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“My mom found a house for us to look at.” said my fiancé (未婚夫), Jon. “It’s in Richfield, not far from where I grew up.”

“Wow, that’s great!” I said. “Maybe this will be the one.”

Jon and I had been searching for our first home for months. Nothing seemed right. The listings in Richfield had been off the mark. But if my soon-to-be mother-in-law, Ruthann, had come across a house for us to look at. I was going to check it out.

I hadn’t known much about Ruthann. Her beloved grandmother, Nana, had recently passed away, and she was in grief(悲痛). Nana had been the heart of the family, and Ruthann had been especially close to her. I regretted not getting to meet Nana. I felt I was struggling to find my footing with my future in-laws. So, I would do whatever I could to draw us closer.

The next day, Jon and I drove over for the viewing. I was pleasantly surprised–the house Ruthann picked looked fantastic. My hopes rose as Jon and I walked into the dining room, which had an ivy(常春藤)wallpaper border, It perfectly matched the pretty set of ivy plates I’d been storing away. I knew we found our home.

We bought the house and got married. When it was time to move. both of our families helped out. I set a few things on the shelves in the dining room, leaving a large space in the center for my ivy plates. Ruthann walked in as I was carefully lifting the plates out.

“Where did you get those?” she asked.

“I bought them a long time ago,” I said proudly, happy that my mother-in-law seemed to like them.

Ruthann sat down, shaking her head in disbelief. “Sandy, you don’t understand…Those dishes have the same pattern as the dishes Nana had in her house. So many family gatherings and special occasions happened with those plates…” she smiled. “We sold them along with the other items in the house. Now here you are, with a matching set you bought years ago…”

I suddenly realized I needn’t have worried about fitting in with Jon’s family.

【小题1】Why did Sandy decide to visit the house in Richfield?
A.It especially met her expectations.B.She desired to get close to Ruthann.
C.It was a listing in where Jon grew up.D.She wanted to get Ruthann out of grief.
【小题2】What was Sandy's feeling during the viewing?
【小题3】Why did Sandy’s plates draw Ruthann's attention?
A.They matched the wallpaper border.B.They reminded her of her own house.
C.They looked similar to Nana’s dishes.D.They were perfect for family gatherings.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Sold Ivy Plates Came Back Home.B.A New Couple Found Their Home
C.Three Women Were Matched WellD.Ivy Dishes Drew a Family Together
知识点:家人和亲人 记叙文生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

We’ve got two dogs, Roxie and Cosita. My childhood memories are full of the cats we’ve loved, from my dad’s cat, Bandit, to our beloved white cat Cecelia, whose gray fur formed a perfect heart shape across her stomach. But since our last cat friend, Sunny the orange cat, died too young, we’ve been cat-less. The sudden loss of Sunny was hard to move on from, especially for my mom.

This year, Mom finally thought she was ready for a new kitten. It was all she wanted for her birthday on June 16. “Roxie and Cosita need a new friend!” she said. In the week leading up to her birthday, something happened. She started to hear a kitten’s meow (喵叫声) in the garage. Every time she went in and out of the garage, she could hear the soft cries but couldn’t tell the exact position of the sound. She asked my dad if he heard it too. He only shrugged (耸肩). At last, Mom’s birthday was arriving. She kept her fingers crossed, hoping for a kitten.

Over the past week, my dad had heard the kitten’s meow every time he walked past my mom’s car. One day he opened the hood (车盖) of the car, and a yellow kitten stared back at him. How in the world did she get there? And where did she come from? Dad didn’t know, but he fed the kitten every day, waiting for the day he’d give her to Mom.

The little kitten was such a perfect birthday gift, and Dad even didn’t need to leave the house to find her for my mom’s happy birthday! When it came time to name our new furry friend, we took inspiration from a song famously performed by Wilson Pickett and called her “Sally”.

