific research, recover more quickly from illness, cope better with stress, and benefit in greater physical health.
A.The beauty is that we have a choice.
B.And positive thoughts prevent negative emotions.
C.There is always something to be grateful for in life.
D.Otherwise we may focus our anger and hate on the offender(冒犯者).
E.This bad economy has surely tested the belief of many people.
F.You need courage to be honest with someone about how you really feel.
G.We may easily be affected by our surroundings, rather than being captains of our ships.
