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Scientists have recently discovered that Andean condors (秀鹫)— some of the world’s largest birds——barely flap their wings at all while flying. Instead, they use rising air currents to remain in the air for hours.

The Andean condor is the world’s largest soaring bird. They can weigh up to 15 kilograms. Their wings, when spread out, measure up to three meters. Their main food source is the meat of large animals which have died. Soaring high in the sky allows condors to easily spot possible meals on the ground.

Scientists worked together to study the flight patterns of these huge birds and how much effort the birds use when flying. To study the birds while they were in the sky, the researchers attached special devices which could record every beat of their wings.

The scientists learned that most of the condors’ flapping— over 75%— came when the birds were taking off. Once in the sky, the birds flew for very long periods of time without flapping at all. In fact, they only flapped their wings for 1% of the time they were in the air. One bird flew for over five hours without flapping, covering nearly 117miles.

Soaring without flapping is important because birds burn energy every time they flap their wings.

The birds’ soaring isn’t magic. They use the fact that hot air rises to keep themselves up. As hot air rises, it often creates “thermals”— currents of warm air moving upward. The condors soar by making use of these thermals. The tricky part is finding thermals and moving between them.

When birds are forced to land and take off again often, it costs them a lot of energy. The researchers learned that to avoid having to land, the condors did most of their non-take-off flapping when they were closer to the ground and looking for a new thermal.

The scientists reported that even though all of the condors they studied were young, they knew well how to take advantage of the air currents.

【小题1】What can we learn about the Andean condor from the text?
A.They live mairly on small animals.
B.Their wingspan is at least three meters.
C.They rely on hot air to remain high in the sky.
D.They are the birds with the strongest flying ability.
【小题2】Why was the equipment tied to the birds?
A.To measure how far they could fly without flapping.
B.To keep track of how often they flapped while flying.
C.To calculate the energy required for their flight.
D.To confirm their flight patterns.
【小题3】Which of the following acts consumes the most energy for a condor?
A.Hunting for food.B.Flying in the sky.
C.Getting off the ground.D.Landing on the ground.
【小题4】What can we infer from the text?
A.Condors flap the most when looking for a new thermal.
B.No condor can fly for more than five hours without flapping.
C.Condors don’t need to look for thermals when soaring in the sky.
D.Soaring by using thermals is probably a natural ability of condors.
知识点:动物科普知识 说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

What makes people so special? Tool use, self-consciousness, language, and culture are high on the list, but in fact all of these characteristics can be found elsewhere in the animal kingdom. Humans and apes are close relatives, so it is perhaps not surprising that chimpanzees use tools or that gorillas (大猩猩) have a sense of fair play, even rejecting carrots (which they normally accept) when they see their neighbors getting grapes. But the qualities that we often think of as uniquely human exist not just on land, but in the ocean as well.

Among the invertebrates, octopuses (八爪鱼) are known for their intelligence, even exhibiting evidence of playfulness, tool use, and personality. But these skilled predators live alone and consequently lack culture. Dolphins, on the other hand, are large-brained, long-living, social- group-based predators, and it is here that we find the greatest similarity to human-like culture and awareness.

Culture depends on the ability of animals to pass on things they have learned to others. Many animals have culture in this sense, but what sets dolphins apart is what they pass on. Some bottlenose dolphins hold sponges in their mouths that they use as tools to sweep for fish hiding on the ocean floor. This ability is handed down through generations (especially in females), with some families — grandmother, mother, and daughter — all feeding in this highly specialized way.

Another characteristic that dolphins share with humans is their ability to recognize themselves in a mirror. When facing a mirror, most animals behave as though they are interacting with another individual. Even in humans, the ability to recognize that the image in a mirror is oneself does not occur before the age of 18 months. Dolphins not only recognize themselves, but if a black mark is put on the body of a dolphin, it will spend extra time at the mirror to look at the mark.

【小题1】The example of gorillas rejecting carrots shows they ________.
A.are not easy to foolB.prefer fruit to vegetables
C.have a special taste for foodD.have an awareness of equality
【小题2】What do octopuses lack compared with dolphins?
C.Tool using ability.D.Fun-loving spirits.
【小题3】What makes dolphin culture special?
A.They tend to hunt in groups.
B.Their hunting skills are passed down.
C.Their learning environment is favourable.
D.Their families are typically female-controlled.
【小题4】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Dolphins enjoy looking at their own reflection in the mirror.
B.Dolphins are as intelligent as a typical 18-month-old human baby.
C.Dolphins are generally regarded as the most advanced non-human species.
D.Dolphins’ ability to recognize their own reflection is a higher-order mental skill.