【小题1】What was difficult for Mom to forget?
A.The young orange cat’s death.
B.The moving of one of her friends.
C.The sudden death of the cat Bandit.
D.The heart shape across Cecelia’s stomach.
【小题2】What gift did Mom hope for?
A.A new car.B.A little cat.
C.A little dog.D.A new cassette.
【小题3】What can we learn about Sally?
A.Dad hid her in Mom’s car.
B.Sally was bought for Mom.
C.Sally was named after a song.
D.Mom received her ahead of the birthday.
【小题4】What would be the best title for the text?
A.A new home for SallyB.My pet friends in memory
C.My mom’s happy birthdayD.An unexpected birthday gift
When I was a boy my father told me that he could do anything he wanted to.Dad said that he wanted to be the first to develop color prints in our city, and so he did.
When I was 16,dad looked closely at the violin I played and said that he wanted to make one.He read about violinmaking,and then became a violinmaker at the age of 43.He bought the tools and materials,opened a small store and set Mom up as the shopkeeper,while he worked at a local company.He retired from the company 17 years later and continued to make violins and other instruments.
Dad often guessed why the Stradivarius violins sounded so beautiful.Some experts told him that it was the special varnish(油漆)that gave the instruments their beautiful sound.Dad argued that chemists could analyze the varnish—if that was the answer.
One of Dad’s friends asked him which kind of wood was used to make violins.When dad explained that the top was made of spruce(云杉),his friend said that he had all old piece of spruce which dad might be interested in.
He worked for the next 12 months making a violin from the wood that his friend had given him.It proved to be an excellent violin and it would become Dad’s masterpiece.He believed that the secret of the Stradivarius sound was in the wood itself.
Later, the instrument was stolen. _____________________________. But he kept the music shop until he was 80 years old,selling guitars and violins.
The violin has been missing for more than 25 years.Somewhere a musician is playing a late-20th-century violin with an excellent tone.The owner today may never understand why this Ordinary-looking violin sounds so much like Stradivarius.
【小题1】In Paragraph l,the writer mentioned his father's developing color prints to       
A.let others know that he believed his father
B.show that his father would like to make violins
C.prove that his father could do anything he wanted to
D.give an example showing that his father was an inventor
【小题2】What did the writer's father think about Stradivarius violins?
A.They were made by experts.
B.The wood of the violins was special.
C.The way of making them was unusual.
D.The varnish was different from the others.
【小题3】From the underlined sentence,we learn that the writer's father       
A.found another new job
B.wanted to become famous
C.lost interest in instruments
D.liked the violin very much
【小题4】What could be the best title of the passage?
A.My Experienced Father
B.My Father and His Violin
C.The Secret of Making Violins
D.The New Owner of the Violin

When I sent my daughter, Emma, off for her freshman year of college, I found myself surrounded by an incredible feeling of sadness. Clearly, I’m not alone. Just last week, The Wall Street Journal reported that more than 90 percent of colleges offer some programs to help parents who are “struggling with the change”

Indeed, this is the season when countless articles are urging helicopter parents to stop hovering (盘旋) so much. But on the basis of what I can tell from Emma’s college schedule, “helicopter children” may be more accurate. Between October holiday, winter holiday, spring break and summer break, the first one out of my nest has come fluttering (振翅) back home nearly every month of the year since she has been away.

In the meantime, Emma calls, or texts me almost every day. Given all this, missing Emma seems kind of absurd. But why have I still felt on some level that I’ve experienced a deep loss?

All summer long before Emma left, I took Emma out for countless mother-daughter dinners and walks. I also uncharacteristically indulged (纵容) her. At the same time, I was unusually censorious. In my eyes, Emma spent the weeks leading up to school going out with her friends too much and staying out way too late, certainly not spending enough time with me!

Although it’s taken quite a while to realize what was happening, I now understand my unhappiness is not a reflection of how much time Emma and I spent together. Regardless of how often she comes home, or how many times a day we chat, Emma is now gone in a far grander sense. She is well on the road to adulthood, and from this, she will never return. I know this is completely normal. And I take pride in seeing Emma make her way so confidently. However, Emma’s going to college has signaled the passing of something that I treasured—her childhood and my relationship to her as a child.

【小题1】Why is the report of The Wall Street Journal mentioned in paragraph 1?
A.To introduce programs that help upset parents.
B.To urge parents to stop being helicopter parents.
C.To prove the author’s problem is common.
D.To show colleges’ concern for parents of freshmen.
【小题2】Who are “helicopter children”?
A.College students busy attending classes.
B.College students going traveling each holiday.
C.College students contacting parents every day.
D.College students coming back home frequently.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “censorious” in paragraph 4 mean?
【小题4】What does the author really feel sad about?
A.Her daughter’s dependence on her may decrease.
B.Her daughter’s close bond with her will weaken.
C.Her daughter has little time to accompany her.
D.Her daughter has left home for college.
