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The cumulative rainfall in Henan province during the four days was the highest since the province has records, the provincial meteorological service said. The rain was heaviest in the provincial capital, Zhengzhou, for a short period on Monday and Tuesday. Northern, western and central parts of Henan also experienced downpours, the service said. Zhengzhou's biggest one-hour precipitation (降水量) —201. 9 mm between 4 and 5 pm on Tuesday—was also the highest on the Chinese mainland. The previous record was 198. 5 mm in the village of Linzhuang in Zhumadian in August 1975, the National Meteorological Center said. The city's precipitation during the four days exceeded that of its average annual precipitation, the center said.

Chen Tao, chief forecaster at the National Meteorological Center, said abundant water vapor (水蒸气) brought by Typhoon In-Fa and the province's special geographical features led to Henan's rain. “Partly affected by the typhoon, large amounts of water vapor have been transported to China's inland areas, including Henan,” he said.

From Thursday to Monday, rain was forecast to continue in Henan. However, rainfall will gradually subside in Zhengzhou and the province's northern and central regions, though the storms will increase the risk of mountain torrents and other geological disasters. By Monday, lighter rain is forecast for parts of Henan, the provincial weather service said. However, local authorities are still urged to be vigilant and prepare to prevent or cope with flooding and other possible disasters.

Predicting such weather events remains a challenge worldwide because it involves many meteorological phenomena, the center said. “The formation of this kind of extreme weather, including rainstorms and high temperatures, is complex,” Chen said. “We still lack effective solutions and methods for such forecasting”, he said. “We are now putting a lot of effort into tackling the difficulty. We believe that as the technology improves, we can better forecast the events.”

【小题1】What message does the author mainly want to convey in the first paragraph?
A.heavy rain fell in Zhengzhou.
B.The rain in Henan lasted four days.
C.Zhumadian also suffered the similar heavy rain.
D.Henan experienced the biggest rainfall of all time.
【小题2】What can be indicated from Chen Tao's words?
A.It is not easy to forecast the extreme weather.
B.The rain of Henan is mainly caused by Typhoon In-Fa.
C.The center hasn't put a lot of effort into solving the problem.
D.Rainstorms and high temperatures can account for the heavy rain.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “vigilant” probably mean?
【小题4】Where might the text be most probably taken from?
A.history book.B.A novel.C.A news report.D.A science magazine.
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After erupting almost continuously for over three decades — from 1983 to 2018 — Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano finally seemed to lose steam , producing no lava (岩浆) for nearly two years. The stillness ended on the night of December 20, 2020, when the active volcano began erupting lava fountains, gas and steam from a crack in the northwest wall of the Halema’uma’u crater (火山口).

By December 31, 2020, the volcano had erupted over 27 million cubic meters of molten rock — enough to fill more than 8000 Olympic-sized swimming pools — and replaced the existing water lake with a nearly 600-foot-deep lava lake. Fortunately, the magma (岩浆) is contained inside the volcano’s crater and does not bring a risk to people or property as it did in 2018, when the molten rock flowed through a residential neighborhood, destroying over 700 homes.

Residents have, however, been asked to limit outdoor activities in areas with high volcanic smog, which is a form of air pollution created when sulfur dioxide and other pollutants sent out from volcanic activity interact chemically with atmospheric steam, oxygen, dust, and sunlight. While not deadly, it can bring unpleasant feelings to skin, eyes, nose and throat, and it can be particularly harmful to individuals with breathing problems.

Now recognized as one of the world’s youngest and most active volcanoes, Kilauea was initially believed to be one offshoot of a bigger volcano. It was only after researchers discovered a magma system extending over 37 miles inside its crater in 1884 that the volcano was finally accepted as a separate unit.

Many locals believe that Kilauea’s eruptions are caused by Pele, a Hawaiian volcano goddess who lives in the mountain. According to a popular folk story, the goddess was forced to leave Tahiti. Upon arriving at Hawaii, she burst with anger, creating destructive fire caves and volcanoes. While Pele was killed during an historic battle with her sister Nāmaka on the island of Maui, her spirit lives on inside the Halema’uma’u crater.

【小题1】What can we infer from Paragraph 2?
A.The volcano is located near a lake.B.Kilauea was completely dead in 2020.
C.Magma seldom erupts out of craters.D.The 2018 eruption did some damage.
【小题2】Why were citizens asked to stay indoors as much as possible?
A.The roads were ruined after the eruption.B.The volcano may erupt at any time.
C.The volcanic smog can be harmful to people.D.The atmosphere outside was deadly.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “ offshoot ” in Paragraph 4 mean?
【小题4】What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.How Kilauea got its name.B.Why Kilauea became active.
C.The origin of Kilauea.D.A tale about Kilauea.

