书面表达-概要写作 较难0.4 引用2 组卷184
Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Life in the Clear

Transparent animals let light pass through their bodies the same way light passes through a window. These animals typically live between the surface of the ocean and a depth of about 3,300 feet-as far as most light can reach. Most of them are extremely delicate and can be damaged by a simple touch. Sonke Johnsen, a scientist in biology, says, “These animals live through their life alone. They never touch anything unless they’re eating it, or unless something is eating them.”

And they are as clear as glass. How does an animal become see-through? Ifs trickier than you might think.

The objects around you are visible because they interact with light. Light typically travels in a straight line. But some materials slow and scalier(散射) light bouncing it away from its original path. Others absorb light, stopping it dead in its tracks. Both scattering and absorption make a.n object look different from other objects around it, so you can see it easily.

But a transparent object doesn't absorb or scatter light, at least not very much. Light can pass through it without bending or stopping. That means a transparent object doesn't look very different from the surrounding air or water. You don't see it- you see the things behind it.

To become transparent, an animal needs to keep its body from absorbing or scattering light. Living materials can stop light because they contain pigments(色素) that absorb specific colors of light. But a transparent animal doesn’t have pigments, so its tissues won’t absorb light. According to Johnsen, avoiding absorption is actually easy. The real challenge is preventing light from scattering.

Animals are built of many different materials—skin, fat, and more—and light moves through each at a different speed. Every time light moves into a material with a new speed, it bends and scatters. Transparent animals use different tricks to fight scattering. Some animals are simply very small or extremely flat. Without much tissue to scatter light, it is easier to be see-through. Others build a large, clear mass of non-living jelly-like(果冻状的) material and spread themselves over it.

知识点:动物科普知识 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Whenever I spread marmalade(橘子酱), I think of my mother. She was a wonderful woman, a five-foot-tall angel. She even befriended a skunk(臭鼬).

One day she was out back picking beans when she turned to see a skunk no more than a yard away. The skunk had a marmalade jar stuck on his nose. Mother took pity on him. Stillon her knees, she inched across the grass, reached out, and turned the jar very carefully. The jar slid off. The skunk nodded a thank-you, then turned and slipped into the woods at the back of the garden. None of spraying(喷)business. Not on my wonderful mother. She told that story over and over. And she always called the skunk Marmalade.

That’s not all. There was the time, maybe three summers later, when I was about twelve. It was a rainy morning. Dad went to work, and Mother went shopping. My friend Rob came over so we could run the electric train in my room. All of a sudden, a scratching sound came from the attic(阁楼).

“Sounds like some kind of animal, ” Rob said. “Yeah. Let’s take a look. ”

Out in the hall, I opened the attic door—very slowly. The noise stopped. I climbed a few steps. My eyes were at floor level. I saw nothing but boxes and trunks and an old dollhouse. I climbed to the top of the stairs with Rob after me.


“Let’s look around, ”I said.

I found the animal behind a box near the chimney. You guessed it. Black with a white stripe down its back. Was he scared? You bet. At least that’s how I remember it.

I backed away. Would he spray me? Do skunks bite?

“Hey, Rob. I found him. Let’s go to figure out a plan to get him out of here. ”We climbed down the steps quietly.

“It’s a skunk, ”I said. “It might even be Marmalade. ”“Marmalade?”

I explained. But was this really the same skunk? Would he remember?

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“Come on, ”I said. “Let’s go to the kitchen and do an experiment to see what would happen. ”
Rob and I followed as Marmalade ate his way downstairs, through the kitchen, and out to the back yard.

Teddy was a bear of habit. Every morning he woke up at the same time, stretched, scratched, and yawned(打哈欠). Every morning the bees in his yard delivered three jars of honey so that Teddy ate the same breakfast he’d eaten since he was a hairy baby: toast a honey and tea with extra honey.

Next came his daily routine: practicing the rolling skill and running errands(做杂事). At night he’d read, and then have one last cup of honey tea before bed.

Life was sweet. Until one morning ...

One morning something abnormal had happened. There was no honey. The bees had gone on strike!

Teddy’s breakfast wasn’t the same without honey. Without his honey tea, he couldn’t practice rolling, or run errands, or read at night. Teddy became deeply discouraged.

Just then he heard someone say, “Hey, you! In the fur coat! ” It was a very small bee with a very loud voice. “We need to talk! ” said the bee.

“Talk? Hmmph! ” complained Teddy. “I let you all live in my yard. All I ask for is a few jars of honey. You should be grateful rather than strike! ”

“A few jars? ” said the bee. “Buddy, we deliver three jars of honey to you every day, every month, every year! Do the maths, Einstein. ”

“The hive(蜂巢)is in ruins! ” the bee continued. “It’s all we can do to keep the walls from falling in! The roof leaks! Wind blows through the holes! ”

The bee showed Teddy the garden. “Look! ”the bee said. “Weeds everywhere. We have to fly miles away to find enough flowers to make our honey. So we voted to strike. ”

“You are taking us for granted. ” the bee declared. “You want honey? We won’t come back unless things have changed. It’s up to you, bear. ” And with that, the very small bee flew off.

The thought of losing his honey upset Teddy greatly. He sat down to think about the situation. “Maybe I’ve been too selfish. ” Teddy said to himself. “I’ve never thought about what the bees need. How can I make this right? ”

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Soon Teddy had an idea of what to do.


Spring came and Teddy was expecting the bees.


Ben was awakened by a gunshot. The sharp noise came through the thick stonewalls of the house. It was cold in the bedroom and Ben was shaking as he got out of bed. He put on his eyeglasses and went over to the window. The field was covered with white frost, Nothing moved out there in the deep quiet just before sunrise.

Ben wondered where the shot had come from. He thought perhaps he had dreamed he heard a gunshot. He looked out toward the frozen lake. Near the trees he saw a shining piece of metal. When it moved, Ben saw that it was a long gun. A minute later a man came out of the woods. He wore hunting clothes. Suddenly a bird flew upward. The man quickly put the gun to his shoulder and shot. Ben watched the bird, praying it had not been hurt. It flew near the ground and went into some tall grass. Safe, Ben thought.

The hunter did not move for a moment, and then he began to follow the bird. Hate for the hunter burned inside of Ben. "Hey!”he shouted .His voice cut through the stillness. The hunter stopped, but then continued to follow the bird. Ben shouted again, but this time the hunter did not stop and Ben started to move toward him. The hunter looked back at Ben. Ben had just bought this house in the woods. He wanted to protect everything on his land. He thought that everyone would obey the signs:"No Hunting.”

However, he heard another gunshot. This troubled him deeply. How could he stop this hunter? He walked toward the lake. He did not want to fight, but the man must go. He walked quietly. He wanted to surprise the hunter. But then, what would he do? He could not fight the hunter.

Paragraph 1:

Suddenly he heard a bird's wings beating the dry grass.

Paragraph 2:

There was something threatening in the man's cool quiet voice.