Despite the difficulties, the California coastal ecosystem is improving, largely thanks to the huge appetite sea otters (海獭) have for crabs. In a creative study, scientists revealed the return of otters to their former habitat in a Central California river mouth has slowed the decrease of the area’s river banks by up to 90%. “It would cost tens of millions of dollars for humans to rebuild these stream banks and restore these rivers. The otters are stabilizing them for free, in exchange for an all-you-can-eat crab feast,” said biology professor Brian Silliman, Ph. D. at Duke University.

Like many California river mouths, Elkhorn once was a habitat for otters, which need to eat around 20 to 25 pounds of food every day, with crabs being one of their favorite meals. But after fur traders hunted the local otter population nearly to extinction, the number of crabs exploded over the next century. Crabs dig into salt river soil, and over time can cause a salt river to wear away and collapse. Today, years after the otters returned, rivers and stream banks became more stable.

Angelini, one of the study’s authors, said that tool is an encouraging sign for her team as they face similar threats to Florida’s coastlines from sea level rise, storms, and extra nutrients overflowing into coastal waters. “All these seem unsurmountable,” Angelini said. “However, this study shows that, if we truly understand the ecosystem and know what tools to use, we can see significant benefits to the health and stability of these systems.”

The research team conducted large-scale surveys across 13 tidal (潮汐的) streams, as well as small-scale field experiments at five locations around the river mouth over a six-year period. Otters were not included in some lest sites but allowed to be used in others, using a caging system designed by Angelini.

“And all these years later, we now see these amazing results. It’s an inspiring story about the benefits of conservation and persistent, long-term research,” Angelini said.

【小题1】What does Brian Silliman think of the function of sea otters?
A.It’s complex.B.It’s expensive.
C.It’s effective.D.It’s inefficient.
【小题2】What made the sea otters in Elkhorn nearly die out?
A.The collapse of salt rivers.
B.The hunting for their fur.
C.The decrease of the sea crabs.
D.The pollution of their habitat.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “unsurmountable” probably mean?
A.Hard to understand.B.Difficult to deal with.
C.Impossible to avoid.D.Dangerous to settle.
【小题4】What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The process of the research.
B.The purpose of the research.
C.The limitation of the research.
D.The discovery of the research.

Biology researcher Sayaka Mitoh loves studying Japanese sea slugs. Her research at Nara Women’s University sounds like something from out of scary movies. While studying these small, cute creatures in the lab one day, she saw something strange. A sea slug had cut off its own head but kept on living and moving. Then a couple more sea slugs did the same!

So, Mitoh and another researcher Yoichi Yusa tried it themselves. They cut off the heads of 16 sea slugs. Six of the creatures started regeneration. Three of them survived. One of the three even lost and regrew its body twice. And two different kinds of Japanese sea slugs went through the regeneration process.

Other creatures can lose body parts when needed. For example, some lizards drop their tails to get away from danger and regrow them later. This is a biological event called autotomy (自切).

“We think that this is the most extreme case of autotomy,” Yusa said. He added that some animals can autotomize their legs or tails but no other can drop their whole body.

One kind of sea slug can grow to 15 centimeters long. Scientists had long thought that a creature of that size could not survive without a heart to pump blood and nutrients to the brain.

When these sea slugs eat a certain type of algae (藻类), Yusa said, they can photosynthesize (光合作用) their food from sunlight and oxygen, just like a plant, for about 10 days. He guessed that after autotomy, the head sort of acts like a plant. It turns green and gets its energy from oxygen and sunlight. Mitoh and Yusa said that sea slugs probably developed this ability as a way of fighting off parasites (寄生虫).

Nicholas Curtis is a biology professor at Ave Maria University. What is especially interesting, he said, is that these sea slugs are more complex than other creatures that are known to regenerate. This discovery could help scientists better understand how to regenerate, or regrow, human tissue in the future.

【小题1】What did Sayaka Mitoh find when studying Japanese sea slugs?
A.They mainly fed on plants.B.They often fought against each other.
C.They could regrow their bodies.D.They looked like creatures in a certain movie.
【小题2】How did the author develop the second paragraph?
A.By presenting figures.B.By making comparisons.
C.By following time order.D.By describing the process.
【小题3】Why can Japanese sea slugs survive after autotomy according to Yusa?
A.Their body size is extremely small.
B.Their brain doesn’t need nutrients to grow.
C.They mainly feed on a certain type of algae.
D.They can make food from sunlight and oxygen.
【小题4】What is Nicholas Curtis’s attitude towards the findings?