A storm hit Houston, Texas, on Tuesday. It brought heavy rains and rising flood-waters. By Tuesday night, some parts of the city had received 10 inches of rain. Police and firefighters helped people move to safe places. They also saved people from cars and buses that were stuck on roads.

Certain areas around Houston were hit really hard. In just four hours, more than seven inches of rain fell in Sugar Land in the southwest of Houston. Cars could not pass through any of the areas main roadways. On Twitter, Sugar Land city officials asked people to get to high ground.

Tuesday’s rain hit parts of Texas that Hurricane Harvey had already damaged almost two years ago. Hurricane Harvey in August, 2017 was the second most costly hurricane in US history. It caused $125 billion worth of damage in Texas. In the Houston area, 36 people died and about 150,000 homes were flooded.

A spokesman for the Harris County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management spoke with the Houston Chronicle. The spokesman said that this week’s rain is “not in any way a Harvey-level event.”

But the worst may not be over yet. People will have a break from the heavy rain on Wednesday. According to the National Weather Service, the Texas Gulf Coast will continue to experience heavy rain later in the week. “Today should be our quietest over the next few days for rainfall,” said Don Oettinger, a National Weather Service meteorologist (气象学家).

Houston Fire Chief Samuel Peia warned, “As there is too much water on the ground, these are perfect conditions for flash floods, so we hope people are careful of what they’re doing and encourage them to stay home. There’s no sense in putting yourself, firefighters or anybody in danger needlessly. ”

【小题1】What are Paragraphs 1 and 2 mainly about?
A.Hurricane damage in Houston.B.Flood prevention in Houston.
C.Heavy floods hitting Houston.D.People fighting heavy snow in Houston.
【小题2】What do we know about Hurricane Harvey?
A.It caused no deaths or injuries.B.It did a lot of damage to Texas.
C.It was less serious than this week’s rain.D.It was the biggest hurricane on record.
【小题3】What can we learn from the weather report of the National Weather Service?
A.Fine days are coming.B.It will rain non-stop for a whole month.
C.A hurricane is unavoidable.D.Floods will continue.
【小题4】What did Samuel suggest local people do?
A.Stay indoors.B.Join firefighters.
C.Give up needless things.D.Comfort those who lost homes.

Nobody expects a natural disaster to strike. Neither does anyone know the impact it can have on life. The following measures can save your life in an emergency.


Typhoons occur in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, particularly in exposed regions like the Caroline Islands, the Philippines, and Japan. The best place to hide during a typhoon is a secure basement or a bathroom with no windows. A must-have device is a battery-powered weather radio, through which you will hear evacuation orders or in other cases, instructions on how to survive in your shelter and learn about the weather situation.


Floods occur more often than any other natural disaster and change the landscape dramatically. They are usually caused by intense rainfalls lasting for days. Don’t try to be the bravest person around and stay in your house. Once you hear the evacuation warning, leave for safer higher grounds with your important papers in a waterproof container.


An avalanche can hit when you are enjoying Alpine skiing in a dreamlike location. It is very fast and disastrous, burying everything in its way under tons of snow. When an avalanche starts, try to move to the side of the slope as fast as you can. If you get buried in the snow, dig an air pocket to be able to keep breathing. Wait for the rescue team to find you and don’t waste your energy shouting or digging frantically. Call out when you hear the team approaching.


Wildfires spread at an amazing speed and destroy everything in their way. If you are caught in a wild fire, use a wet cloth to cover your nose and mouth to ensure that you can breathe. Try to stay upwind of the fire at all times and get close to a pond or river. Stay low and cover yourself with wet clothing, a blanket, or soil until the fire passes.

【小题1】Among the four natural disasters, which one requires people to hide indoors?
【小题2】What should those trapped in typhoons probably do when they hear the evacuation orders?
A.Get to a basement or windowless bathroom.
B.Find something solid to hide under.
C.Leave the place where they are.
D.Get a torch in case of a blackout.
【小题3】What do we know from the text?
A.Typhoons occur only in the exposed regions in the northwestern Pacific Ocean.
B.Floods cause the most frequent damage among the disasters mentioned.
C.Those who meet with avalanches are advised to call out the minute they’re trapped.
D.Getting clean air matters most in the case of wildfires, despite the difficulty.
