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Millions of Baby Olive Ridley Turtles Emerge in Orissa

Nature is full of wonders. In【小题1】 is one of the most breathtaking sights in nature, millions of baby Ridley turtles broke out of their eggshells under the sand at one of their mass nesting grounds in coastal Orissa. The baby turtles started their journey towards the Bay of Bengal 【小题2】they emerged from their nest in the southern district of Ganjam, about 175 km from Bhubaneshwar.

Orissa is the home to three mass nesting sites of the Oliver turtles, a species 【小题3】 (threaten) with extinction, and one of the sites, Gahirmatha, 【小题4】 around 70 to 80 million turtles lay eggs on the beach every year, is considered one of the world's largest nesting sites.

The female turtles drag 【小题5】 up the beach from the sea, dig a nest, lay at least one hundred eggs, cover and conceal their eggs and nest, and then return to the sea. The females never visit the nest again to take care of the eggs that 【小题6】 (deposit) in the warm sand.

The baby turtles emerge from the eggs after 45— 0 days, then the babies grow without their mother, which is a rare phenomenon in nature. Interestingly, it is on the same beach where they were born 【小题7】the females lay their eggs.

In the recent years, sea erosion has led to many turtles' nest 【小题8】 (damage) or destroyed. Also, some fierce animals such as dogs and birds 【小题9】 ( reduce) the number of nesting turtles. And of course man has also had a negative impact 【小题10】 using engine-powered fishing boats near the turtles' nesting grounds.

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